Chapter 139 – Spiritual energy transformation

Not long after, Qing Muling slowly withdrew his power.

At this moment, within a radius of three thousand zhang centered around him, the soil was almost back to normal. The violent and chaotic spiritual energy had been assimilated by more than half, and strands of black mist continued to separate from the soil, dissipating into the air.

Several former family heads squatted on the ground, carefully grabbing a handful of soil and observing it. The eroding dark energy had indeed dissipated, and the texture of the soil had subtly changed.

Upon careful exploration with his divine sense, it seemed that some indescribable vitality had bred within the soil, although extremely subtle, it proved that the soil was indeed transforming for the better.

Perhaps, as long as Qing Muling tried a few more times, he could completely restore this piece of land to normal?

“Master, what kind of magical spell is this…?” Yang Cong hesitated for a moment before cautiously asking.

In his eyes, this mysterious and beautiful young man was becoming more and more unfathomable. Even though he couldn’t be considered a master, he had lived for nearly a thousand years and had never heard of such a world-changing method. Even in the legendary Supreme Dao Lineage, there was no mention of such a powerful magical ability.

Well, it might be an exaggeration to say it was world-changing now, but that was because of the limitations of his master’s cultivation. If he could ascend to immortality in the future, or even step into the realm of true immortals, this incredible ability would undoubtedly become even more powerful.

Qing Muling glanced at him. “This is a magical ability I created myself. Don’t ask about anything else. Remember not to disclose a word to anyone, or you will know the consequences.”

The five former family heads hurriedly agreed. After all, everyone present had been controlled by Qing Muling’s divine soul. With a single thought, he could decide their life and death, honor and disgrace. Naturally, they were not afraid of them leaking any information.

If an outsider were to capture them and attempt to forcibly search their souls, the prohibition hidden deep within their divine souls would self-destruct, incinerating their soul origins completely. No valuable information would be left behind.

Over the next few days, Qing Muling repeated the experiments many times and, after various comparisons and tests, finally gained a more intuitive understanding of his special ability.

As long as he spent half an hour and exhausted all his mana, Qing Muling could completely restore an area with a radius of one hundred miles and a depth of five hundred zhang underground.

Of course, it would be more troublesome to deal with areas with dense rivers and lakes, as water was constantly flowing. A strategic approach was needed, starting with the purification of the source of the river to solve the problem.

Considering his own safety, Qing Muling was basically unable to exhaust all his mana at once. He had to reserve half of his power for emergencies. With the miraculous power of the Harmony Spirit Seed, he could restore himself to his peak state in just a moment.

Based on this calculation, as long as Qing Muling worked diligently, he could restore hundreds of miles of dead zones in a single day, turning them into suitable homes for the growth of plants and the settlement of ordinary people.

This floating landmass had a radius of over thirty thousand li, and nearly two-thirds of it was dead zones. Excluding a few areas with severe pollution and an accumulation of dark and filthy energy that could not be purified temporarily, most of the other areas could be restored to normal under Qing Muling’s ability.

Especially in areas with relatively light conditions and underground spiritual veins passing through, after restoration, they could be developed into ordinary spiritual fields.

“From this perspective, it will only take a little over half a year to completely transform this floating landmass into fertile soil. With proper management and operation, the annual output and income can be increased by at least tenfold on the existing basis, right?”

“With sufficient income, more elite subordinates can be cultivated, and more population resources and territories can be seized. This is a process of virtuous cycle, ultimately forming a snowball effect. Of course, the speed of one’s own cultivation must keep up, otherwise, when encountering experts, all the hard-earned foundation will be taken away by others…”

Qing Muling pondered in his heart. When he came out to travel, his master Mu Yinghua did not give any restrictions on his tasks, which meant that the sect would not interfere with whatever he wanted to do now.

So, he wanted to operate here and verify some of his speculations about this time and space world.

“For now, let’s leave it at that and continue the discussion when we return.”

Qing Muling said, then turned and boarded the flying cloud platform again. Yang Cong and the five former family heads quickly followed, ascending into the air and leaving together.

Near the Yang family’s mansion, a magnificent city was under construction.

After unifying the entire landmass, the former family heads tactfully suggested that Qing Muling establish a country and honor him as the first generation lord. This would give them a legitimate reason for expansion in the future.

Qing Muling’s response was that there was no need to rush, and they could wait until the territory was larger. At the very least, they had to swallow the Soul-Cutting Valley first, and if other forces invaded during this time, they couldn’t let it go.

However, after looking through the information of all the towns and cities on the landmass, Qing Muling found that not a single city met his expectations, and they all fell far short in various aspects.Upon his command, the five former patriarchs busied themselves for several days and produced several sets of brand-new city planning blueprints. They also provided over ten suitable locations for building a new city, all of which were presented to Qing Muling for review.

After looking them over, Qing Muling was quite satisfied and selected one of the plans. He instructed them to gather the necessary manpower and resources to commence construction.

The planned city walls were to be sixty zhang high, divided into three layers, inner and outer, each wall stretching for three hundred li. The city’s space was ample enough to comfortably accommodate tens of millions of mortals, complete with various supporting facilities, all constructed to the standards of a great imperial capital.

At the heart of the city was an exclusive palace district for Qing Muling, beneath which converged multiple spiritual veins, making it the best geographical location with the most abundant spiritual energy on the floating continent.

For a mundane dynasty, such a colossal project was unimaginable, requiring the effort of an entire nation and many years to complete. If the country’s power was lacking, it could lead to financial ruin or even a change of dynasty.

However, with the participation of cultivators who possessed great power, such a project was no longer a significant challenge.

On the construction site, including thousands of cultivators and over a hundred thousand young and strong slaves, worked day and night, making the progress remarkably swift. Along with the surrounding twelve vassal cities and the supporting road and canal projects, it was expected that everything would be completed within a month.

The flying cloud platform circled the bustling construction site before gracefully landing within the palace district. As Qing Muling’s residence, it was the first area to be completed. The palace’s inner gardens, pavilions, and towers were connected in a luxurious and grand manner, with every detail exquisitely beautiful.

In the square, thousands of carefully selected beautiful palace maids had already changed into new attire and were lined up waiting. Upon seeing Qing Muling descend from the cloud platform, they all knelt down to greet him.

“That’s enough, all of you rise!”

Qing Muling waved his hand nonchalantly, signaling them to leave.

Just then, an elder from the Yang clan hurried over, bowed, and reported, “Master, an envoy from Soul Severing Valley has arrived, saying that… we should go to meet them immediately. What do you think… should be done?”

Qing Muling appeared slightly surprised, “Wasn’t it said that they would come later? Why have they arrived early?”

“No matter, the integration is already complete. Let’s take this opportunity to resolve it all at once!”

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