Chapter 132 – The best reward is Junior Brother

Behind the Yudao Peak.

In the sleeping chamber, Qing Muling lazily opened his eyes, rolled around on the wide bed that could accommodate dozens of people, and was wrapped in the luxurious phoenix brocade, feeling so comfortable that he didn’t want to move at all.

There was no one beside him, and his senior sister had already left, leaving a faint scent in the bed. As the first disciple of the sect master Mu Yinghua, he usually had a lot of things to take care of, and couldn’t sleep as carefree as his junior brother.

“What time is it…”

Qing Muling grumbled, feeling a bit grumpy without his senior sister’s morning greeting. Perhaps he could consider training the personal maids like Mu Xiner, and then he could enjoy a carefree life in the future.

But now his cultivation level was not high, and he was already burdened by his senior sister’s work. If she found out that he dared to have designs on the maids, he would probably be squeezed dry by her every day.

Forget it, let’s talk about this later.

Qing Muling sighed and took out a palm-sized, exquisitely glowing jade talisman from under the pillow, infused a bit of spiritual power into it, and the surface of the jade talisman instantly lit up.

This was a special long-distance communication device that important disciples in the sect could be equipped with, and it was divided into many levels. Core disciples had one level, high-level elders had another level, sect masters and core elders had another level, and the supreme elders had another level.

Each core disciple would receive this kind of device refined by the elders at the beginning of their advancement. Qing Muling had one too, but Mu Yinghua had directly withheld it from him due to safety concerns.

It wasn’t until recently, after he formed a Daoist couple with his senior sister, that he was allowed to use this device with the approval of the sect master.

After receiving it, Qing Muling realized that this was the mobile phone he had used in his previous life. However, that was a product of technological civilization, which could benefit millions of ordinary people. The means of immortal cultivation civilization were beyond comparison.

This kind of long-distance communication device, refined by secret methods and spells, could achieve instant and unobstructed communication across countless light-years in the vast starry sky, and there were few means that could interfere with or destroy it. The formations and prohibitions in the forbidden areas were difficult to affect its capabilities.

The device in Qing Muling’s hand was personally refined by Mu Yinghua, a true high-level treasure, belonging to the highest level of confidentiality and authority in the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace, higher than the ones used by several senior sisters.

Like a mobile phone, this device also had functions such as private chat, group chat, and audio and video recording. Disciples with high authority could also freely create or dissolve new groups, add specific disciples to the group, and so on.

In the group Qing Muling was in, there were only five senior sisters and the sect master. Once there was a need, as long as he said something in the group, he would immediately get a positive response, and his wish would soon be fulfilled.

In addition, Qing Muling also had a position in the core disciples’ group and the high-level elders’ group, but his identity was so special that he basically didn’t speak in the group, maintaining a transparent status.

At this time, the surface of the jade talisman had already displayed a lot of information. Obviously, while Qing Muling was sleeping, his senior sisters and junior sisters were working hard, practicing meditation, refining pills and tools, competing in martial arts, and exploring and adventuring, all of which kept them busy.

In the core disciples’ group.

【Qi Shuyu: The news just came out that the sect’s biennial swordsmanship competition has been scheduled, and the rewards this time are more generous than in previous years. It is said that the top ten will receive magic treasures, as well as various high-level elixirs, talismans, and spiritual pets.】

【Bai Qingyu: Is that so? It’s a pity that I’ve just advanced to the core disciple level, and my cultivation is limited. Even if I participate, I’ll just be running alongside others, and it’s impossible for me to compete for a ranking.】

【Su Yunmo: I can give it a try. By the way, Senior Sister Qi, what kind of magic treasure is the reward for the first place this time? I remember that the reward last time was a medium-grade magic treasure, the Xuanhuo Liujin Futu Armor. Will there be a high-grade magic treasure this time?】

【Yu Binghua: I’m not really in need of a magic treasure. Do they have elixirs that can increase cultivation? If they do, that would be great. I’m not far from the Feathering Realm, and I need this kind of resource.】

【Qi Shuyu: I’m not sure about that, but the sect’s situation is very good now, and the elders are also more generous. They shouldn’t disappoint the sisters.】

The swordsmanship competition?

Qing Muling pondered, this kind of activity, designed to hone the disciples, was not lacking in any major power, and the rules were more or less the same. It was all about the strong being respected. Whoever had a higher cultivation level and was more capable would be the ultimate winner.

Of course, there were exceptions, such as the swordsmanship competition of the Huaqing Divine Palace, where they looked for men. Whoever could “deal with” the most men within the specified time would be the well-deserved top courtesan senior sister.

The Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace had suddenly become rich. In order to quickly restore its strength and enhance the cultivation of its disciples, the rewards offered were bound to be unbelievably generous, with top-grade magic treasures, heavenly elixirs, and spiritual pets at the True Immortal level.

Well, maybe I can ask the sect master, it shouldn’t be difficult to get the list of prizes in advance, and then decide whether to participate or not.Qing Muling made up his mind and switched to the core elders group.

Sure enough, the elders with heavy power were discussing the details of the conference:

【Illusory Butterfly Immortal: That’s it for now. Xuebing Xuan and the other four holy maidens don’t need to participate. Their cultivation is too high. If they get involved, the other core disciples won’t have a chance.】

【Phoenix Immortal: I agree. The cultivation of the core disciples should not exceed the Heavenly Realm. Otherwise, it will disrupt the balance, which goes against the original intention of the conference.】

【Mu Yinghua: Alright, that’s the decision.】


The Swordsmanship Conference is divided into groups, and core disciples of different cultivation realms will be assigned to corresponding groups. The final winner of each group will receive corresponding rewards. Just like Qing Muling, who is at the peak of the Spiritual God Realm, the elders would never arrange for him to compete against experts in the Heavenly Realm. That would be an easy win for the opponent.

Qing Muling pondered for a moment. According to the elders’ decision, the Swordsmanship Conference would be held in a month. He could use this time to break through to the True Person Realm and consolidate his cultivation, which was completely feasible.

After all, the winner of the Swordsmanship Conference in the True Person Realm would definitely receive higher rewards than those in the Spiritual God Realm. He could gain more benefits and at the same time test his actual combat power and see where he stood.

Although he was beaten up by his senior sisters every night before, due to the huge gap in cultivation, Qing Muling was always in a position where he was being suppressed. Unless his senior sisters deliberately held back, he wouldn’t have a chance to turn the tables.

So, a new message appeared in the core elders group.

【Qing Muling: Master, and all the elders, I plan to participate in the Swordsmanship Conference at the True Person Realm level. Is that okay?】

【Mu Yinghua:……】

【Xuebing Xuan:……】

【Baiquan Immortal:……】

The group fell silent for a moment, and after a few breaths, various messages quickly filled the screen.

【Yueyi Heavenly Lord: This is the core disciples’ Swordsmanship Conference. What are you doing getting involved?】

【Yu Lingzhou: That’s right. Junior Brother, what’s your identity? Do you need to participate in this kind of competition? It’s embarrassing.】

【Yun Miao Immortal: Muling, if you want to test your cultivation, you can ask your senior sisters. At worst, we can all help. Hehe.】

【Xuebing Xuan: Junior Brother, don’t mess around. If you have nothing to do, your senior sisters will continue to teach you until dawn.】

The elders all spoke out against Qing Muling’s participation in the Swordsmanship Conference, and even Mu Yinghua was no exception.

In their view, with Qing Muling’s special status, he didn’t need to prove himself through this kind of conference. He was a unique existence in the sect, unmatched by any core disciple.

So, Qing Muling’s idea of showing off at the conference and gaining recognition was doomed to fail.

【Qing Muling: Alright, then can I ask, what is the ultimate reward for this Swordsmanship Conference? If it’s a resource I can use, can you prepare it for me separately? I won’t participate.】

The group fell silent for an even longer time this time, and all the elders remained silent, even Xuebing Xuan, who was most concerned about him, didn’t make a sound.

【Qing Muling:???】

【Yueyi Heavenly Lord: Well… we are still discussing, um, and it has a certain relationship with you, Junior Brother.】

【Yu Lingzhou: That’s right, this reward requires your cooperation, Junior Brother.】

【Qing Muling: How do I cooperate? Please explain, Master.】

He could tell that he wouldn’t get any answers from the elders, so he directly asked the Sect Master.

【Mu Yinghua: According to the elders’ opinions, the winners of each group in this Swordsmanship Conference will have the opportunity to cultivate by your side, become your attendants, followers, or even Dao companions. Well… do you understand what this means?】

Qing Muling, who was lying in bed, was wide awake, and sat up with some incredulity, staring at the jade token, confirming that he wasn’t seeing things.

Is this a joke? He was just asking about the prize list for the Swordsmanship Conference, how did he end up becoming the prize himself?

Qing Muling felt as if thunder was rolling over his head and began to doubt whether the elders were deliberately messing with him.

Based on his experiences in this life and the previous one, he had only seen similar scenarios in TV dramas, where a certain arrogant woman held a martial arts competition to choose a husband, and the protagonist fought through the competition, defeating various heroes and finally winning the beauty.

But when it came to Qing Muling himself, why was everything turned upside down? A group of men and women fought to the death just to vie for a position by his side? Was there a mistake in the way things were being handled?

【Qing Muling: Elders, and Master, are you serious? Senior Sister, can you say something?】

In another cave, Xuebing Xuan looked at the jade token in her hand with a complex expression, sighed silently, and then picked up the wine jug next to her and drank it all in one go.

【Yu Lingzhou: That’s right, this is the result of our repeated discussions. Junior Brother, your special significance to the sect is irreplaceable. Whether it’s for the future of the sect or for your own path of cultivation, this matter is imperative.】

【Yun Miao Immortal: Muling, your cultivation is about to break through to the True Person Realm. You can take another Dao companion. Since several of your senior sisters have gone out to seek opportunities and haven’t returned, we discussed and decided to arrange for you to choose from the descendants of other elders. Therefore, the main purpose of this Swordsmanship Conference is to select a Dao companion for you.】[Yueyi Heavenly Lord: Don’t worry, they are all one in ten thousand beauties, with top-notch aptitude and fortune. They will not wrong you. Just look forward to becoming the groom with peace of mind.]

Qing Muling rubbed his face, finally understanding that these elders were jealous of the benefits his Senior Sister had received from him, which was why they each wanted a piece of the action, leading to the current situation.

Mu Yinghua, though reluctant, was unable to oppose all the core elders alone, especially since many of the higher elders were also keen to get involved. What could she do, even as the Supreme Sect Master?

After some thought, Qing Muling continued to send his thoughts with a last glimmer of hope:

[Qing Muling: Teacher, do you share this opinion too?]

[Mu Yinghua: This is not a bad thing for you, so why be so pretentious?]

[Yu Lingzhou: Exactly, exactly, what normal man doesn’t enjoy being surrounded by beauties, embraced from left and right? And you’re still resisting? Is it necessary? We’re not even making fun of you!]

And so, Qing Muling in the group chat fell completely silent.

In his sleeping quarters, Qing Muling got up from bed, hurriedly packed up, and headed straight for the Sect Master’s cave dwelling.

Mu Yinghua was currently in her usual secret hall for secluded cultivation, and the eldest Senior Sister, Xuebing Xuan, had also arrived.

Upon meeting, Qing Muling stated his position directly: “I wish to enter seclusion immediately. After breaking through to the True Person Realm, I plan to leave the sect and travel for a while. How does that sound?”

He understood that Mu Yinghua was in a difficult position too. If he flatly refused, he would undoubtedly stand against all the high-ranking elders, which would not be a blessing for the sect in the long run.

Since he couldn’t provoke them, for now, he could only hide.

In fact, with Qing Muling’s nature, he didn’t mind having several stunning Dao companions. The problem was that his current cultivation level was insufficient. Being suppressed by his eldest Senior Sister was one thing, but the thought of having several more was psychologically unacceptable.

So, it was better to wait until his cultivation was high enough. Then, the initiative would be in his hands.

Xuebing Xuan’s beautiful eyes lit up: “This method is indeed feasible, but there are too many eyes on you, Junior Brother, and the safety issue…”

Mu Yinghua said: “Just have him bring more protectors.”

There were enough higher elders in the sect to spare a group specifically to protect Qing Muling’s safety. Moreover, with the innate characteristics of the Harmony Spirit Seed, it was impossible for anyone outside to calculate Qing Muling’s whereabouts.

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