Chapter 108 – To try might very well mean to die trying

The Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace’s main altar.

Standing on the main peak and looking into the distance, the vast sky has been rendered pure gold by countless golden lights. Countless colorful phoenixes are dancing in the sky, and bright rosy clouds and purple mist are diffusing in the sky. Above the clouds, the shadows of countless gates, formations, and altars are faintly visible, and the bright starlight contains pure and abundant spiritual energy, like the rushing water of the Milky Way pouring down, covering the entire land.

In the air, a large number of high-level female cultivators with different styles and temperaments are stationed in various formations, and under the unified command of the Supreme Sect Master, they integrate their own mana with the entire formation to ensure the stable operation of the formation.

After half an hour, when the power of the formation reached its peak, a giant dragon formed by countless colorful starlight, stretching for hundreds of miles, emerged from the main body of the land, slowly and quickly probing into the depths of the void.

This is the phenomenon when the mountain protection formation of the sect is fully activated. Since the end of the battle thousands of years ago, this is the first time that the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace has made such a big movement.

Shortly after, the colorful starlight dragon slowly retracted, pulling a piece of void land with a radius of thousands of miles.

This floating land was originally part of the main body of the land, shattered during the battle thousands of years ago, scattered in various parts of the void. Now, with the return of the sect’s treasured artifact, the Phoenix Cloud Tower, and the massive resources brought back from the Misty Illusion Secret Realm, the senior members of the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace have enough capital to push forward this grand project, reuniting these land fragments and restoring the original appearance of the land.

Thousands of years ago, the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace was still a true ancient super sect. The land where the main altar of the sect is located was more than four times larger than it is now. Unfortunately, it was shattered in the subsequent battle, and even the mountain protection formation of the sect was no longer intact, greatly weakening its power.

Only by collecting all these scattered land fragments, repairing the entire land, and then restoring the original power of the mountain protection formation, can the foundation of the ancient super sect be established.

Before long, the returned void land was placed in the designated edge area, completely integrated with the main land, and then countless rosy clouds and purple mist spread over, followed by a downpour of abundant spiritual energy, repairing the surface environment that had been dry and weathered for many years.

Under the effect of the formation, it won’t be long before these returned land fragments will be restored to their former appearance, no different from the main land.

In the depths of the Cloud Dream Immortal Domain, the bronze tower ship of the Calamity Fate Palace is hidden behind a huge meteorite belt, silent.

Inside the ship, the holy and dignified Saintess Mei Qingfeng sits alone at the top, and surprisingly, she looks exactly the same as the Sect Master Yuli Immortal Venerable of the Huaqing Divine Palace.

Those who know the inside story are clear that this is a special ability of the Saintess of the Calamity Fate Palace. Not only the appearance, but even the divine soul fluctuations, cultivation aura, and destiny can be accurately imitated, even close friends and fellow sect members can be deceived, unique in the vast starry sky.

Around the Saintess, there are dozens of elders sitting around a huge magical projection mirror, which clearly shows the various changes in the main altar of the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace.

At first, there was only one starlight dragon, and then ten, a hundred… Numerous starlight dragons continued to emerge from the main body of the mountain protection formation, probing into the depths of the void, and pulling back the scattered land fragments of different sizes and in different void domains.

The smallest of these land fragments is only a few hundred miles, and the largest can reach tens of thousands of miles. Due to their large size, they can even barely retain their own atmosphere and ecological environment.

In the past thousands of years, the senior elders of the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace have also carried out small-scale projects to repair the land, pushing back some nearby land fragments to the main land one by one, but the efficiency has always been low due to the lack of the mountain protection formation’s assistance.

Every time the mountain protection formation is fully activated, it requires a huge amount of resources to support it, and the terrifying consumption of spiritual stones and crystals alone is enough to drive people crazy.

With the unique aura observation technique of the Calamity Fate Palace, every time a piece of void land returns, the overall aura of the main altar of the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace will subtly change, and the aura will gradually recover and grow.

After three days and three nights, the main body of the land has subtly increased in size by hundreds of millions of miles. At this point, the radiance of the mountain protection formation gradually dimmed and gradually ended its full operation.

The senior elders of the Calamity Fate Palace, with profound cultivation, were very patient, and they were focused from beginning to end, until now they relaxed and began to communicate softly:

“Finally, it’s over.”

“Yes, it took much longer than we estimated. It seems that the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace has accumulated a lot of resources over the past ten thousand years. The consumption of the mountain protection formation when fully activated is exaggerated. I didn’t expect them to be able to persist for so long.”

“The key is the return of the Phoenix Cloud Tower. Without this treasured artifact presiding over it, the power of the mountain protection formation of the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace can only exert two or three percent at most.”

“That’s right. Repairing the Taiyuan Infinite Water Flag and retrieving the Phoenix Cloud Tower. With these two treasured artifacts in place, the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace can be said to have some semblance of the atmosphere of a super sect in the past. Otherwise, facing the malicious blockade of other Supreme Lineages, they can only barely protect themselves.”

“According to the observation technique, the overall aura of the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace has indeed increased rapidly in the past two years, and the recovery momentum is extremely rapid, especially after the closure of the Misty Illusion Secret Realm, and the smooth progress of the project to complete the main body of the land, the aura has increased by more than three times compared to several years ago.””More importantly, this rapid growth trend is still continuing, and there is no sign of stagnation in the short term. Although it cannot be compared with the heyday, it is much stronger than the previous hundreds of years!”

“It can be seen from this that Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace is not destined to die, and there is still a destiny, so it can rise from adversity and re-gather Qi. If this development trend can continue for a long enough time, it is not impossible to become a member of the Supreme Dao Lineage again…”

Looking through the history of the Great Void Starry Sky, it is rare for declining superpowers to return to their peak. Although it is not impossible, the probability is very small. Over millions of years, the successful examples are few and far between, and can basically be ignored.

For the vast majority of the Supreme Dao Lineage and top aristocratic families, there is basically only one destiny. Once it is exhausted, there is no more. The better ones will become third-rate powers, or become vassals of others. The worse ones will be completely destroyed, and return to dust.

Based on the original predictions of the high-level members of the Calamity Fate Palace, the best outcome for Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace is most likely to be annexed by a nearby superpower, or divided up by several superpowers. It is difficult to preserve the last foundation, let alone to rise again.

However, the extraordinary phenomenon displayed by Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace now clearly subverts the elders’ inherent understanding. In the past, such miscalculations were rare.

After a long time, Mei Qingfeng’s clear and gentle voice sounded, “How are the reactions of the surrounding forces?”

Immediately, an elder reported, “Your Highness, the Sect Master Yan Qinyang of the armillary sphere Star Palace was seriously injured before and is currently in seclusion for recovery. Although he publicly threatened to start a war with Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace, it has only remained at the verbal level and no substantive measures have been taken.”

“The Bright Moon Sword Sect and the Azure Fall Divine Sect are currently in a state of cold observation. From top to bottom, there is no reaction. However, some vassal forces attached to them have begun to show signs of lurking, especially those smaller forces closer to Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace. They are preparing to evacuate their belongings to avoid future reckoning.”

“The other remaining Supreme Dao Lineages basically have the same reaction.”

Regardless of whether certain big shots are willing or not, with Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace now having the Phoenix Nebula Tower and the Boundless Soft Water Flag sitting in place, it can no longer be regarded as an ordinary major power. It must be given the appropriate status and respect.

It can be foreseen that in the coming period of time, Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace will definitely usher in a wave of expansion, or rather a period of recovery and development, reclaiming some of its past power range. It is entirely possible to recapture the territories of hundreds of major star domains.

Mei Qingfeng smiled, “I think that the person at the helm of Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace will not be so impatient. If she can remain patient, she might continue to endure for a hundred or even several hundred years, until her strength further recovers and grows before beginning to expand. What do you think? After all, those territories are still there, and no one can take them away.”

After a moment of silence, a long-time elder finally spoke, “If that’s the case, then we need to raise the comprehensive evaluation of Mu Yinghua’s abilities. With her sitting in charge, the possibility of a full revival of Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace, as long as no strategic mistakes are made again, is no less than forty percent, and perhaps even higher.”

In the previous analysis and judgment of the high-level members of the Calamity Fate Palace, the comprehensive abilities of the Sect Master of Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace can be said to be above the qualified level, and she has made quite an impact since taking over. However, it is still far from the standard of a main figure of revival.

But now, it seems that regardless of fate or opportunity, in any case, Mu Yinghua’s performance has completely exceeded their expected level, so the original judgment must be overturned, and she must be given higher priority.

Mei Qingfeng pondered for a while and nodded, “I agree with this proposal. In addition to her, her several direct disciples must also be given attention. After all, the next Supreme Sect Master of Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace is very likely to emerge from among them.”

An elder took out two jade slips and presented them, “Speaking of this, I almost neglected it. Mu Yinghua’s four direct disciples have recently had some amazing encounters. Each of them has greatly improved their destiny and made rapid progress in their cultivation. They have all become strong figures in the Nascent Soul Realm. Based on a comprehensive assessment, they already fully meet the strict standards of monstrous-level geniuses.”

This news immediately piqued the interest of the elders, and even Mei Qingfeng’s expression revealed a hint of surprise. If the information is true, it means that Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace has suddenly gained four extraordinary new-generation geniuses, surpassing most of the Supreme Dao Lineages.

Mei Qingfeng quickly browsed through the information in the jade slips and asked, “It seems that their changes started after the opening of the Misty Illusion Secret Realm. Is it because they obtained some unknown great opportunities in the secret realm? This is not a small matter and must be thoroughly investigated.”

“Furthermore, I remember that last time you reported, Mu Yinghua seemed to have taken on a fifth direct disciple, who is also a male. What is the reason for this? Didn’t Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace never accept male disciples? Could it be because… he is also a monstrous-level genius, which is why the Supreme Sect Master made an exception?”

The elder’s face looked slightly embarrassed, “I’m sorry, Your Highness. We currently know very little about Mu Yinghua’s fifth direct disciple, Qing Muling. The public information says that he is a descendant of the Hengyi Ancestor, and his cultivation is only at the initial stage of the Nascent Soul Realm. His talent and aptitude are outstanding, but we have no further information. Mu Yinghua seems to be protecting him very well and does not allow anyone other than her direct disciples to contact him.””We have tried to use the secret arts of divination, but the feedback was chaos, unable to obtain any meaningful information. Due to the ominous premonitions in the dark, we dare not attempt further, lest we invite the possible backlash of fate.”

“That’s definitely suspicious,”

Mei Qingfeng’s eyes flickered slightly. When she mentioned the name Qing Muling, an inexplicable sense of crisis arose in her heart, along with an indescribable resentment.

For the saintess who was proficient in the various secret techniques of the Calamity Fate Palace, such whimsical premonitions were already quite telling, and no other evidence was needed.

“Very well, activate all our undercover agents in the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace, gather all the information on Qing Muling, the more detailed the better. I hope to get the results as soon as possible.”

In the end, Mei Qingfeng said so.


At the Imperial Path Peak, inside the stone cottage on the back mountain.

“He’s awake, Junior Brother is awake.”

A sweet voice filled with surprise echoed in the ears, and Qing Muling, who had been asleep on the bed for several days, finally regained consciousness and slowly opened his eyes.

The first thing that caught his eye was the youthful and radiant face of his fourth senior sister, her stunning beauty almost intoxicating.

“Where are they?”

Qing Muling moved his body, still feeling some soreness. Back in the Sunset Star Abyss, his master Mu Yinghua had borrowed his luck, which allowed her to deliver that astonishing strike, sweeping away most of the enemies.

The price was that Qing Muling was drained of strength and suffered a great loss of fortune. Due to the self-protection mechanism, the innate Harmony Spirit Seed put him into a deep sleep.

Luo Wanqing’s enchanting and voluptuous figure leaned closer, her breath as fragrant as orchids, and she said with a smile, “The others are refining clothes for you, they should be done soon. I’m not good at crafting, so I stayed here to keep you company.”


Qing Muling’s eyes shifted, looking at Luo Wanqing’s beautiful and alluring face, the flame in his heart stirred again.

“Sister, I, I want to…”

“What do you want?”

Luo Wanqing tilted her head slightly, her delicate and beautiful ears coming closer. After hearing Qing Muling’s request, her face turned red.

“You rascal!”

Luo Wanqing was no longer surprised by Junior Brother’s occasional mischief, pinching him a few times as if to let the matter slide.

Qing Muling whispered, “Sister, what are you wearing today? Can I have a look?”

Luo Wanqing firmly refused, “No!”

“Just a glance!”

“Not even half a glance!”

Saying this, Luo Wanqing gracefully walked over to lock the door of the stone cottage and activated the shielding Formation Array before returning to the bedside.

Saying one thing and meaning another, it’s always a woman’s nature.

Despite her verbal refusal, the actions of the senior sister had already said it all.

Under Junior Brother’s burning gaze, Luo Wanqing slowly untied the embroidered garment with its exquisite cloud patterns, revealing her delicate skin that seemed as if it could be broken by a blow, and her majestic bosom, instantly making Qing Muling’s blood boil.

“Is it pretty?”

A soft and sweetly enchanting voice sounded in his ear. The bold and unrestrained fourth senior sister had none of the usual shyness, her body pressing directly against him.

Qing Muling took the opportunity to wrap his arms around his sister’s slender waist. Luo Wanqing’s breathing became more rapid, her voice tinged with a soft and seductive moisture, “Do you want to try going further? They won’t be back for a while.”

Qing Muling hesitated slightly, “Better not, I’m afraid I won’t be able to control myself!”

Once things reached a point of frankness, it was easy for sparks to fly, and once ignited, it would be impossible to stop.

To try might very well mean to die trying.

But Luo Wanqing didn’t care about that. It was not easy to find an opportunity to be alone with Junior Brother, and she couldn’t let it go to waste.


Hmm, to try or not to try?

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