Chapter 106 – Phoenix Star Cloud Tower

As the Tianzhou continued to advance, the surrounding void was filled with more and more eerie and sinister existences, densely covering the entire void. From a distance, it made Qing Muling feel a tingling sensation on his scalp.

Once a cultivator is targeted by these nightmarish eerie existences, without the appropriate means to deal with them, the result will inevitably be death. Even those in the immortal path are no exception.

What exactly these deadly things are, and how they came to be, has never been conclusively determined throughout history. Countless powerful individuals have conducted specialized research and deduction on them, but have never provided a convincing answer.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that these things are very dangerous, extremely dangerous. There are very few spiritual treasures or divine spells that can restrain them, making them more difficult to deal with than the extraterritorial demons.

Supreme luck and blessings are among the most effective means to suppress them, so when Qing Muling manifested the innate Harmony Spirit Seed, these indescribable eerie existences retreated and dared not approach.

Inside the Tianzhou, Mu Yinghua and the elders were also on high alert, preparing various powerful divine spells and postnatal spiritual treasures. After all, it was the first attempt, and no one dared to be sure that there would be no flaws, so no one dared to relax.

The Luoxia Star Abyss is the most mysterious and terrifying dangerous place in the Great Void Starry Sky. From the distant ancient times to the present, it has claimed the lives of countless cultivators, including many powerful figures who have perished within it, regardless of whether they were righteous or evil, human or other races.

Under normal circumstances, to explore and search for treasures inside, one can only use a large number of lives to pave the way, relying on the flesh and souls of many cultivators to create a path.

“…Teacher, are those things treasures?” Qing Muling suddenly asked. In his spiritual sense, clusters of light of various sizes and brightness were floating in the far distance, inside which the broken bones of deceased cultivators could be vaguely seen, as well as various shining objects such as weapons, flying boats, battle armor, space bracelets, and even ruins of buildings and pavilions.

These cultivators had been dead for who knows how many years, and their flesh and souls had been devoured and divided by the eerie existences, but these personal treasures and objects did not seem to be valued by the eerie existences, so they were still preserved?

Mu Yinghua said calmly, “No need to look. Most of these things are already destroyed, and even if there are a few intact ones, there may be some eerie existences lurking inside. As long as a cultivator dares to touch them, they will be entangled and won’t give up until death.”

All things in the world have a lifespan. Given enough time, spiritual treasures and artifacts cannot escape the fate of losing their spirituality and decaying. Especially in such a dangerous place filled with eerie existences, only those that have reached the rank of innate spiritual treasures can endure through the ages.

“Okay.” Qing Muling nodded and said no more. His master’s discerning eyes were beyond doubt, and if she felt that something was difficult to handle, it was best to keep a distance.

Yu Lingzhou smiled and said, “You don’t need to be disappointed. With your luck and blessings, are you afraid of not having suitable treasures in the future? If necessary, I can personally refine a set of treasures for you when we return!”

Qing Muling smiled and said, “I’ll trouble you with that.”

This Elder Yu was a first-class master of artifact cultivation in the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace. With her cultivation even deeper than the Supreme Sect Master, it wouldn’t take her long to refine a set of treasures.

Yueyi Heavenly Lord glanced at her and said nothing. It seemed that her junior sister was trying to win over Qing Muling whenever she had the chance, but she shouldn’t think that she was the only one who could refine artifacts.

As the Tianzhou continued on its way, after an unknown amount of time, there was finally a change in the depths of the void ahead.

At the limit of Mu Yinghua’s spiritual sense, a pitch-black planet with a diameter of over a thousand miles was hidden in the depths of the rosy light. The surface was lifeless, with remnants of palaces and buildings from various eras scattered around.

Yueyi Heavenly Lord attempted to explore using a special secret method of the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace, and after a while, a certain obscure fluctuation of mana was faintly transmitted from above.

“That’s it, we’ve found it!” Yu Lingzhou’s voice was filled with excitement. She had once presided over the Lihuang Star Cloud Tower, and she immediately recognized the unique aura of this treasure.

“Let’s hope everything goes smoothly!” Qing Muling breathed a sigh of relief. He had thought that there would be many obstacles in the search, but it turned out to be much simpler than expected.

Mu Yinghua controlled the Tianzhou to fly over calmly. The surrounding eerie existences became more and more numerous, crowding together in the distance, glaring at this unexpected visitor.

Although she didn’t think that a powerful figure would arrive ahead of them, Mu Yinghua still didn’t dare to be careless. Years of good habits made her understand that the closer she was to success, the more careful she had to be.

At the same time, Qing Muling noticed that his luck was being consumed at a faster rate, and the pressure in the surrounding void was noticeably increasing. The distant eerie existences began to become restless, emitting a chilling and eerie howl that reverberated in the depths of his divine soul.

“I wonder if I can hold on until we return safely…” Qing Muling thought with some concern. In his intuition, the maximum amount of luck that could be consumed at once should not exceed fifty percent. If he exceeded this limit, it would be troublesome to recover.

After some thought, he decided to inform Mu Yinghua of the situation. The Supreme Sect Master’s expression changed immediately.

“How much longer can you hold on?” Mu Yinghua asked in a deep voice. In a sense, Qing Muling’s safety was more important than the Lihuang Star Cloud Tower. If he couldn’t hold on, then they would have to make plans early, and if necessary, choose to give up, which was also a helpless move.

Qing Muling said, “About an hour, provided that the rate of luck consumption doesn’t increase.”

Yu Lingzhou silently estimated and said, “That should be enough time. As long as we’re not intercepted by others, we can retrieve the Lihuang Star Cloud Tower and return immediately, and it will be completely feasible.”

“Very well, let’s go with that.” Mu Yinghua responded briefly, took out a blood-red pill and swallowed it, then spared no effort to increase the speed of the Tianzhou. In such extraordinary times, it was not the time to be stingy.The surrounding sea of sinister entities became increasingly agitated, with a few of them recklessly charging towards the heavenly boat. However, as soon as they touched the phantom of the Blue Lotus surrounding the boat, their bodies burst into dazzling light and then eerily ignited, turning to ash within a few breaths, leaving nothing behind.

After several such incidents, the remaining sinister entities seemed to be deterred, no longer rushing forward to their deaths, and the surrounding void once again became much quieter.

The heavenly boat was able to proceed smoothly and finally, after half an hour, approached the pitch-black planet. The magical fluctuations belonging to the Phoenix Star Cloud Tower became increasingly evident, even Qing Muling could sense them.

The surface of the planet was covered with ruins, grand and majestic, with palace complexes of various cultural styles connected one after another, including plaza steps, ornamental columns, and sacrificial temples… Unfortunately, they were all in ruins, exuding an ancient and desolate aura.

Within those halls, piles of white bones could be seen everywhere. The majority were human cultivators, with a few from other races. Muling spotted the skeleton of a Kylin that was over a hundred zhang long. Despite having fallen for who knows how many years, its golden bones still radiated a faint majesty.

“Immortal Wood Strange Encounter”

Deep within the layers of bones, faint glimmers of light could be seen, likely remnants of some magical treasures. Of course, the elders had no interest in exploring further at this time.

Given the rank of the Phoenix Star Cloud Tower, Muling didn’t really believe there could be treasures surpassing it within the Rosy Cloud Star Abyss. Even finding items comparable to it would be difficult.

Perhaps, in the future, once he had cultivated to the same level as his senior sisters, he could come back here to explore and treasure hunt at leisure.

At this moment, all the elders were on full alert, with only Yu Lingzhou and Mu Yinghua extending their divine senses, searching back and forth across the surface of the planet. They soon made a discovery.

It was a half-collapsed spacious hall, and at the deepest part of the high platform, there was a throne with a silver radiance orb resting on it, still and unmoving, as if a bright moon illuminating the entire hall.

Upon closer inspection, one could see a woman of peerless grace sitting cross-legged within the orb, dressed in brocade and feathered garments, her eyes closed and breathless, obviously having perished many years ago.

A small tower, no more than a foot high and exquisitely delicate, was placed in front of her. Its entire body was swirling with starlight, its terrifying pressure hidden yet palpable.

That was the Phoenix Star Cloud Tower, a famous weapon of slaughter in The Great Void, which, when its power was fully unleashed, was said to be capable of annihilating stars, changing the heavens and the earth, reversing the cosmos, and even overturning the galaxy.

“It’s Senior Sister Yuluo; she must have succumbed to her grave injuries…”

Yu Lingzhou’s voice carried an obvious sadness, as this was the long-lost Yuluo Celestial Lord. They had once shared the same master, but now they were separated by life and death.

In this domain rampant with sinister entities, it was the Phoenix Star Cloud Tower that protected her flesh from decay; otherwise, she too would have inevitably turned to dry bones.

Mu Yinghua carefully inspected the inside and outside of the hall, then said to Qing Muling, “You should be the one to retrieve it. Here is the incantation to control it!”


Qing Muling agreed, relying on his supreme fortune to minimize the chances of any mishaps. If she were to do it herself, the outcome might not be as favorable.

A not-too-long message flowed into Qing Muling’s mind, and he quickly grasped its meaning.

After a short while, Muling formed a spiritual hand seal, extending his divine sense to tentatively contact the silver radiance orb. Within the spiritual power fluctuations of the Cloud Dream Heavenly Palace’s core technique, he secretly mixed in a strand of the innate Harmony Spirit Seed’s essence.


A profound and lingering chant resonated on the divine soul level, and the small tower suddenly transformed into a streak of light, sweeping up the body of Yuluo Celestial Lord and flying towards him like a white rainbow piercing the sun.

In the next breath, Qing Muling’s arms held a heavy small tower, emanating endless pressure.


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