Side Story 4 – Liu Jia’s Rebirth

So, Liu Jia spent the entire weekend at He Ju’s place.

For He Ju, it might have been just an ordinary weekend, but for Liu Jia, it meant something entirely different.

This was her first step towards getting closer to He Ju. As long as he didn’t resist, it meant she could proceed to the next step.

Liu Jia knew she had to act fast. Although Si Hua would only appear in the year they graduated, Liu Jia felt that once Si Hua appeared, her chances would be gone.

So she had to make He Ju fall in love with her before Si Hua came into the picture, before anything else happened.

In her previous life, she had prepared herself for a life of solitude; she didn’t want to live like that again.

On Monday, when classes resumed, He Ju’s foot injury hadn’t fully healed. The swelling had subsided quite a bit, but the bruising on the top of his foot still looked severe.

Liu Jia helped He Ju onto his electric scooter and rode him to school, leaving her own bicycle at his house.

The morning breeze, accompanied by the whispers of her beloved, was a delightful sensation for Liu Jia.

He Ju asked her, “It’s still early, how about we grab some breakfast first? My treat?”

Liu Jia wouldn’t refuse, but she said, “Can we have hot dry noodles instead?”

Liu Jia knew she wasn’t influential enough to change He Ju’s habits yet. If she let him choose what he wanted to eat, he would surely bring breakfast to Su Ran.

She couldn’t bear to see him like that, even though in their last life, Su Ran had a change of heart at the end. But in this life, Su Ran was still taking He Ju’s feelings and efforts for granted.

What she treasured, she wouldn’t allow Su Ran to discard so carelessly.

Hearing Liu Jia’s request, He Ju hesitated, realizing that eating hot dry noodles would mean no time to buy breakfast for Su Ran.

But then Liu Jia said, “He Ju, oh He Ju, I’m really craving hot dry noodles. I’ve taken care of you for three days, won’t you treat me to that? I’ll be heartbroken if you don’t.”

He Ju couldn’t help but laugh, “Of course, of course, let’s do as you say, wherever you want to go.”

That was exactly what Liu Jia had been waiting to hear, and she immediately turned the scooter in a new direction.

He Ju glanced back at the steaming bun shop, feeling something slowly slipping away inside him.

Throughout the weekend, not only had Su Ran not replied to his messages, but she hadn’t called either.

His injury seemed to be a trivial matter in Su Ran’s eyes.

He Ju chuckled at himself, then turned his head back to the road ahead.

Liu Jia, watching everything through the rearview mirror, pressed her lips together, saying nothing.

After eating the hot dry noodles, Liu Jia hurriedly rode back to school with He Ju.

It wasn’t until Liu Jia had escorted He Ju to the classroom door that he couldn’t help but ask her, “How did you know what classes I had today?”

Even He Ju sometimes couldn’t remember his own schedule.

Their classrooms weren’t fixed, and he hadn’t told Liu Jia, which was… really strange.

But faced with He Ju’s puzzled look, Liu Jia just smiled and said, “If you care enough to know, you’ll remember.”

He Ju’s heart rippled at her words, and he didn’t know how to respond.

Liu Jia didn’t expect an answer from He Ju at that moment. She knew the years had been tough for him, which was why Si Hua became the sole light in his life when she appeared.


Could she become the light in He Ju’s world before Si Hua did?

Liu Jia helped He Ju sit down in the classroom, then placed the medicine and hot water on his desk, “Don’t forget to take your medicine. You only have morning classes today. I’ll come to pick you up after, okay?”

He Ju wanted to say it wasn’t necessary, but meeting Liu Jia’s hopeful gaze, he found himself nodding as if possessed.

Then, Liu Jia gave him a cute smile and bounced away, her figure radiating cheerfulness.

He Ju couldn’t help but smile, then belatedly tried to compose himself. But the thought of Liu Jia’s antics relaxed him.

Classmates gradually arrived, and class officially began.

He Ju sat through the morning, bored to death.

When class ended, his roommates Fatty and Motor were the first to come over, “Let’s go, Brother, Buddy will carry you back to the dorm.”

He Ju uncharacteristically declined.

Fatty was puzzled, “You don’t plan to hop back on one foot, do you?”

Motor joked, “Yan Ge has gone for training and won’t be back until next month. He’s really worried about your safety. Are you sure you don’t want your dads to carry you back?”

Remembering Liu Jia, He Ju still declined, “No need, you guys go ahead. Someone’s picking me up.”

Upon hearing this, Fatty and Motor exchanged meaningful glances.

Fatty teased, “Oh, someone’s playing the sympathy card?”

Motor laughed, “Right, as if we’re a nuisance now.”

Fatty and Motor assumed the person picking He Ju up was Su Ran.

Despite Su Ran’s lack of regard for He Ju, they were childhood sweethearts after all, and she should care to some extent, right?

So, after a few more jokes, they left.

The classroom emptied out, and He Ju sat alone in the lecture hall, staring at the water cup in front of him, lost in thought.

Before long, a familiar figure rushed in, her face flushed from running, looking both anxious and apologetic, “I’m so sorry! The teacher held the class a bit longer, and it was crowded on the way here, so I got delayed.”

He Ju reassured her, “It’s fine, I’m not in a hurry. Just take your time next time.”

Seizing on his words, Liu Jia looked up at He Ju, “Will there be a next time?”

He Ju was momentarily taken aback; he had just been speaking casually.

But Liu Jia had already moved closer, their faces inches apart, her breath on his face, “Can I come pick you up tomorrow too?”

He Ju’s heart raced uncontrollably, and he didn’t answer right away.

Liu Jia leaned in closer, “Can’t I? He Ju, do you have the heart to refuse this irresistibly cute girl?”

He Ju was amused by Liu Jia, tapping her forehead with his finger, “Where did you learn all these lines?”

Liu Jia giggled, “They just come out naturally when I think of you.”

Then, as usual, Liu Jia packed He Ju’s water bottle and medicine box into her bag and went to help him up, “If you don’t refuse, I’ll take that as a yes.”

In the end, He Ju remained silent, resting his hand on Liu Jia’s shoulder, “I’m quite heavy, you know.”

Liu Jia replied, “Not at all, I don’t think you’re heavy!”

After a moment’s thought, she muttered, “Maybe a bit heavy, since it’s my life I’m carrying on my shoulders~”

He Ju didn’t catch that, “What?”

Liu Jia just smiled, “Hehe, nothing~, He Ju, watch your step~”

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