Side Story 3 – Liu Jia’s Rebirth

He Ju averted his gaze: “It’s nothing.”

Liu Jia’s thoughts were all on He Ju’s foot injury, so she didn’t notice his discomfort for the moment.

After helping He Ju get comfortable on the sofa, Liu Jia stood up to tidy up the house.

He Ju, being a guy who rarely came home, didn’t clean often. The house looked neat, but many hidden corners were dusty.

Liu Jia didn’t mind at all, she casually tied up her hair and began cleaning, starting with the bedroom.

He Ju: “Jia Jia, take a break. You don’t have to do this. Once my foot is better, I’ll clean up myself.”

Without turning around, Liu Jia replied: “We’ll talk about it when your foot is healed. I’m idle anyway. You should eat breakfast, and I’ll clean the living room afterward.”

He Ju looked at the steaming breakfast before him, then at Liu Jia bustling in the room, and for some reason, felt something crumbling inside him.

Yet, he couldn’t quite identify the feeling.

His phone still lacked the message he was waiting for.

At this moment, his anticipation for that person seemed to have lessened.

Sipping porridge, He Ju relaxed completely, enjoying the cool breeze from the window.

After breakfast, Liu Jia busied herself with cleaning the living room, and He Ju helped with what he could, like fitting a trash bag or wiping the table.

Before they knew it, the morning passed, and the sun came out. The weather was cooler due to the rain.

Liu Jia smiled at He Ju, her dimples deepening, her voice sweet: “He Ju, I’ll go buy groceries. Shall I cook you a delicious meal?”

He Ju, intending to refuse, couldn’t help but nod at her sweet smile: “Sure, but won’t it be too much trouble? Maybe I should just order takeout…”

Liu Jia shook her head: “No way, I love cooking for you. I’m really good at it.”

Before He Ju could respond, Liu Jia’s eyes sparkled with anticipation: “What would you like to eat?”

He Ju smiled: “Anything is fine.”

Liu Jia gave a mysterious smile: “I know what you like, but you can only have something light because of your injury. Wait for me, I’ll be back soon.”

With that, Liu Jia grabbed her canvas bag and ran out.

He Ju was slightly stunned. They hadn’t known each other long, had they? How did Liu Jia know his preferences?

And why did he have an indescribable feeling towards her?

Was it always so hard to refuse her?

He Ju stopped pondering; it was the weekend, and he didn’t want to worry.

He hopped to the kitchen to cook. Liu Jia was preparing the meal, so he decided to wash the rice.

Liu Jia quickly shopped at the market, returning to He Ju’s home within half an hour with her purchases.

She was overjoyed that He Ju hadn’t sent her away.

Liu Jia didn’t know what the future held for them, but she was determined to cherish the present.

In her last life, she was too timid, missing out on even a simple hug.

This life… she wanted to be a bit more greedy.

Back home, Liu Jia rushed into the kitchen, dragging He Ju out of his busyness: “You’re the patient, just sit down and relax!”

So, He Ju was forced to sit on the sofa, chatting with Liu Jia from time to time.

Liu Jia seemed to have flour on her nose, and He Ju instinctively reminded her: “Jia Jia, there seems to be flour on your nose…”

Liu Jia turned around, confused, blinking: “Really?”

He Ju couldn’t help but chuckle: “Yes.”

Liu Jia put down her spoon, sat next to He Ju, and leaned in close, her eyes bright: “Then help me wipe it off, my hands are dirty…”

He Ju was taken aback, looking at Liu Jia, realizing she was truly beautiful, her face makeup-free yet youthful and lovely…

Was this the same introverted Jia Jia from before?

Seeing He Ju silent, Liu Jia blinked in confusion, waving her hand in front of him: “What’s wrong? Why aren’t you speaking?”

He Ju snapped back to reality, slightly embarrassed: “Nothing, nothing, I’ll wipe it for you…”

He Ju’s hands trembled as he reached for a tissue, then blushed as he wiped her nose.

Afterward, He Ju noticed Liu Jia’s face turning visibly red…

As if she just realized the intimacy of the gesture.

Liu Jia stood up, stuttering: “Th-thank you, I’ll go cook…”

She tried to leave but bumped her knee against the coffee table and nearly fell.

He Ju was momentarily anxious: “Be careful!”

He almost stood up, but Liu Jia steadied herself and said awkwardly: “I’m fine, just sit, don’t mind me.”

Then, she hurried back to the kitchen.

He Ju wanted to laugh but didn’t dare.

How could there be such a cute and clumsy girl?

He Ju shook his head, finding himself watching Liu Jia more often.

Soon, Liu Jia had finished cooking.

Four dishes and a soup.

There was lotus root and pork rib soup, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, clear soup with crucian carp, braised pork, and stir-fried cabbage.

He Ju’s appetite surged at the sight, and he praised: “Jia Jia, you’re amazing.”

Liu Jia smiled shyly: “I rarely eat out, so I like experimenting at home. Just don’t dislike it.”

He Ju was too delighted to dislike it, shaking his head: “Dislike? Not at all, it’s wonderful…”

He Ju devoured his meal, missing the adoring and joyful look Liu Jia gave him.

After the meal, Liu Jia cleaned up and prepared to leave, fearing she had overstayed her welcome.


While it was scorching at noon, it was drizzling when Liu Jia was about to leave.

She felt awkward, not wanting He Ju to think she was lingering, so she said: “The rain isn’t heavy, I’ll be back quickly, no need to see me out.”

As she turned to leave, He Ju spoke up: “If you don’t mind, stay.”


Liu Jia looked up, joy bursting in her eyes.

She turned around, ecstatic: “Can I really stay?”

Perhaps it was Liu Jia’s intense gaze that made He Ju shy away: “Yes, you can.”

Liu Jia twirled on the spot, then sweetly thanked He Ju: “Thank you, He Ju!”

He Ju couldn’t help but smile, finding it suddenly…

A bit cute?

He Ju gave a light smile and said: “You’re welcome.”

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