Side Story 2 – Liu Jia’s Rebirth

[This side story takes place in a parallel world and is unrelated to the main text, so don’t mix up Si Hua, she won’t appear here.]

He Ju had never really paid much attention to Liu Jia. In his memory, Liu Jia always had thick bangs covering her forehead. Perhaps due to her introverted nature, she rarely looked up at him, and they seldom spoke to each other.

He Ju only cared about Su Ran, who was always by Liu Jia’s side, so whatever Liu Jia did seemed inconsequential to him.

But today’s Liu Jia… was different from before.

He Ju turned his head and said, “Liu Jia, I don’t know if what you’re saying is true or not, but there’s no chance for us.”

After He Ju finished speaking, all he could hear were the sounds of people coming and going around him; Liu Jia said nothing more.

Just as He Ju was wondering if he had been too harsh, Liu Jia simply smiled and then pushed his wheelchair forward: “It’s okay, as long as you’re the one I like, that’s enough for me.”

That single sentence left He Ju feeling an indescribable discomfort in his heart, and he found himself at a loss for words.

The city hospital wasn’t far from He Ju’s home; it was about a forty-minute bike ride away.

So, Liu Jia rode her bike to take He Ju back home.

His parents and younger sister were all in the county town, so you could say He Ju was alone at home.

Therefore, Liu Jia didn’t leave immediately but went to the kitchen instead: “You probably haven’t eaten all day. I’ll go make you something to fill your stomach.”

He Ju wanted to say something, but seeing Liu Jia busying herself in the kitchen, he ultimately chose to keep quiet.

He Ju picked up his phone and glanced at the time. School was already out, and Su Ran didn’t have evening classes, but why hadn’t she contacted him?

He Ju hesitated for a moment before sending a message to Su Ran: “Liu Jia came to see me. Where did you go, Ran Ran?”

He Ju waited and waited, staring at the screen for a long time without a message from Su Ran. Unable to resist, he checked the social circle and discovered that ten minutes ago, Su Ran had posted photos of her shopping with friends.

He Ju’s heart felt a momentary chill.

The message he sent was also ten minutes ago.

Liu Jia came out with a bowl of steaming noodles topped with a fried egg and a few vegetable leaves, looking very appetizing.

Liu Jia placed the hot bowl on the table in front of He Ju, her smile a bit shy: “There aren’t many ingredients at home, so I hope you don’t mind the simplicity.”

He Ju quickly put down his phone and shook his head: “No, I should be thanking you. The noodles look delicious.”

Liu Jia shook her head and sat opposite He Ju, looking at him expectantly: “Try it and see if it’s good?”

He Ju then really picked up his chopsticks and took a bite. After tasting it, his eyes lit up slightly, and he couldn’t help but praise Liu Jia: “Mmm! It’s delicious. Even a simple bowl of clear soup noodles can be this tasty. You’re really amazing.”

Liu Jia’s smile brightened even more, like a little warm sun.

He Ju’s heart warmed up instantly; the feeling was quite wonderful.

He Ju didn’t look at Liu Jia again and lowered his head to eat his noodles.

Liu Jia then stood up to get a cup of water for He Ju.

It was then that He Ju suddenly realized: “Jia Jia, why aren’t you eating?”

Liu Jia smiled: “I’m not hungry, you just eat.”

He Ju thought about it; there probably wasn’t much noodles left at home, just enough for one bowl. Liu Jia must have cooked it all for him, right?

He had been so preoccupied with thoughts of Su Ran that he had forgotten about this.

He Ju felt a bit annoyed: “Jia Jia, let me order some takeout for you. What would you like to eat?”

Liu Jia gently shook her head: “I’m really not hungry, no need to bother. I’m about to head home now. Will you be okay by yourself?”

He Ju: “I’ll be fine, but…”

Before He Ju could finish, Liu Jia had already picked up her bag and headed for the door: “I’m really leaving now…”

However, just as Liu Jia opened the door, a torrential downpour began, and Liu Jia’s steps halted. She seemed troubled, unsure whether to leave or stay.

It was then that He Ju spoke up: “Wait until the rain stops before you go.”

So, Liu Jia had to stay; she had come by bike and didn’t bring an umbrella.

By the time Liu Jia sat down, He Ju had already taken out a small bowl and scooped a little bit of noodles from his bowl, handing it to Liu Jia with slight embarrassment: “I don’t come home often, so there’s not much to eat here. I’m sorry to inconvenience you. If you don’t mind…”

Liu Jia immediately sat down: “I don’t mind, but will you have enough to eat?”

Looking into Liu Jia’s eyes, which were as innocent as a deer’s, He Ju somehow found himself smiling: “If it’s not enough, we can order takeout later when the rain eases up.”

Liu Jia’s cheeks then turned a rosy hue, looking very pretty.

She was actually a bit hungry, after all, having been busy in the hospital for so long and then riding her bike to bring He Ju home, which was quite exhausting.

She hadn’t thought about eating the noodles, as He Ju was the patient and obviously had priority.

But He Ju had given her a small bowl of noodles.

Liu Jia felt very happy. Did this mean she had taken a step closer to He Ju?

After finishing the noodles, Liu Jia cleaned up the dishes, and the rain outside showed no sign of stopping.

Liu Jia and He Ju squeezed together on the couch to watch a drama until 8:30 pm, and the rain still hadn’t stopped.

He Ju secretly thought: Could the rain not stop at all? If it gets too late, it wouldn’t be safe for Liu Jia, a girl, to go home alone, but if she doesn’t go back…

He Ju was conflicted for a long time until Liu Jia timidly looked at him and said: “He Ju, the rain outside is really heavy, and my home is quite far from here. It’s hard to get a taxi now. Can I… stay at your place for the night?”

He Ju hesitated for a while, then didn’t refuse: “Would it be okay for you to stay in my sister’s room?”

Liu Jia’s eyes immediately sparkled, and she nodded like a pecking chicken: “Yes! I’ll just let my mom know I’m safe.”

After saying that, Liu Jia got up and went to the balcony.

He Ju vaguely felt that what he did today wasn’t quite right, but the words were already out, and there was no turning back.

After exchanging a few words, they each returned to their rooms.

He Ju checked his phone, and the pinned message was still unlit. He called Su Ran, but she didn’t answer.

He Ju lay with his eyes open, feeling a heavy discomfort in his chest.

After thinking it over, he finally unpinned Su Ran’s message and then counted sheep until he fell into a deep sleep.

When the sky began to show the first light of dawn, He Ju woke up.

As he limped out of his room, what he saw was Liu Jia’s youthful and beautiful face, her hair tied in a high ponytail, carrying two bags of groceries, her forehead covered in fine sweat.

Liu Jia: “You’re awake? I just went out to buy groceries! The vegetables here are so cheap, and look, I got some delicious breakfast for us, chive pancakes and soy milk, all hot and fresh. Come and try them.”

Liu Jia said this while placing everything on the table.

Today was the weekend, and she planned to spend a good day with He Ju, taking care of him.

He Ju was stunned: “It’s the weekend, you should have slept in. Just leave the groceries and quickly finish your breakfast, then you can catch up on some sleep. I’ll cook.”

Saying this, He Ju was about to walk over and pick up the groceries from the table.

But just as he reached out, his hand was grasped by a pair of cool, soft hands: “You’re still injured, I’m here to take care of things. Let me help you sit down first.”

The soft touch in his palm left He Ju somewhat dazed, but Liu Jia seemed oblivious, still holding his hand and looking at him with curiosity: “What’s wrong?”

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