Side Story 1 – Liu Jia’s Rebirth

University A, freshman year.

Computer science open lecture.

Liu Jia suddenly woke up from her computer class, her heart racing to 180 beats per minute. Gasping for air, her face deathly pale, she startled Su Ran sitting beside her.

Su Ran asked with concern, “What’s wrong, Jia Jia? Did you have a nightmare?”


Liu Jia glanced at Professor Yu on the podium, her mind momentarily foggy.

Professor Yu? Wasn’t he transferred during our sophomore year? Why is he still here?

No, that can’t be right!

Liu Jia urgently grabbed Su Ran’s hand and asked, “What year is it?”

Su Ran, frightened by Liu Jia’s demeanor, didn’t respond immediately. Impatient for an answer, Liu Jia grabbed the phone from her desk and checked the date. Not expecting much, she was shocked to tears upon seeing the screen.

Su Ran was at a loss, “Jia Jia, what’s wrong with you?”

Even Professor Yu stopped lecturing. With tears streaming down her face, Liu Jia drew the attention of her classmates, who were all confused about what was happening.

Through her blurry tears, Liu Jia scanned the room and realized He Ju was nowhere to be seen.

That’s right.

If this is ten years ago, yes…

Liu Jia had returned to ten years ago, to the fifth year of her marriage with Si Hua and He Ju. Back to when He Ju had just been admitted to University A, when he only knew her name, and nothing had happened yet…

Is there still time?

Is it too late?

Liu Jia looked at Professor Yu, bowed slightly, and said, “I’m sorry, Professor, I have something very important I must do right now.”

With permission granted, she grabbed her phone and dashed out of the multimedia classroom.

Su Ran called after her, asking for a reason, but Liu Jia had no time to explain.

At this moment, if she remembered correctly, He Ju should have sprained his ankle playing basketball. Not wanting to trouble his classmates, he insisted he was fine and went to the hospital alone.

But the school was far from the city center, and it wasn’t the end of the school day, making it difficult to find a taxi.

Liu Jia ran to the parking lot, found her bicycle, and pedaled out of the campus. Not far from the gate, she spotted He Ju limping along.

Her heart ached at the sight.

In her past life, she had been too weak, causing them to miss each other, and too timid, which led to He Ju suffering for many years.

Wiping away her tears, Liu Jia rode up to He Ju, who was sweating profusely and surprised to see her, “Hmm? Jia Jia, shouldn’t you be in class?”

Liu Jia stopped her bike: “He Ju, let me take you to the hospital.”

After helping him onto the back seat of her bicycle, He Ju, initially startled, then asked, “Did Ran Ran send you? I told her it wasn’t serious, why…”

He stopped mid-sentence, seeing the redness in Liu Jia’s eyes, which seemed to silently accuse him.

Confused, He Ju felt a bit embarrassed as Liu Jia, without a word, started pedaling away.

He Ju felt guilty, “Jia Jia, I’m quite heavy.”

Liu Jia replied, “You’re not heavy.”

Despite her words, the sweat on her forehead betrayed the effort it took for her to keep pedaling.

He Ju suggested, “Jia Jia, maybe I should just walk?”

Liu Jia insisted, “Just sit tight. Your sprain is serious, and if it gets worse, you might not be able to play basketball again. You love playing, don’t you? Don’t risk a lasting injury.”

She remembered from her past life that because he walked for too long, He Ju’s sprain took a long time to heal, and he couldn’t engage in intense sports for a while after.

Using Su Ran’s name, she had sent him medicine many times, but Su Ran never inquired about his condition.

She regretted not being braver back then, which could have allowed He Ju to continue doing what he loved.

He Ju, still in shock, watched Liu Jia with an indescribable feeling in his heart.

His sprain was indeed severe, and walking was painful. His friends had gone to a competition, and he had taken leave to go to the hospital alone. Su Ran knew, and he had hoped for her concern, so he told her himself, but Su Ran… had not replied to his message.

Liu Jia pedaled hard, and an hour later, they finally reached the city hospital.

Her back was soaked with sweat.

After parking the bike, Liu Jia said, “Wait here, I’ll get a wheelchair.”

She dashed into the hospital, leaving He Ju staring at her retreating figure, his feelings mixed, especially when he checked his phone and found no reply from Su Ran.

Soon, Liu Jia returned with a wheelchair.

After He Ju’s examination, Liu Jia saw it was lunchtime, her face flushed from the busy morning.

He Ju, looking at his bandaged foot, smiled sheepishly, “Jia Jia, thank you. Let me treat you and Ran Ran to a meal later.”

Liu Jia’s smile vanished. In the bustling hospital corridor, she crouched down, looked up at He Ju, and asked, “Why invite Su Ran?”


Confused, He Ju replied, “Aren’t you two good friends?”

Liu Jia choked up, “So what if we’re good friends? Is it a law that friends must always accommodate each other?”

He Ju was puzzled, “What?”

Liu Jia continued, “I lost my composure, but… she hasn’t asked about you once, has she?”

He Ju remained silent, his grip on his phone tightening.

Liu Jia added, “She doesn’t really like you…”

He Ju cut her off, “Enough, Jia Jia.”

Liu Jia suddenly reached out and held He Ju’s fingers, “Not enough, far from it. I’ve already lost you once, I can’t lose you again. He Ju, I’ve had a crush on you since our first year in high school, but we weren’t in the same class, and you never noticed me. He Ju, I like you too, much more than Su Ran ever did. If…”

He Ju withdrew his hand abruptly, “Jia Jia, I appreciate what you’ve done, but I only have feelings for her.”

Liu Jia gave a bitter smile. In the first half of your life, you only liked Su Ran, and in the second half, only Si Hua.

What about her?

After two lifetimes, are you still going to give up on Liu Jia?

That’s not possible. He Ju, please, love her just once?

Liu Jia wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, “I know, but you two aren’t together, are you? I just want to express my feelings. You continue to pursue Su Ran, and from this moment on…”

Liu Jia looked earnestly into He Ju’s eyes, leaving her sentence unfinished, “I’ll pursue you.”

He Ju’s heartbeat skipped a beat.

Liu Jia’s eyes shone with hope and anticipation.

The blatant love in her gaze made He Ju almost unable to look directly at her.

Liu Jia…

From today on, he would remember her too.

He Ju looked away, “I’m not easy to chase. You should give up early. I only like Su Ran.”

Liu Jia stood up, positioned herself behind He Ju, and began to push him slowly out of the hospital, “I know, but I only like you.”

“He Ju, you can continue to like the person you’re fond of, but please give me a chance to chase you. If by graduation you still feel nothing for me, I won’t cling to you.”

“He Ju, I just want to be there for you during your hardest times, and I hope you can live for yourself just once.”

Youth should be radiant, and my young man should be confident and bold.

She just wanted He Ju to shine in his own field, regardless of who would be by his side four years from today…

At least for now, she could stand by him without any reservations.

Whether He Ju would love her in the end or not, she wanted to make the boldest mark in his youth.

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