Chapter 98 – The Qiu family fell apart


Chaos reigned in the Su family, and the Qiu family wasn't faring much better.


Qiu Shaoze's mother, Gu Li, was at home preparing dinner, simmering chicken soup with a spoon in hand when a sharp pain struck the back of her head, causing her to scream out.


Dizzy and disoriented, Gu Li was slammed to the ground, her eyes reddening with pain. Looking up, she saw Qiu Rong looming over her.


Gu Li had never seen Qiu Rong look so menacing, as if he was about to devour her.


Qiu Rong had a bad temper and kept several mistresses, fathering more than one illegitimate child, but he had never laid a hand on her, his lawful wife.


Even as their marriage became loveless, Qiu Rong maintained his composure, never suggesting divorce or bringing any mistresses home.


In a panic, Gu Li momentarily forgot her pain and asked, "What's wrong? Who's angered you?"


Her question only fueled Qiu Rong's rage: "Gu Li, are you fucking kidding me?"


Frightened, Gu Li recoiled, her eyes filled with confusion. What was she pretending? There was only one thing that could enrage Qiu Rong, but…


How could Qiu Rong have found out? She had kept it secret for so many years.


Trying to appear calm, Gu Li responded, "Husband, what are you talking about? I don't understand."


Qiu Rong was almost amused by her shamelessness. His eyes bloodshot and hands trembling, he pulled out his phone, brought up an article, and threw it in front of Gu Li: "You won't cry until you see the coffin, will you? Look carefully, have I wronged you?"


With that, Qiu Rong stormed out of the kitchen.


Gu Li quickly picked up the phone and looked at it. Just one glance and her heart sank. Opening the video, she panicked and stood up.


How… how could this be?


Gu Li ran out of the kitchen in a frenzy, but the next second, she stopped dead in her tracks and began to retreat in terror.


Qiu Rong was approaching her step by step, iron whip in hand.


He wished he could flay Gu Li alive.


For years, he had cherished their marital bond, never denying Gu Li anything she wanted and never allowing his mistresses or children to affect her and Qiu Shaoze's status. Even when Qiu Shaoze offended the Starshine Group, he gambled all his wealth on his son.


He had never used the iron whip on Gu Li before.


But how had Gu Li repaid him?


Grinding his teeth in hatred, Qiu Rong lashed out with the whip: "You whore! I won't kill you today!"


Gu Li writhed in pain on the floor, her phone's screen shattering as she begged, "Husband, husband!!! I was wrong, let me explain!!!"


Qiu Rong was beyond listening to Gu Li's explanations. Remembering their 25 years of marriage and that Qiu Shaoze was 23, he wished he could kill them both.


The Qiu family's servants heard the commotion and came to check, but none dared to intervene.


Sweating profusely from pain and seeing Qiu Rong's madness, Gu Li burst into laughter: "Yes! Shaoze isn't your son, but so what? You fuck around too, don't you? What, you're allowed to have women but I can't have a man?"


Qiu Rong calmed down, but his eyes were stormier than ever.


Gu Li, clutching her legs, gasped in pain and then laughed: "You think I'm not a good wife, that I betrayed you, but what about you? Qiu Rong, you scatter your seed everywhere, you think I don't know?"


"Do you really think those women are faithful? You're laughable. I just treated you the way you treated me, and now you're furious?"


Enraged, Qiu Rong stepped forward and slapped Gu Li hard: "Proud of being a whore, are you?"


Releasing Gu Li, Qiu Rong was dizzy with anger: "Even if I'm not good, I never made you raise someone else's child, did I? Gu Li, isn't your family's wealth all thanks to me? Without me, you're nothing! You really fucking deserve this!"


With that, Qiu Rong raised the whip again, his blows suggesting he intended to beat Gu Li to death.


Soon, the whip drew blood. Just as Qiu Rong was about to continue, he was violently pushed away and fell to the ground, seeing stars and feeling as if his back was broken.


Qiu Shaoze rushed to help Gu Li up: "Mom, mom, are you okay?"


Gu Li, barely hanging on, still managed to look at Qiu Shaoze: "I'm fine, why are you back?"


Seeing his mother covered in blood, Qiu Shaoze's hatred for Qiu Rong deepened: "Dad sent me to take you away."


Hearing this, Qiu Rong grew even angrier: "You bastard, I'm not dead yet, and you dare to acknowledge another man as your father?!"


Any guilt Qiu Shaoze felt vanished as he coldly regarded Qiu Rong: "You say I'm your beloved son, but at the slightest inconvenience, you resort to threats and violence. You always keep a backup plan; if I fail, you think of bringing your illegitimate child home, even letting him openly challenge me at the company…"


Carefully lifting his mother, Qiu Shaoze continued: "You say my mom wronged you, but in all these years, how have you ever been fair to her?"


"As husband and wife, neither of you should be slinging mud at this point."


Pointing at Qiu Shaoze, Qiu Rong's eyes seethed with hatred: "I should never have raised you, should have strangled you. My Qiu family's wealth…"


Before Qiu Rong could finish, Qiu Shaoze interjected: "You're willing to gamble the family wealth on me now because you see my talent in stone gambling, hoping for a windfall to turn the tide. You're taking a desperate gamble for yourself, don't say it's for me, it's disgusting."


With that, Qiu Shaoze strode away.


Qiu Rong, in severe pain, lay on the ground unable to get up, howling in agony: "You whores! Beasts! I won't let you off! And that damn man!!!"


Qiu Shaoze didn't linger: "I advise you to take care of yourself."


Qiu Shaoze hurried his mother to the hospital.


Gu Li, pale as death, said: "Shaoze, weren't your words just now a bit too harsh…"


Qiu Shaoze replied: "Mom, he beat you half to death, and you still side with him? Don't talk now, once you're healed, I'll send you abroad to retire."


Gu Li could only nod but couldn't help asking: "When did Bai Shangmo return to China?"


Qiu Shaoze sighed: "He's been back a while. Mom, rest for a bit, he'll come to the hospital soon. With him here, Qiu Rong won't dare do anything to you."

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