Chapter 28 – I am not young anymore, I am an adult

He Ju and Si Hua glanced at each other, and at the same time, they saw excitement in each other’s eyes.

It was the off-season, and there weren’t many people on the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.

Si Hua stood at the 4680m altitude monument wearing sunglasses, and she made a victory sign at He Ju!

He Ju understood immediately and took out his camera, aimed it at Si Hua. In that moment when the picture was taken, He Ju’s heart also warmed slightly.

Suddenly, Si Hua rushed over and took He Ju’s camera: “You stand there, I’ll take two pictures for you.”

He Ju: “Ah? I can just forget it, I’ll take pictures for you instead…”

Si Hua directly pushed He Ju to stand in front of the monument and proudly told him, “My photography skills are also great, hurry, strike a few poses.”

Seeing Si Hua’s high spirits, He Ju had no choice but to comply.

Si Hua’s voice of praise occasionally came over: “Yes, that’s it, very handsome~”

“So beautiful~”

“He Ju, look at me!”

He Ju subconsciously looked over, and Si Hua immediately took a picture. Behind him was the snowy mountain, and He Ju’s slightly bewildered eyes seemed to be seeking an answer in the vast snow-capped mountains.

Si Hua lowered her eyes and sighed. In this fast-paced era of love, Su Ran was already very lucky to receive He Ju’s passionate love, more lucky than many others in the world.


Not everyone would cherish it.

Seeing the fleeting emotion in Si Hua’s eyes, He Ju suddenly felt that she, who was so bright, shouldn’t be so sad.

Just as He Ju was about to say something, Si Hua randomly grabbed a passing young lady: “Hello, young lady, can you help us take a picture?”

The young lady happily nodded and even excitedly whispered to Si Hua, “You and your partner are so compatible~”

Si Hua felt both happy and sad in her heart: “We’re not a couple yet—”

The young lady immediately widened her eyes, looking surprised.

Si Hua quietly told her, “But he’s the person I’ve been secretly in love with for many years.”

The young lady gave Si Hua a look of understanding: “You step aside, give me the camera.”

Si Hua readily handed her the camera and then ran over to He Ju.

The young lady immediately directed the poses on the spot: “Young man, come closer, and young lady, look up at him!”

He Ju asked Si Hua in a low voice, “What did you just say to her? Why are you smiling so happily?”

Si Hua looked up at him: “I didn’t say anything…” and couldn’t help but smile.

At this moment of eye contact, Si Hua’s heart was pounding.

Only He Ju was still foolishly curious about what Si Hua had said to the young lady just now…

After taking the picture, the young lady left, giving Si Hua a gesture of encouragement.

Si Hua understood, but He Ju was still in the dark.

Si Hua didn’t plan to explain, she just pointed to the snowy mountain and said softly, “He Ju, let’s make a wish together.”

He Ju nodded: “Okay.”

So the two of them faced the snowy mountain, bowed their heads, clasped their hands together, and closed their eyes.

Si Hua’s wish was: “I hope that next year, the person by her side will still be He Ju, and I hope to be with He Ju year after year.”

And He Ju’s wish was very simple: “This year’s He Ju, don’t fall in love with Su Ran again.”

As the wind whistled in He Ju’s ears, he thought… perhaps, this was the taste of freedom?

Si Hua’s voice was very soft, but it clearly reached He Ju’s ears, accompanied by the sound of the wind: “He Ju, I always feel that your life shouldn’t be like this…”

He Ju couldn’t help but smile bitterly: “Then, Sister Si Hua, how do you think my life should be?”

Si Hua: “A young man in his twenties should be vigorous and unrestrained, but in the two days I’ve spent with you, I always feel… like you’re about to break…”

He Ju’s heart shook slightly, and he didn’t speak for a while.

The cold wind made Si Hua’s hair a bit messy, and He Ju couldn’t even see her face clearly, but he could hear her voice clearly.

Si Hua: “I brought you to the snowy mountain to help you let go of the past and move forward. He Ju, you’ve been loving others for these years, why not try to love yourself first in the future…”

Si Hua tossed her hair aside, revealing her palm-sized face, and smiled very gently: “He Ju, let go of the past, and in the future, I hope you can be yourself on the long road ahead.”

He Ju was surprised that Si Hua could say such things. His eyes felt a little sour for some reason, so he smiled and looked away from Si Hua’s face, and looked at the mountains and rivers that Si Hua had brought him to see.

The snowy mountain reflected beautiful scenery in He Ju’s eyes, but he inexplicably felt a bit blurry: “Sister Si Hua, you’re just a girl, how can you see so much?”

Si Hua saw that He Ju didn’t want to admit it, so she didn’t insist, just gently smiled and teased him: “You’re just a little kid, and you still call me sister?”

He Ju was amused by this: “Hey, come on, I’m not young, I’m an adult.”

Si Hua tiptoed and reached out to ruffle He Ju’s hair: “Indeed, you’re much taller than me.”

He Ju was a little dazed for a moment, no one had ever ruffled his hair like that before.

After saying that, Si Hua turned around to look at the scenery, while breathing in the oxygen.

Perhaps due to altitude sickness and lack of oxygen, He Ju felt a little dizzy and his heart was beating fast. He quickly picked up the oxygen and took two breaths, then he completely calmed down.He Ju took out his camera and snapped several sets of photos of the snowy mountains as keepsakes. He also posted a nine-grid collage of the mountain’s beauty on his social circle, including a solo picture of himself and one of Si Hua.

The caption read: “The mountain does not see me, yet I behold the mountain; letting go is but a moment’s affair.”

Around four in the afternoon, having had their fill of sightseeing, they casually ate some bread and prepared to descend the mountain.

Thus, the afterglow of the setting sun accompanied their steps, stretching their shadows long.

By around seven in the evening, the two finally returned to the ancient city.

Having walked and stopped throughout the day, Si Hua was indeed exhausted. They skipped strolling through the old streets and went straight for a bowl of small wontons and shrimp dumplings at a roadside stall.

As Si Hua popped the fragrant wonton into her mouth, her taste buds were instantly gratified, her eyes comfortably squinting like a lazy little cat.

He Ju couldn’t help but laugh, “Is it really that delicious, Sister Si Hua?”

Si Hua’s voice softened, “It’s delicious, you should try it.”

So, He Ju hurriedly took a bite and gave his approval, “Mmm! Indeed, it’s very good.”

While eating wontons like a little hamster, Si Hua said to He Ju, “You don’t know what life was like for me abroad. It was either bread, salad, or pasta. I really missed the food from Hua Country…”

He Ju asked, “Then why not return to China to work?”

Si Hua’s hand holding the spoon paused briefly before returning to normal, and she simply said, “Because the company is overseas.”

He Ju nodded thoughtfully, “Then why come back to China?”

He Ju was like a curious baby, amusing Si Hua to the point of laughter.

Going abroad was because in China, she couldn’t help but want to see He Ju, whose attention was always on Su Ran. Every day for her was like being slowly tortured.

Now, she had returned because after so many years, she wanted to fight for her own future.

He Ju, you are like a little sun, your love always so generous and bright, never hidden. That’s why you’ll never understand that unrequited love is a turmoil that Si Hua faces alone.

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