Chapter 27 – Because the snow mountain will hear your wish

He Ju finally let go of his worries and just shook his head with a smile, carrying Si Hua steadily back to the inn.

He Ju came to Lijiang, naturally unaware that Su Ran had also bought a plane ticket to Yunnan, to Dali.

She went to the places He Ju had been, but after spending two days in Dali, she still couldn’t find him.

Su Ran was on the verge of collapse, but she understood that it was pointless to call or message He Ju at this point.

She had to stand in front of He Ju and tell him that she had been too willful in the past, and she wouldn’t be like that in the future.

Su Ran squatted by the side of Erhai Lake, her eyes slightly moist, and she called Liu Jia.

Su Ran: “Jia Jia, do you know where He Ju went?”

Liu Jia was silent for a few seconds, then asked her, “Shouldn’t you be clearer about this than me?”

Su Ran was left speechless by Liu Jia’s response.

In the end, Su Ran could only sigh and say, “Alright Jia Jia, I know I was wrong, now I just want to see him, can you tell me where he is?”

Liu Jia knew where He Ju was, after all, they would chat from time to time, and she also knew that He Ju would be back from Lijiang in two days.


Liu Jia didn’t want Su Ran to disturb He Ju’s current life anymore, at least… not now.

Liu Jia felt that she had no right to interfere in He Ju’s feelings, but at the same time, she had no right to reveal He Ju’s specific address.

So Liu Jia said, “Ran Ran, ask him yourself.”

Liu Jia wanted to hang up, but Su Ran suddenly asked her, “Jia Jia, I don’t understand, I just haven’t decided whether to be with He Ju, so I rejected him, I think I need time to consider our relationship, so I didn’t accept the ring, why is everyone blaming me? Including you…”

Liu Jia interrupted Su Ran’s next words with a single sentence: “Su Ran, you always think there’s still time, that’s the problem.”

Su Ran fell silent.

Liu Jia: “Su Ran, because you have all of He Ju’s love, you are always arrogant, always thinking that the opportunity is endless, and never cherishing the person in front of you.”

Liu Jia: “But have you ever heard a saying…”

“Mountains do not meet, but people do.”

“Su Ran, it’s not that He Ju doesn’t love you, it’s that you have pushed away the one who loves you more and more.”

Liu Jia: “Su Ran, only you treat He Ju as dispensable, only you don’t know how to cherish.”

Su Ran seemed to realize something, her hand holding the phone was trembling slightly, her voice slightly choked: “Jia Jia, you…”

But Liu Jia didn’t want to say anything more, her eyes were red, and she said, “Su Ran, if you don’t love him, please let him go.”

In fact, what Liu Jia wanted to say was: if you don’t love him, if you don’t cherish him, someone else will come to love him, to cherish him.

It’s just that with Su Ran around, He Ju’s eyes and heart could no longer hold anyone else.

Let He Ju clear his heart, and then slowly fill it again.

After Liu Jia finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Su Ran stood up, the sea breeze blowing her long hair and white dress behind her, along with the tears in the corners of her eyes, giving her a sense of broken beauty.

Someone stepped forward to hand Su Ran a tissue and asked her what was wrong…

Su Ran just politely thanked them and left.

Someone couldn’t help but sigh and say, “So… even beautiful women can be sad?”

Unable to find He Ju, Su Ran had to buy a ticket back to City A that evening. They say Yunnan is a place of romance and beauty, but…

Without the company of the one she loves, no matter how beautiful the scenery, it couldn’t catch Su Ran’s eye.

Two in the morning.

Su Ran stood at the airport in City A with her suitcase, watching the people coming and going around her, feeling incredibly lonely, as if her heart had a big hole in it, letting the cold wind blow in, but she was powerless to do anything about it.

It turns out…

If He Ju didn’t want to see her, she really couldn’t find him.

And now He Ju had moved…

Su Ran realized that she really knew very little about He Ju.

She didn’t know what He Ju liked, she didn’t know which company He Ju was interning at, she didn’t know where He Ju would travel, she didn’t know who the person next to He Ju was, and she didn’t know where He Ju would move to.

She had known He Ju for more than ten years, and she actually didn’t understand He Ju at all.

Perhaps the evening breeze was a bit strong, blowing Su Ran’s tears down, and she called He Ju’s number again.

The same response as before: “Hello, the number you have dialed is currently busy, please try again later…”

No matter how many times Su Ran called, it was the same.

Su Ran had to admit that He Ju had really blocked her.

Perhaps the blow was too great, or perhaps Su Ran was too exhausted these past few days, she hadn’t even left the airport when she felt dizzy and lightheaded, and then her vision went black, and she fainted directly to the ground, without any awareness.

The airport staff quickly ran towards Su Ran: “Ma’am, are you okay?”

No matter how they called out, Su Ran had no response.

The staff panicked: “Call 911! Someone has fainted here…”

The next day, just as it was getting light.

He Ju and Si Hua were dressed in black windbreakers, white pants, each carrying a hiking stick, and wearing black duckbill caps. He Ju also had a black backpack, with mineral water, a thermos, an oxygen tank, bread, ham sausages, some snacks, yogurt, tissues, and of course, painkillers and things Si Hua needed for her period.Beneath the majestic Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, a place that seemed to be inlaid with sapphires was Blue Moon Valley.

Where the body can reach, let not the eyes hold regrets.

The two took several beautiful photos in Blue Moon Valley before climbing towards Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.

Both He Ju and Si Hua were regulars at the gym, so this level of intensity was nothing to them.

However, neither of them was from the south and couldn’t handle the altitude of 4680 meters at Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. Halfway through, each had to use an oxygen bottle, inhaling while walking. They moved rather slowly, stopping for lunch midway, taking some photos, and even snapping some lovely shots with fellow backpackers.

Someone said, “It’s said that making a wish at the altitude of 4680 meters will make your dreams come true.”

“Because the snow mountain will hear your wish.”

Another person said to He Ju and Si Hua, “You two look very much in love, so I wish you lovers will eventually become spouses.”

He Ju was instantly shocked, while Si Hua couldn’t help but blush. They exchanged glances and then quickly looked away.

He Ju coughed lightly, somewhat embarrassed, “Buddy, where did you see that we are lovers?”

That buddy laughed, pointing at the DSLR hanging on He Ju’s chest, “I just looked through your camera, and it’s full of photos of this beautiful lady, isn’t it?”

What he really wanted to say was: “Buddy, are you blind? Would someone who doesn’t like you look at you so tenderly and softly?”

He Ju wanted to argue, but the man had already waved his hand, “Goodbye, brother, seize the opportunity.”

He Ju didn’t even get the chance to argue.

Si Hua just smiled and said, “Let’s go, let’s climb to the top first.”

He Ju suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and hurried to follow.

Finally, around two in the afternoon, they reached the altitude of 4680 meters on Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.

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