Chapter 165 – Big finale

He Ju’s statement instantly caused a sensation in the industry. Under countless flashing lights, he smiled with refined elegance, showing no sign of panic.

Initially, He Ju signed his design sketches with his own name, but after half a year, he switched to signing as Mr. He, so not many knew his real name.

But seasoned models and designers in the industry were aware. He Ju was well-connected in the business district, and no one would foolishly offend him. Plus, his designs had always been popular abroad before catching fire domestically, so no one connected the dots.

The journalist who asked the question had been to many fashion shows and knew He Ju’s real name. Today’s interview was just her side job. She had only heard people referring to Mr. He, never expecting…

Now that the news had broken, it was simply unbelievable to everyone.

The reporters went wild, and so did the audience.

The youngest entrepreneur in the industry was actually a renowned designer both at home and abroad, which seemed outrageous to everyone. But when the camera panned to Si Hua in the audience, her slightly bulging belly was noticeable, and she was wearing a gown designed by Mr. He, which had even been featured in an international exhibition show.

He Ju looked at Si Hua, and she looked back up at him.

In He Ju’s eyes were tenderness and love, while pride and self-satisfaction filled Si Hua’s.

It was as if Si Hua was saying to the cameras: Look, this is the man I’ve chosen.

After the press conference, He Ju personally stepped down from the stage to take Si Hua’s hand, and they left the venue together under everyone’s watchful eyes.

Si Hua’s joyful smile was captured by the cameras of all major media outlets.

Soon, the news of He Ju and Si Hua flaunting their love went viral again, exposing He Ju’s identity as a designer, making girls across the country envious of Si Hua.

It was rumored that Mr. He only submitted one design sketch per month for the fashion shows, which many felt was too few. Some investors had offered billions for additional designs, but He Ju refused to create more.

The industry was abuzz with rumors that Mr. He only designed to make his wife happy, a claim that had never been confirmed…

Only now did everyone realize that those rumors were indeed true.

The post quickly climbed to the top of various magazines and headlines, dominating the internet.

After returning home, He Ju and Si Hua received a call from Bai Yan, announcing that his girlfriend was about to graduate and he intended to propose formally. Once everything was ready, they would get married.

He Ju and Si Hua had no objections to this.

Meanwhile, far away in a remote area, Su Ran received a call from her family.

It was Shen Yan.

Su Ran hesitated to answer, but the bell signaling the end of class rang, and she had to let her students go before picking up the phone.

Su Ran: “Mom, what’s up?”

Shen Yan sighed: “Ran Ran, you’ve been teaching in the mountains for almost a year now. Aren’t you coming back for the New Year?”

Suddenly, Su Ran felt melancholic. Had it been almost a year already? Time had flown by so fast.

Indeed, after He Ju left that impoverished land, she didn’t choose to study abroad or return to City A. Instead, she stayed as an English teacher at a middle school.

Shen Yan had opposed this many times, even pressuring her repeatedly, but Su Ran never gave in.

It had been almost half a year since she last spoke with Shen Yan.

During this nearly year-long period, Su Ran’s emotions had stabilized. Although she was tired every day, she also lived a fulfilling life.

Su Ran: “Mom, let’s see. The roads in the border areas are tough during the New Year, and they might even be closed.”

Shen Yan was silent for a few seconds before asking, “Haven’t you let go of him yet?”

Su Ran smiled: “Mom, I came here to teach for myself…”

Shen Yan: “Si Hua is pregnant.”

With just a few simple words, Su Ran’s face turned pale in an instant, her hand trembling uncontrollably as she held the phone, yet her voice remained calm: “Then… congratulations to him. He’s going to be a dad.”

Memories swirled, and Su Ran remembered how He Ju once said he really wanted a daughter.

She had scoffed at the idea, but now…

Another woman was having his daughter.

Su Ran turned to face the blackboard, leaving her back to the students, and in the moment she lowered her gaze, tears fell.

Shen Yan: “Su Ran, come home. You’ve been pampered since childhood; how can you endure the hardships of the border?”

Su Ran smiled: “I’m no longer the proud Su Ran I used to be.”

The bell for class rang.

Su Ran wiped away her tears: “Mom, I have to go teach the kids.”

After hanging up, Su Ran picked up her textbook and stood back at the podium. Despite the heartache, she still smiled at her students: “Let’s continue our lesson. Where did we leave off?”

The lively sounds of reading mingled with the early autumn breeze, casting a coolness over Su Ran’s heart.

Once upon a time, she and He Ju were just like these students, young and reckless.

Back then, the classroom was chaotic, and as she gazed out the window, dreaming of the future, the stack of books on her desk was so high that she couldn’t see the blackboard, nor could she see what lay ahead.

She always thought that time was on their side, that she and He Ju had a long future ahead.

Only now did she realize that some people, once they miss the appointed time, they miss out on a lifetime.

Everyone said that He Ju had wasted ten years of her youth on her, but during those ten years, when she accidentally met He Ju’s smiling eyes during a nap in class, she blushed and fantasized about marrying him someday.

But back then, she was too proud to admit her feelings. Now looking back, there was no way to turn back.

While the students were taking a test, Shen Yan sent her a link to the hot news.

It was a replay of He Ju’s live broadcast.

Su Ran watched it silently on mute.

Seeing the gown on Si Hua, Su Ran couldn’t help but curve her eyes slightly.

It was a design He Ju had sketched in class many years ago, an unfinished draft at the time, meant to be completed when he had a wife.

He Ju had always been talented in this area, she knew that.

When He Ju said those words, his eyes were full of deep affection for her. She was happy then, but as a girl, she was too shy to admit it and instead scolded He Ju: “Pah, shameless! At such a young age, you’re already thinking about taking a wife…”

With that, Su Ran turned and ran back to her seat.

Her heart raced, thinking it was a natural reaction to being flirted with by He Ju, not realizing it was an instinctive response to being moved by the young man.

The sunlight outside the window filtered through the branches, casting broken patterns on Su Ran’s podium, just like in the past.

Su Ran turned to watch the setting sun, and without realizing it, tears fell again.

A student asked her, “Teacher, why are you crying?”

Su Ran snapped back to reality, quickly wiping her tears and smiling: “The sunset is too dazzling. Don’t look at me, focus on your papers.”

After class, as Su Ran was collecting the papers, a boy handed her a bottle of mineral water: “Teacher, I hope you can be happy.”

Su Ran was taken aback, smiling as she accepted it: “You too, thank you, student.”

The boy blushed, scratched the back of his head, and waved goodbye to Su Ran.

Holding the water bottle, Su Ran stood there as the breeze passed by, and for a moment, she seemed to see the spirited young He Ju.

“Su Ran, you should drink less soda, it’s not healthy. I always have mineral water in my bag. If the class runs out, I have more, all for you, here—”

Su Ran looked down, a bitter smile on her lips, clutching the papers as she left the classroom.

The love of youth, bold and bright.

She truly loved him.

But she realized it too late.


In the end…

She longed to buy osmanthus wine to share, but it could never be like the days of their youth.

[The End]

Author’s Note:

Su Ran is indeed not perfect; she started out arrogant, selfish, and realistic, then failed to see the situation clearly and became obstinate. But isn’t human nature complex and ever-changing?

Because of Su Ran, the ratings for this book have never been high.

Everyone criticizes He Ju for being too much of a simp, but I always feel that the ten years of student life aren’t so easy to let go of. Even if the first love is no longer as you remember, you will always remember the beauty of its beginning.

So no matter how much everyone curses, I still finished the story, even though it’s a bit short, haha…

As for Liu Jia, she’s like all of us ordinary people, always thinking: I’ll say it tomorrow, I’ll say it at the end of the semester, I’ll say it after graduation, but in the end, it’s just… never mind…

Si Hua is indeed fictional, but I always feel that someone as wonderful as He Ju should have a girl by his side who puts him first in everything.

Since the story started with Su Ran, let it end with her too.

Thank you to all the readers who have accompanied this book. If you’re satisfied, I beg for some rewards! If not, I’ll strive to make you satisfied with the next book!!! Haha…

If fate allows, see you in the new book. The side stories will continue to be updated, so stay tuned.

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