Chapter 161 – Passing through the no man’s land, seeing the most beautiful scenery in the world

Half a day away from our destination, the announcement suddenly came on, informing us that we were about to pass through No Man’s Land, where phones, computers, and other communication devices might be affected, and urging everyone not to panic.

He Ju and Si Hua were sitting in the restaurant at the moment, savoring the delicious food.

Si Hua was curious; she had never really seen No Man’s Land before, so she gazed out the window with wide, curious eyes.

The entire landscape was shrouded in a blanket of snow, a vision of beauty in white. Many passengers took out their phones and cameras to capture this mysterious place that intrigued everyone. At a glance, the expanse seemed endless, the horizon out of sight.

Si Hua exclaimed, “It’s so beautiful outside, but it’s a pity the snowstorm is too heavy to make out the terrain clearly.”

He Ju chuckled and handed her a cup of hot water, “Next year, we can choose to come here in summer or autumn.”

Si Hua giggled as she accepted it, cheerfully saying, “Okay!”

He Ju also took out his camera from his bag, intending to capture the distant mountains, but instead, he caught an even higher peak.

Just as Si Hua finished speaking, a child’s surprised voice rang out, “What’s that?”

The passengers were drawn by the voice and hurriedly looked out the window. Amidst the fierce snowstorm, two soldiers in army green uniforms stood saluting the passing train. Their faces were indistinct, but the train honked its horn while an unprecedented silence filled the carriage.

It was the streak of green in the midst of the snowstorm, and the red fluttering behind it, that brought tears to everyone’s eyes.

Someone peered through binoculars and spoke with admiration, “They’re standing guard with oxygen tanks!”

A child’s tender voice asked, “Mommy, are those our police uncles?”

The girl’s mother choked up, “Yes, my little treasure, they are our guardian angels. Hasn’t your teacher taught you what to do when you see them?”

The child nodded, half-understanding, and then, under everyone’s gaze, raised his hand above his head and saluted like a Young Pioneer. One by one, other children followed suit, and soon Si Hua’s tears fell, and even He Ju, a grown man, couldn’t help but feel a twinge in his eyes.

An innocent child asked, “Daddy, why are they standing there?”

The child’s father replied, “For their life’s mission, for their country, for us. So, my boy, you must study hard to grow up and be a man of stature like them.”

On this lonely and arduous path, they are ordinary yet great, standing guard over our land regardless of the weather.

Later, as we passed different sections, we saw soldiers standing in the vast snow, saluting us, some with only a police booth behind them, others with just a mat, and some trudging through the snow with heavy packs…

Their backs were straight as pines, commanding respect.

The scenery captured by everyone was no longer just a landscape.

He Ju, with his camera, had never been so focused. Initially, he just wanted to capture the backbone of the world, but he ended up capturing the spine of the nation.

They were the most dazzling scenery of this journey.

At that moment, the college students on the train seemed to find their future path, their gazes firm, perhaps thinking: Someone has to go, why not me?

From then on, their future path would be to devote their lives to the northwest, to serve their country.

Or perhaps, some thought: I must study hard, and one day speak for the people.

He Ju wondered what the children of this land on the train would think.

Would they think: I’ve studied hard for over a decade, not to escape my hometown, but to build it better?

Perhaps that’s the meaning of education.

Someone sitting not far from He Ju whispered, “Why are they saluting?”

No one answered; no one heard.

He Ju smiled and said, “Their daily patrols ensure the railway is clear; the salute signals that the path ahead is unobstructed, another mission completed for the nation and the people.”

Si Hua’s eyes reddened again, and she choked up, “It’s so touching…”

He Ju handed her a tissue, and Si Hua, taking it, said, “When you make it big, you have to be a good person. We can’t do anything illegal or disorderly; we have to be worthy of them.”

After that, Si Hua turned back to the window.

He Ju was somewhat amused, not sure where Si Hua’s sentiment came from, but he agreed, “Yes, my dear wife.”

He too had once dreamed of protecting his country and its people, and even if he no longer had the chance, he would not forget his original aspiration.

Si Hua then smiled but didn’t forget to say, “I’ll be by your side, husband and wife, through thick and thin.”

He Ju nodded, “Okay, I’ll listen to you.”

The couple exchanged smiles; there was no denying that this journey seemed to have brought them even closer.

After nightfall, they passed through No Man’s Land and arrived at X City, near the country’s border, with high altitude and biting winds at night. Despite their many precautions against the cold, they were still frozen stiff until they reached the hotel with its floor heating, and the chill slowly dissipated.

He Ju, dragging two large suitcases, said, “Wife, you start unpacking; I’ll go out and buy something and be right back.”

Si Hua replied, “It’s too late, go tomorrow.”

He Ju smiled, wrapping his down jacket tighter, “I just saw a shop open downstairs. I’ll go get some barbecue. How can we be happy without beer and barbecue in this weather? Wait for your husband to come back.”

With that, He Ju was ready to leave. He couldn’t bear to let Si Hua go out in the freezing cold, especially since they needed oxygen outside.

But Si Hua immediately rushed over, “Then I’ll go with you!”

He Ju naturally couldn’t let his charming wife follow; it was too cold outside. He put on a stern face, “Be good.”

Si Hua wasn’t buying it, but knowing He Ju meant well, she didn’t insist and whispered with a giggle, “Then call me ‘sister,’ and I’ll listen.”

He Ju was instantly embarrassed. Calling her ‘wife’ was one thing, but ‘sister’? It had been so long since he had said that.

Yet seeing Si Hua’s expectant look, He Ju still wrapped his arms around her and whispered in her ear, “Be good, sister, and I’ll take good care of you when I get back, okay?”

Si Hua’s face instantly blazed like fire. She had only asked He Ju to call her ‘sister,’ not for all these flirtatious words!

Pushing He Ju away, Si Hua blushed and scolded him, “You’re so bad!”

With that, she scampered back.

Too adorable.

He Ju laughed out loud, his eyes filled with love.

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