Chapter 155 – Repay evil with evil

Upon He Ju’s words, for Bai Xu, Bai Qifeng, and Bai Shang, it was a devastating blow.

Yet, no one dared to speak. Bai Shang, pale-faced, looked at He Ju: “He Ju, don’t be too ruthless.”

He Ju laughed sarcastically as if he had heard a great joke: “Cousin, it was you who mercilessly slandered me and tried to usurp power first. Now, I’m merely striking back lightly. Why are you all acting like cornered beasts?”

“If today you hadn’t revealed the truth, would you have let me off?”

He Ju looked at Bai Shang: “What? Cousin, you’re so clever. Didn’t you consider what would happen if you failed?”

Just as Bai Shang was about to speak, He Ju interrupted her again: “Or did you think Si Hua was too soft-hearted to completely cut you off, even if she was angry?”

Every word He Ju said took Bai Shang by surprise; she never expected He Ju to see right through her.

Initially, Bai Shang didn’t think she would fail. She had inquired about everyone’s schedule in advance and deliberately pressured Starshine to force Si Hua to leave the old house for work at the company.

Meanwhile, she stayed behind to take advantage of He Ju’s vulnerability.

Even if He Ju blamed her upon waking up, the deed would have been done, irrevocable.

Si Hua was a person with a strong sense of cleanliness. Once He Ju had been with her, Si Hua would inevitably feel a barrier in her heart, and their relationship would eventually break.

But Bai Shang never anticipated Bai Yao’s arrival, nor his swift actions that disrupted her entire plan.

Due to the urgency, Bai Shang could only hide the recorded video before He Ju woke up, in a very secret compartment that would never have been found if Yang Jing hadn’t led people to smash her wall.

As soon as He Ju finished speaking, Si Hua made her decision: “Then let’s do as my husband says.”

Yang Jing was waiting at the door. Hearing Si Hua’s words, she immediately responded: “Okay, boss, I’ll handle it now.”

Yang Jing turned and left.

Bai Shang screamed frantically: “No! Don’t do it! Si Hua, he’s just a man who married into the family, I’m your cousin, how can you listen to a man like that?”

Si Hua looked indifferently at her frenzied cousin: “The man you speak of is my husband. He didn’t marry in; I willingly married him. Bai Shang, from the moment you schemed to get into my husband’s bed, you ceased to be my cousin.”

Bai Shang rushed over, trying to reason with Si Hua, but was mercilessly pushed down by He Ju: “It seems my cousin has been so shocked she’s lost her mind. For her safety, it’s best to send her to a psychiatric hospital for an examination.”

He Ju’s words drove Bai Shang and her family to the brink of madness.

Wasn’t it enough to take their wealth and power? Now they wanted to drag Bai Shang to a psychiatric hospital?

Bai Qifeng immediately stood up, shielding Bai Shang: “He Ju, if you dare touch my sister, I’ll never let you off!”

He Ju sneered: “I’d like to see just how far you can go.”

He then ordered: “Take two men and send my cousin to the psychiatric hospital for treatment!”

The bodyguards at the door moved, men Bai Yao had left to assist He Ju and Si Hua.

As the bodyguards approached Bai Shang, she finally became frightened, hiding behind Bai Qifeng and Bai Xu, retreating continuously: “No! No! I’m not insane! I won’t go! Dad, brother, save me!”

Bai Xu and Bai Qifeng resisted desperately but were still pinned down by the bodyguards, and then Bai Shang was forcibly dragged away.

The scene was shocking.

It changed the expressions of Bai Jun’s family and everyone present.

It wasn’t hard to guess that He Ju was making an example out of them.

Si Hua only wanted to reclaim the company, and Bai Xu’s family could still live, but He Ju’s actions sent chills down everyone’s spine, pushing them to a dead end.

It must be said, He Ju’s tactic was quite effective, as Bai Jun’s mouth wasn’t as smooth as before.

Si Hua felt it was a bit too much, but He Ju whispered to her: “Hua Hua, don’t feel sorry for them. If we hadn’t turned the tables today, what Bai Shang would have done could have been even worse. They don’t deserve your sympathy.”

He Ju’s words were loud and clear, meant for everyone to hear.

He Ju looked at them with ease, gently tucking Si Hua’s slightly disheveled hair behind her ear, softly saying: “You’re always too soft-hearted, which makes these people think they can get away with anything. Hua Hua, sometimes, the best way to deal with those who want to hurt us is to ensure they never rise again, understand?”

Si Hua knew that although He Ju was speaking to her, his words were meant for the others.

He Ju was warning them both openly and covertly.

This was to tell them that Si Hua might be soft-hearted, but He Ju was not. Anyone who dared to strike at them was on a path to destruction.

Si Hua’s lips curved into a bright smile: “I understand, husband.”

After today, anyone who wanted to do anything to them would first have to consider whether they could withstand He Ju’s wrathful retaliation.

He Ju had been considering how to establish his authority and make these people wary of Si Hua and himself. He hadn’t expected Bai Shang’s family to volunteer as the sacrificial lambs.

Everyone present had different thoughts. When He Ju turned to look at Bai Qifeng and Bai Xu, who were pinned down by the bodyguards, Bai Shang took a couple of steps back, barely steadying herself on the handrail to avoid falling.

Bai Shang, relieved, watched He Ju, her fair face already covered in sweat.

She was grateful she hadn’t acted against He Ju, or she might have been the one sent to the psychiatric hospital today.

He Ju looked down from his high position at the dispirited Bai Xu and the hateful Bai Qifeng, squatting down: “Cousin, you visited Qiu Shaoze’s mother at the hospital, didn’t you? I find it strange. Qiu Shaoze is Bai Shangmo’s illegitimate child, but what about you? Are you also an illegitimate child?”

Bai Qifeng suddenly looked up at He Ju: “He Ju! Don’t spout nonsense!!!”

Bai Xu, confused, looked at Bai Qifeng and He Ju: “What do you mean? Why would my son visit Gu Li?”

He Ju was no longer interested in explaining. Bai Shang wanted to drive a wedge between him and his wife, and now he wanted to sow discord between father and son, to foster mutual suspicion.

It was simply a case of giving them a taste of their own medicine.

At this point, He Ju didn’t care why Bai Qifeng had been at the hospital that day.

Since Bai Shangmo was no longer a threat, the reason for Bai Qifeng’s visit wasn’t important anymore.

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