Chapter 151 – The woman Si Hua took advantage of the situation

He Ju was carried into Bai Shang’s bedroom, and after the two men left, only He Ju and Bai Shang remained in the room.

Bai Shang wasn’t in a hurry. She took out a bottle of perfume from her bag, poured some onto a tissue, and walked towards He Ju.

At this point, He Ju’s consciousness was already blurred, but Bai Shang still covered his mouth and nose with the tissue.

Soon, He Ju lost consciousness completely.

One of Bai Shang’s hobbies was perfume blending.

Her willingness to interact with He Ju was because it allowed her to expose him to her drugged perfume more effectively.

Every second she spent with He Ju, he was unknowingly inhaling her concoction.

After ensuring He Ju had no reaction, Bai Shang confidently stripped him down to his underwear.

Having done that, she went to take a shower, flushing the tissue down the toilet.

She knew Si Hua wouldn’t be returning today, giving her ample time to plot everything carefully.

However, Bai Shang had failed to anticipate that Si Hua would call He Ju.

The phone rang several times in He Ju’s pocket, but he didn’t answer.

This raised Si Hua’s suspicions. He Ju had said he wouldn’t go out today, so why wasn’t he answering her calls?

Si Hua checked the surveillance and saw an unfamiliar maid talking to He Ju.

Initially, Si Hua wasn’t suspicious, but then she remembered her mother was supposed to be baking cakes at home today.

Her mother usually enlisted her father’s help, as he cherished their time together. He would only call He Ju over for a chat when he was bored at home, either when her mother was out shopping with her bestie or asleep.

But today…

Si Hua immediately called Bai Yao: “Dad, is He Ju with you?”

Bai Yao was kneading dough in the kitchen: “No, didn’t he go to his real estate company today?”

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Si Hua grabbed her bag and strode out: “Dad, He Ju didn’t go to the office today. I called him and he didn’t answer. The surveillance showed a maid claiming you called him over for chess…”

Bai Yao had the speakerphone on, so Si Mei heard everything. They exchanged a look, both grasping the seriousness of the situation.

Bai Yao: “Send me the surveillance footage.”

Si Hua: “Okay, I’m on my way home now. It might take two hours, so please take care of it.”

Bai Yao: “Alright, don’t talk now. Drive safely.”

After hanging up, Bai Yao washed his hands quickly, and Si Mei had already called the security department.

Once Bai Yao finished, Si Mei hung up: “No cars have left today.”

There was only one exit from the old mansion, meaning He Ju hadn’t left.

Bai Yao immediately arranged: “Wife, check the surveillance to see where He Ju was last seen. I’ll lead a search.”

Si Mei: “Okay.”

The couple sprang into action.

Bai Yao had barely left the house when he called everyone at the mansion to gather within ten minutes, dispersing his bodyguards and maids to search.

Soon, Si Hua’s surveillance video arrived.

Even Bai Yao didn’t recognize the maid. Where was she from?

The maid’s uniform was clearly the mansion’s standard issue. Bai Yao frowned, fell silent for two seconds, and then forwarded the video to Si Mei.

The mansion was bustling with activity when Bai Shang, freshly showered, heard the doorbell ring. It was her father, Bai Xu.

Bai Shang: “What’s up, Dad?”

Bai Xu: “Your uncle wants everyone in the hall in ten minutes for an urgent meeting. Hurry up and get ready.”

Bai Shang’s face changed instantly. Had they discovered He Ju’s disappearance so soon?


Bai Shang didn’t respond immediately. After Bai Xu called several times, she finally replied: “Dad, I’m not feeling well. I don’t want to go. Just say I’m not in the mansion.”

Bai Xu glanced at the time, two minutes had passed, and he didn’t insist: “Alright, rest up. I’ll have the family doctor check on you later.”

After he left, Bai Shang quickly dried her hair, returned to the bed, and took many intimate photos with He Ju in her arms.

Bai Shang had wanted to turn their act into reality, but Bai Yao’s sudden move dampened her mood.

Looking at He Ju’s handsome face, she lamented: “Si Hua is really getting a bargain.”

Her fingers traced down from He Ju’s nose: “If we really sparked something today, would you despise me for being unclean afterward, or yourself? Would you divorce Si Hua?”

She laughed at the thought.

He Ju couldn’t hear a thing; Bai Shang’s drug had knocked him out cold.

Her phone rang soon after; it was Bai Xu.

Bai Shang didn’t answer but turned off her phone, then set up a camera on a tripod aimed at the bed.

This was ironclad evidence.

No matter how He Ju was coerced, she would be the one at a disadvantage, and public opinion would naturally side with her. If she could get pregnant from this brief encounter, perhaps the outcome would be entirely different?

With that thought, Bai Shang’s smile grew wider.

She undressed and was about to climb onto the bed when urgent knocking sounded at the door.

Bai Shang’s expression turned ugly, but she quickly sprayed the antidote on a tissue and placed it under He Ju’s nose.

Then, she slipped under the covers, hugging He Ju and kissing his neck several times.

“Bai Shang! Open the door!” Bai Yao was furious.

Finally, unable to bear it any longer, Bai Yao ordered: “Break down the door!”

He Ju was annoyed by the noise and his head throbbed. Before he could grasp the situation, Bai Yao and Si Mei burst in with others.

A shrill scream pierced the air.

He Ju’s ears rang, his vision darkened, and before he could understand what was happening, Bai Yao bellowed, “Get dressed and get out!!!”

As quickly as they came, they left.

He Ju’s sluggish brain began to clear, and his gaze fell on Bai Shang, who was huddled under the covers, only her eyes visible.

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