Chapter 149 – In my eyes, you are the most important

He Ju didn’t leave immediately. His car remained parked not far from Bai Shangmo’s villa until the sound of a gunshot rang out. Only then did He Ju rub his weary brow and fully awaken, driving away.

As police cars whizzed past, He Ju contemplated that if Bai Shangmo were to survive today, his only chance to escape capture would be to flee China—a feat easier said than done.

Even if Bai Shangmo miraculously escaped death, he wouldn’t dare return.

As for Zheng You, he was merely a disposable piece in He Ju’s game. No matter the assassin’s reasons, an assassin is still an assassin. He Ju had no sympathy for that kind of person. He would keep his promise not to go after Zheng You’s wife, nothing more.

Regardless of the method, He Ju would achieve his goal.

He felt sorry for his brothers who had spent a long time investigating Bai Shangmo.

He Ju thought he should find time to treat his brothers to a good time. Without Old Seven leading them, it would have been difficult for He Ju to strike with precision.

He Ju had just returned home and was about to get out of his car when Old Seven called: “I’ve sent you some photos. Take a look.”

He Ju immediately checked his phone and saw surveillance images: Liu Jia attending his wedding, Liu Jia in her wedding dress posing with him, Liu Jia being taken away in an ambulance, and Liu Jia leaving the airport late at night. The last photo showed two men in black suits at the airport, likely Bai Shangmo’s bodyguards searching for Liu Jia.

He Ju’s emotions were complex.

Old Seven: “He Ju, I checked her flight and found nothing. Bai Yan arranged it well.”

He Ju: “Okay, thanks.”

Old Seven’s words confirmed Liu Jia’s safety.

With Bai Shangmo in trouble, Liu Jia had nothing to fear after leaving China.

After hanging up, He Ju stared at the photos, lost in thought. Bai Yan hadn’t told him about these events, probably at Liu Jia’s request.

So, He Ju deleted the photos as if the incident had never happened.

But when he opened WeChat and scrolled through the chat history, he found that at two in the morning, Liu Jia had sent him one last message: “I hope you find happiness.”

Her WeChat status simply read: “Thinking of you one last time before dawn.”

He Ju didn’t reply, only whispering softly, “Thank you, Jia Jia.”

Then, he deleted the chat with Liu Jia.

Unless something unexpected happened, they would remain silent contacts from now on.

He Ju couldn’t reciprocate Liu Jia’s deep affection. All he could do was manage the Liu family corporation and live well.

If Liu Jia ever faced trouble, he and his wife would go to great lengths to help.

That was He Ju’s sincerest promise.

He Ju pushed all thoughts aside and entered the old house.

Bai Yao was already waiting for him. He Ju paused briefly before following Bai Yao through twists and turns into the study.

Bai Yao: “You orchestrated today’s news, didn’t you?”

He Ju was surprised. Had the reporters already been there? He hadn’t even checked the headlines yet.

Still, He Ju admitted: “Yes, it was me.”

He Ju braced himself for criticism. His actions had been ruthless, potentially implicating not just Bai Shangmo but also Qiu Shaoze and his mother.

He Ju was ready to be scolded.

Unexpectedly, Bai Yao burst into a smile: “Well done! You take revenge without delay, not even overnight. Impressive!”

He Ju was confused: “Huh?”

Bai Yao sighed: “If Si Hua had your courage, how could the Bai family dare to trouble you? It’s a pity her heart is too soft.”

He Ju wanted to say his heart was soft too—he wasn’t a bad person!

But to reassure his father-in-law, He Ju said: “Don’t worry, I won’t let Hua Hua be bullied.”

Bai Yao patted He Ju’s shoulder, smiling: “Bai Yan always said you were capable. I had my doubts, but not anymore. Take good care of Hua Hua. If she ever makes a mistake, don’t scold her, just send her back to me.”

He Ju earnestly replied: “Don’t worry, I won’t lay a finger on Hua Hua. If I fail, you can kill me.”

Bai Yao then joked: “Just kidding. Go on, it’s the second day of your wedding. Don’t let my precious daughter wake up without you.”

He Ju nodded and left.

Perhaps it was just his imagination, but He Ju felt the snowstorm had intensified, and despite being away for only a few hours, he already missed Si Hua terribly.

Walking back through the swirling snowflakes, He Ju ignored the overwhelming news about Bai Shangmo online.

Just as he braved the snowstorm to return home, Si Hua rushed out with a blanket, enveloping He Ju: “It’s so cold outside, you’ve worked hard!”

He Ju’s heart melted instantly: “It’s not hard.”

Then he embraced Si Hua, sighing contentedly.

With Bai Shangmo, the biggest villain, out of the picture, only the Bai family’s small fry remained. He Ju believed that after Bai Shangmo’s incident, they would be too afraid to cause trouble for a while.

He and Si Hua could finally live their lives well.

Si Hua nuzzled against He Ju’s chest, softly saying: “Go take a shower. I’ll make breakfast, and then we can catch up on sleep together.”

He Ju: “Don’t we have to have breakfast with your parents on the second day of our wedding?”

Si Hua shook her head: “Your health is most important.”

So He Ju smiled, kissed Si Hua, and said: “Thank you, wife.”

After He Ju showered, Si Hua happily slipped into the kitchen.

Both He Ju and Si Hua cherished their hard-won life at this moment.

Si Hua understood everything He Ju did and would never blame him, only silently support him.

He Ju also appreciated Si Hua’s years of waiting and showed her more patience and security.

Unbeknownst to the harmonious couple, this morning’s news had set City A abuzz.

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