Chapter 147 – Most like Bai Yan gege

Hearing Song Niannian say this, Bai Yan stopped fretting and quickly changed his clothes before driving the large G-Wagon with Song Niannian to the airport.

Song Niannian wore a cute set of strawberry bear pajamas underneath, a knee-length down jacket on top, and a pair of tall boots. Her hair was tied into two ponytails that she hadn’t had time to tidy, and she held pastries in her arms while looking ahead with bright, wide eyes.

Song Niannian: “Bai Yan, after Jia Jia leaves, will those people find her?”

Bai Yan: “Once she’s out of the country, it’s hard to track someone down, especially since Bai Shangmo’s influence isn’t that extensive.”

Song Niannian nodded her little head, her voice still childlike even when awake: “That’s good, I really admire Sister Jia Jia.”

Bai Yan drove with one hand and ruffled her hair with the other: “It’ll be fine. You focus on your studies, and leave the rest to me.”

Song Niannian smiled sweetly and obediently replied: “Okay.”

She and Bai Yan had met through online dating. Initially, she thought Bai Yan was unreliable, but after spending time together, she found him to be quite good and agreed to meet.

Their relationship evolved into a long-distance one. Song Niannian came because of Si Hua’s wedding, sat in the audience, and even gave a red envelope, but since they hadn’t formally met the parents, no one knew.

Bai Yan had been hiding his love for quite some time.

Soon, Bai Yan drove to the airport, and Song Niannian got out of the car, spotting Liu Jia and two bodyguards waiting at the entrance amidst the heavy snowfall.

The weather was truly unfriendly.

Bai Yan parked the car and then walked with Song Niannian towards Liu Jia.

Liu Jia: “Thank you for coming to see me off.”

Bai Yan: “Don’t mention it, I should be thanking you.”

Bai Yan casually wrapped an arm around Song Niannian: “This is my girlfriend, Song Niannian. I remember He Ju once warned me to be careful not to mess up. It seems he was wrong.”

Liu Jia smiled, looking at Song Niannian, who still had the appearance of a young girl, her round face and nose tip reddened by the cold, utterly adorable.

Song Niannian handed the pastries to Liu Jia: “Sister Jia Jia, these are pastries I made myself, along with some bear-shaped cookies. Take them to snack on during your trip.”

Liu Jia accepted without refusal: “Thank you both.”

Song Niannian shook her head: “Sister Jia Jia, have a safe journey.”

Bai Yan added: “Safe travels, and if you need any help, just say the word.”

Tears welled up in Liu Jia’s eyes: “I only have one request, please don’t tell He Ju that I was here, nor what I did. Don’t disturb his life; that’s all I ask. Thank you.”

Song Niannian, clinging to Bai Yan, felt her eyes redden as she looked at Liu Jia.

Bai Yan felt a heavy heart but promised: “Okay.”

Although He Ju had the right to know, since Liu Jia wished otherwise, he would keep silent.

However, if one day He Ju found out, there was nothing he could do.

Liu Jia walked alone into the airport, her slender figure looking somewhat desolate in the biting wind.

Song Niannian’s voice choked up: “Sister Jia Jia is so pitiful…”

Bai Yan hugged his little girlfriend, shielding her from some of the snow, and sighed: “Yes, it’s not easy in this world to find mutual love and make it last.”

Song Niannian buried her head in Bai Yan’s chest, lamenting: “Yes, Sister Jia Jia is too late, but if she weren’t, it might have been Sister Si Hua leaving today.”

In today’s fast-paced world of relationships, it’s not easy to fall for someone, and once you do, if they fit all your ideals, you won’t easily fall out of love.

Liu Jia was in that state, and how long it would take her to get over He Ju was anyone’s guess.

Maybe in a few years, she’d follow her family’s wishes, marry someone suitable, or… live her life in the shadow of her feelings for He Ju.

Bai Yan remained silent, simply stroking the little girl’s head: “After you graduate, shall we get married?”

Song Niannian giggled in his arms: “Bai Yan, I’m only nineteen, still young.”

Bai Yan: “Not that young, you’re of legal age to marry.”

Song Niannian: “But I still have two years until graduation, are you in such a hurry?”

Bai Yan certainly was, seeing Liu Jia unable to attain her love made him cherish his current relationship even more.

Song Niannian was sweet, gentle in speech, lovely in appearance, and her words were always kind, hitting all of Bai Yan’s soft spots, making him want to protect her.

Bai Yan kissed her several times: “Yes, I’m in a hurry, I want to take you home right now.”

Bai Yan wasn’t ambitious in terms of career or family wealth; as long as he could live a decent life, that was enough.

Song Niannian, arm in arm with Bai Yan, walked back through the snow: “Then it’s up to you, Bai Yan.”

Bai Yan’s gentle voice carried on the wind: “Alright, two more years. Niannian, you better watch how I perform.”

Song Niannian: “Sure! I love Bai Yan the most!”

Bai Yan: “I love you too.”

At this moment, Bai Yan was planning to introduce Niannian to his friends next year, bring her home, get engaged, and marry her as soon as she graduated.

Song Niannian felt very sweet inside. She was a socially anxious girl who liked watching dramas, reading novels, and exploring cuisine. Her major was veterinary science, and she adored animals, volunteering at pet shops in her free time.

Song Niannian didn’t have grand ambitions; she just wanted to open a pet shop after graduation, explore new hobbies after work, and if possible, have a like-minded partner.

Moreover, as a daughter, her family didn’t have high expectations; her mother said as long as Niannian lived well, that was the best.

The couple returned to the car and drove home, unaware that just after they left the airport, two people were searching everywhere.

But Liu Jia’s plane had already taken off.

Meanwhile, He Ju emerged from his love nest, took a quick shower, dressed, and drove away from the old house.

As he left, two cars followed behind him.

He Ju’s destination was clear: the docks.

On his wedding night, he couldn’t leave Si Hua alone, but he also couldn’t let that person leave City A without evidence to accuse Bai Shangmo of hiring a killer.

He wanted Bai Shangmo and Qiu Shaoze to suffer and be expelled from the country!

Bai Yao was also woken up by his bodyguards, informing him that He Ju had left the old house.

Without hesitation, Bai Yao sent his capable men to follow.

As long as no lives were lost, that was acceptable.

Bai Yao believed his son-in-law would handle things appropriately.

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