Chapter 145 – The warning from Bai family’s parents

Hearing those words, Su Ran stood frozen in place for a full three minutes before she managed to regain her composure, followed by a bitter smile: "If I had your mindset back then, tonight would have been my wedding night…"


Liu Jia could only offer a smile. Now, when she and Su Ran mentioned He Ju, all that filled their hearts was regret.


Su Ran had hesitated at the time she should have cherished the most, failing to recognize her own heart, and thus, after finally getting what she wanted, she lost it again.


And Liu Jia was too timid and cowardly, never daring to take that bold step, so she never got to experience having it at all.


One was too arrogant, the other too insecure, both missing the best opportunity.


Liu Jia chuckled: "Anyway, thank you for being willing to visit me in the hospital today."


Liu Jia: "Even though we may be worlds apart in the future and might never meet again, Su Ran, I'll always consider you a friend. I hope you find your true destiny soon."


Su Ran looked up, holding back the tears in her eyes, and composed herself before looking down at Liu Jia: "The same goes for you."


Liu Jia smiled warmly, not knowing what her future held, but…


At least for now, she couldn't forget He Ju.


Liu Jia had a poor appetite, but to avoid disappointing Su Ran, she made an effort to finish all the food.


Seeing this, Su Ran packed up the food box: "I have a flight at ten tonight. If nothing goes wrong, I might not come back."


Liu Jia asserted firmly: "You will."


Su Ran paused slightly while packing the food box: "Maybe."


Before leaving, Su Ran said: "Liu Jia, I'm sorry for what I did to you in the past."


After speaking, Su Ran didn't wait for Liu Jia to respond and quickly left.


The hospital room was left with only Liu Jia.


In the end, Liu Jia just picked up her phone and sent Su Ran a message: "Have a safe trip."


Then, Liu Jia lay back down, closed her eyes, and her mind was filled with images of He Ju marrying Si Hua, his smile, his humility, his doting on Si Hua.


He Ju was a good man; he would always love his wife.


And Liu Jia would always remember what He Ju looked like.



At this time, He Ju and Si Hua had already taken their baths and changed into comfortable pajamas.


Their room today was plastered with the character "happiness" , and they were wearing red pajamas. The mattress, sheets, duvet, and pillowcases were all red, the whole place radiating joy.


Si Hua was the happiest today. Although she was tired, she had truly become his wife, known to everyone.


Just as He Ju was about to say something, Si Hua brought over a large box, poured all the red envelopes onto the bed, and climbed on with excitement: "Let's count the red envelopes before we sleep!"


So, Si Hua began to open the red envelopes, recording each one with her phone's memo app.


He Ju was dumbfounded and sat down behind her, gently saying: "Wife, it's our wedding night."


Si Hua didn't even turn her head, her eyes wide open despite being sleepy when they returned: "I know!"


He Ju: "…" You know? If you know, why aren't you attending to the important matter?


He had been abstinent for many days; what's money compared to that?


So He Ju said: "Wife, be good, let's count them tomorrow."


Si Hua acted coquettishly: "No, let's count them today…"


He Ju decided not to negotiate with Si Hua anymore, sweeping all the red envelopes off the bed, and then pounced on her with a smile on her face.


He Ju finally realized, so his wife was playing hard to get?


Si Hua exclaimed, pushing against He Ju's shoulders: "Turn off the lights!!!"


He Ju's face was flushed: "Can't, let's go—"


In the end, Si Hua's voice was hoarse, and at two or three in the morning, she was still coquettishly pleading for mercy, seemingly to no avail.



While He Ju and Si Hua were consumed by passion, the other members of the old Bai family house couldn't sleep.


Bai Yao's expression had been grim ever since he learned that someone had attempted to kill He Ju and Si Hua at the wedding. He had been holding back just because it was his daughter and son-in-law's wedding day.


In the hall.


Aside from He Ju and Si Hua, almost all of the Bai family members in City A had gathered. Everyone was puzzled why they were called together on such a joyous occasion.


Although they had questions, no one dared to voice them.


It was clear to everyone that Bai Yao was in a bad mood, and even the usually pleasant Si Mei sat silently aside, her face also showing a distressing pallor that made others uneasy.


Once nearly everyone had arrived, Bai Yao looked around and spoke bluntly, without beating around the bush: "Normally, you scheme against each other for a bit more money, even going so far as to plot against me and Si Hua. Considering we're all relatives and friends, I've tolerated what I could, Bai Yao has let it slide, as long as you don't go too far, I generally don't intervene. But today…"


Bai Yao suddenly slammed the table and stood up in anger: "My not intervening doesn't mean you can do whatever you want!"


The Bai family had never seen Bai Yao so furious, and they were all a bit uneasy.


Bai Yao: "At noon today, someone sent an assassin to kill Si Hua and her husband. I've already sent people to investigate and have reported it to the police. Let me be clear, once I find out who it is, I will show no mercy!"


Everyone's expressions varied, all shocked.


Bai Yao took a deep breath: "Furthermore, I've already made a will. If anything happens to Si Hua and He Ju, all of the Bai family's assets will be donated to orphanages across the country. Please take this warning seriously!"


After speaking, Bai Yao turned to take Si Mei's hand, ready to leave.


But Si Mei stood still, her face no longer showing her usual playful smile, but a calm expression as she spoke: "Everyone here is a parent and should understand the importance of a child to a parent. I'll just say one thing…"


Si Mei paused for two seconds, then suddenly looked up, her tone crisp: "I hope you all don't underestimate a mother's determination to protect her daughter."


For their children, a mother can do anything.


If anything happens to Bai Yan or Si Hua, she, Si Mei, would go mad, and her madness is not something these people can withstand.


They'd better pray that this incident has nothing to do with anyone sitting here.


After speaking, Si Mei stepped forward to take Bai Yao's arm, smiled, and said: "Let's go, after a long day, we should also go back and rest."


Bai Yao nodded and left the hall with Si Mei.


The Bai family members gradually dispersed, each with their own doubts and fears.


But the warnings from Bai Yao and Si Mei had some effect; at least for a long time, the small fry wouldn't dare to make any rash moves.

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