Chapter 144 – Can we still be good friends?

Bai Yan hesitated for a moment but ultimately heeded Liu Jia’s words, discreetly taking the person to the hospital without alarming He Ju.

Fatty and Motor fell into silence after learning the whole story.

They knew Liu Jia had feelings for He Ju, but they hadn’t realized the depth of her affection – a love so profound she’d risk her life for him.

Bai Yan also mentioned Liu Jia’s request before she lost consciousness. After discussing it, the brothers decided to keep the incident a secret for now, at least until He Ju’s wedding was successfully over.

Thus, Liu Jia was sent to the hospital, He Ju continued with his wedding without further incidents, and the only person missing was Bai Yan.

By the time He Ju brought Si Hua back to the old house, it was already five or six in the afternoon, and both were exhausted.

Si Hua went to take a bath upon returning to their room, while He Ju spoke with Bai Yan on the phone.

Bai Yan: “At noon, there was a hitman lying in wait across from the hotel. If our people hadn’t spotted him in time, the consequences would have been unthinkable.”

He Ju tensed: “Did any of our people get hurt?”

Bai Yan was silent for two seconds: “No.”

He Ju relaxed: “Do we know who sent them?”

Bai Yan: “Our guys didn’t catch them, but Bai Shangmo didn’t show up at the banquet, and someone saw Qiu Shaoze. Third Uncle Bai Xu and his son were also absent. It’s not clear who was behind it.”

Despite saying this, both He Ju and Bai Yan knew that Bai Shangmo and Qiu Shaoze were more likely the culprits, given their underworld connections, especially overseas.

He Ju calmly said after a few seconds: “Let them jump around for a couple of days. Be careful when you investigate.”

Bai Yan frowned: “Dad won’t sit idly by. They’re… too brazen.”

Even Bai Yan was shaken; had he arrived just a few seconds later, Liu Jia might not have made it.

He Ju: “Let’s wait until this period is over. I’ll find a way to get to the bottom of this.”

Bai Yan nodded: “Alright, I won’t disturb your wedding night then. Bye.”

After hanging up, Bai Yan turned to Liu Jia on the hospital bed: “I’ve told him everything, but I didn’t reveal your situation. Don’t worry.”

Despite being on an IV drip, Liu Jia’s face was still very pale. She managed a weak smile: “Thank you.”

Bai Yan looked at Liu Jia for a few moments: “What are your plans now?”

Liu Jia: “I’m planning to go back tomorrow.”

Bai Yan: “Jia Jia, you need psychological therapy.”

Liu Jia just smiled: “I know, but staying here will only cause trouble for you all. I’ve disrupted their plans, and those people will probably seek revenge. If I continue to stay in City A, you’ll have to assign someone to protect me, which will take up your time and distract He Ju…”

He Ju was a newlywed, and the fewer troubles, the better.

Even the eloquent Bai Yan fell silent, finally saying: “Why do you put yourself through this, Jia Jia? Shouldn’t you be living your own life?”

Liu Jia: “That’s exactly what I’m going to do. My parents have already found a school for me, and I might continue my studies. I didn’t have any ill intentions when I returned to China; I just wanted to see He Ju and Sister Si Hua’s wedding. Once I’ve seen it, my regrets will be gone.”

Liu Jia looked up at Bai Yan, her face colorless but her eyes shining brightly: “Bai Yan, I will live well.”

Liu Jia: “After I go back, I’ll seek a counselor to help me heal. I’ll step out of the shadows. Bai Yan, I may seem fragile, but I’m also very strong.”

In that moment, Bai Yan’s view of Liu Jia completely changed.

Initially, he thought she was just a delicate young lady. Then, seeing her brave danger for love, he found her courageous. And now, witnessing her protect herself against vicious enemies, he thought Liu Jia was both intelligent and resolute.

Bai Yan felt that Liu Jia was truly a good girl.

If Liu Jia had bravely stood by He Ju’s side before Si Hua returned to China, he would have let He Ju make his own choice.

But Liu Jia didn’t.

Bai Yan sighed: “Alright, I’ll arrange for someone to watch over you and book the earliest flight for you tomorrow.”

Liu Jia’s eyes reddened: “Thank you.”

Bai Yan: “I should be the one thanking you. If it weren’t for your vigilance, I really don’t know what would have happened today.”

Liu Jia smiled softly: “I didn’t really do much…”

After exchanging a few more words, Bai Yan left. Liu Jia saw that there were two bodyguards standing guard outside.

Liu Jia’s heart finally eased.

She took out her phone and saw missed calls from her parents. She hadn’t answered because she was unconscious, so she quickly sent them a message to reassure them, then browsed through her photo album.

The latest photo showed her in a wedding dress, blocking the shot of He Ju and Si Hua together.

Liu Jia looked at it for a long time, caressing it over and over, before finally smiling slightly.

Soon, she heard a voice outside: “Let me in, I’m her friend.”

Was that Su Ran’s voice?

Liu Jia quickly hid her phone: “Let her in.”

So, Su Ran entered, carrying a food box.

Liu Jia was surprised: “How did you know I was here?”

Su Ran looked a bit uneasy: “I saw you at the wedding, then I left early and saw Bai Yan taking you away. I asked him what happened and went home to bring you some food.”

As she spoke, Su Ran opened the three-tiered food box: “I can’t cook, so I had the maid whip something up. Just make do with it.”

Liu Jia looked over to see a pot of black chicken soup, soft and mushy pumpkin, and a delicious-looking steamed egg.

Liu Jia’s eyes welled up: “Su Ran, do you still consider me your friend?”

Su Ran handed her the food with a scowl: “What else? I, Su Ran, am not that petty!”

Liu Jia laughed, took the food quickly, and Su Ran moved a table over to make it easier for her to eat.

Eating quietly with an IV in her arm, Liu Jia still looked elegant despite her illness, but the hospital gown gave her a fragile appearance.

Su Ran sighed: “You’ve loved He Ju for so many years without saying a word, and I never noticed. I always thought you were a coward, but now you dare to charge in alone?”

“Jia Jia, are you really not afraid of dying?”

Liu Jia was silent for a while before saying: “I am.”

Su Ran was surprised: “Then why?”

Liu Jia looked up at Su Ran, her gaze resolute: “Su Ran, I am a coward, but my love isn’t.”

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