Chapter 143 – Sudden accident

Liu Jia saw Bai Yan quietly leading people out the back door, and soon after, she received a photo Bai Yan posted in the group chat. It was of the spot she had just been sitting, now empty.

Liu Jia couldn’t help but feel a bit surprised. Was she overthinking things?

“Ding-dong,” her phone chimed again.

It was another message from Bai Yan in the group chat: “Jia Jia, don’t worry, I’ve arranged for someone to keep watch nearby.”

Liu Jia had no choice but to suppress her doubts for the time being.

When Liu Jia snapped back to reality, He Ju and Si Hua had already exchanged rings on stage. According to local custom, after the ceremony, the bride is supposed to change into a toast dress to greet guests at the hotel entrance.

So, Si Hua quickly went to change her clothes in the hotel room, while He Ju was busy drinking with relatives, friends, and teachers.

Although Bai Yan and his team had already checked the area, Liu Jia still felt extremely uneasy, making her restless.

The guest greeting was about to start, and after that, the toasting would begin.

After Si Hua changed into her toast dress and came out, Liu Jia got up and left the banquet.

There were many guests attending the banquet, including He Ju’s friends, classmates, colleagues, as well as Si Hua’s relatives, friends, and subordinates. The place was bustling with people coming and going.

Standing among the crowd, Liu Jia looked around and saw Bai Yan patrolling with his team, but everyone, including Si Hua, seemed to be looking around aimlessly, unable to pinpoint the source of the problem.

At that moment, Si Hua, arm in arm with He Ju, came out to greet the guests. He Ju was dressed in traditional Chinese groom’s attire, while Si Hua wore a custom-made cheongsam.

Liu Jia had to admit, Si Hua looked stunning in the cheongsam, truly alluring. It was no wonder He Ju was so smitten with her.

Liu Jia withdrew her gaze and hid around a corner, carefully observing her surroundings.

She had clearly seen that person go upstairs. Why weren’t they there now?

Liu Jia was baffled.


Liu Jia remembered something she had overlooked. The spot she had been sitting at was on the third floor, which was the dining area, but there should be a rooftop above the third floor.

The view from the third floor was good, but the view from the rooftop would be even better! And there would be no obstructions!

The realization turned Liu Jia’s face pale. She stiffly looked towards He Ju and Si Hua, who were now greeting guests from all directions.

Without a second thought, Liu Jia dashed towards the back door of the restaurant, sending a voice message in the group chat as she ran: “I’m sure someone has entered the building. I’m heading to the rooftop now, hurry up!”

Liu Jia sprinted and in less than five minutes, she was at the stairwell leading to the rooftop, her heart pounding. The group chat was eerily silent.

Despite feeling weak in the knees, Liu Jia climbed step by step towards the rooftop, remembering to switch her phone to silent mode along the way.

Finally, Liu Jia cautiously made her way to the rooftop, trembling. Her view was obstructed; she couldn’t see if anyone was actually there. She tried calling Bai Yan, but he didn’t answer…

Unable to wait any longer, Liu Jia grabbed a wooden stick from a broom in the corner and carefully pushed open the door, poking her head out for a quick scan. However, her view was still blocked by the containers above.

Liu Jia tiptoed forward and hid behind the containers, peeking around the corner, and indeed, she saw that person!

Her breath nearly stopped. He was lying there with a sniper rifle in hand, apparently having been waiting for some time.

He Ju had been greeting guests for over ten minutes now. This was clearly the perfect opportunity. Why hadn’t he acted?

Liu Jia didn’t have time to ponder the reasons. Her hands trembling, she frantically typed on her phone: “Rooftop!!! Rooftop!!! He has a gun!”

Finally, Motor replied: “Jia Jia, where are you?!”

Bai Yan and Fatty also saw the message. Bai Yan’s face turned ashen as he and his bodyguards rushed towards Liu Jia’s location.

Meanwhile, Liu Jia, hiding behind the containers, heard the man say, “Should we act now, or wait?”

“Two minutes? Okay!”

Two minutes?!

Liu Jia’s eyes widened in shock, her back drenched in sweat. There was no time left!

If they waited any longer, either He Ju would die, or Si Hua would. She couldn’t let anything happen to He Ju, nor could she let him lose his wife on their wedding day.

So, gripping the wooden stick, Liu Jia inched closer to the man.

Her hands shook violently as she approached him, but just as she got close, the man suddenly turned around, his gun pointed at Liu Jia.

Without thinking, Liu Jia swung the stick with all her might, knocking the gun from his hand.

Time seemed to freeze as they locked eyes.

Liu Jia’s blood ran cold, her face drained of color. Those eyes were filled with murderous intent and resentment, like a wild beast eyeing its prey, ready to pounce and tear her apart.

Her mind screamed at her to run!

But in the face of extreme fear, her legs refused to move, until the man bent down to pull out a knife. Liu Jia’s scalp tingled, and she snapped back to reality, turning to flee!

But the man moved slower than Liu Jia, and as the knife sliced through the air, aiming for her neck, she stumbled and fell, narrowly avoiding the deadly strike.

Just as the man was about to redirect the knife towards Liu Jia, the door was kicked open, and a furious voice roared, “What are you doing?!!!”

However, Bai Yan’s roar only caused the man to pause momentarily before he resumed his sinister demeanor. Liu Jia seized the moment to roll away from danger.

Seeing his opportunity lost, the man turned and ran, grabbing the fallen gun and bag, slinging it over his shoulder, and quickly rappelling down the rope, disappearing into the crowd below.

Liu Jia’s tightly wound nerves finally relaxed, and tears streamed down her face as she sobbed uncontrollably.

Bai Yan ordered his bodyguards to pursue, then rushed over to Liu Jia, crouching beside her: “Are you hurt anywhere?”

Liu Jia cried without being able to utter a complete sentence.

After checking her over and seeing no apparent injuries, Bai Yan said, “I’ll call an ambulance to get you checked out…”

As Bai Yan reached for his phone, Liu Jia grabbed his wrist, crying, “Don’t… don’t call. It’s bad luck on such a joyous day…”

Bai Yan frowned, “What does that matter now? Your health is important!”

With eyes red as a rabbit’s from crying, Liu Jia stubbornly refused to let Bai Yan call, insisting, “I’ll go myself, I’ll go myself…”

Liu Jia staggered to her feet and walked to the balcony, where she saw He Ju embracing Si Hua as they headed to the banquet hall.

Everything was going smoothly.

He would be happy.

Liu Jia smiled through her tears, then could no longer bear it and collapsed heavily.

Bai Yan was right beside her, quickly catching her.

Just before losing consciousness, Liu Jia whispered, “Don’t tell him…”

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