Chapter 141 – What’s to fear, don’t make a fuss

Watching the popularity of the live broadcast room soar, with barrage messages exclaiming “So happy!”, Liu Jia couldn’t help but smile softly, following the crowd’s sentiment with a message: “Happy newlyweds.”

Afterward, Liu Jia went to the restroom to change out of her wedding gown into a cotton dress with a knitted cardigan over it. Her black hair cascaded down her shoulders, smooth and lustrous. Her eyes were bright and clear, lips moist, and her slightly curled eyelashes seemed to be dotted with dew due to the weather.

She was looking forward to He Ju’s arrival more than anyone, but she knew that going in now would be an irrational decision.

So, like everyone else, she stood outside, silently waiting.

This wedding had caused a sensation throughout City A, even making the news and trending online. One could only imagine the scale of the event where He Ju married Si Hua.

At this moment, He Ju had successfully escorted the bride out with the groomsmen. He carried Si Hua on his back and ran out of the old house, amidst the cheerful laughter and chatter of everyone. They all drove into the city together.

In the car, He Ju took out the meal Tian Zhen had prepared for Si Hua. As he opened it, the aroma of sausage mixed rice filled the air, complete with a soft-boiled egg and vegetables, including corn. Si Hua’s appetite was whetted at the sight, and she couldn’t help but swallow her saliva.

Si Hua’s eyes sparkled as she looked at He Ju: “Have you eaten yet?”

He Ju smiled: “I have.”

Si Hua: “But wasn’t it said that we should wait until after the ceremony to eat?”

Seeing Si Hua’s stunning makeup and her adorably silly expression, He Ju really wanted to laugh and was very happy. He couldn’t resist pinching Si Hua’s cheek: “There aren’t so many rules at my house. Mom and I were worried that you’d get hungry with all the procedures later, so we prepared this in advance.”

As he spoke, He Ju patted his chest, where he had a packet hidden: “Inside, I’ve got some of the chocolate you love. If you’re hungry, you can have it anytime.”

He Ju handed the lunchbox to Si Hua and then took out a shoebox from under the seat: “These are flat sports shoes. Whenever your feet get tired later, just change into them.”

Si Hua’s eyes immediately moistened, and she quickly looked up at the sky: “No, I can’t cry. The makeup was expensive.”

He Ju laughed and leaned in to kiss the corner of Si Hua’s mouth: “Alright, no crying. This is what I should do. Come on, eat first.”

Fatty glanced at the attractive couple of newlyweds through the rearview mirror. He didn’t speak, but his heart was filled with envy. When would he, Fatty, find his true love?

Si Hua nodded and obediently began to eat. He Ju smiled and took out his phone to snap a few pictures of Si Hua, then took some selfies with her and posted them on his social circle: “My wife is a little glutton.”

He Ju was very happy today, but he hadn’t forgotten to be wary of the Bai family.

When he had picked up Si Hua earlier, not all of the Bai family members had arrived. Bai Xu was nowhere to be seen, and Bai Jun’s son, Bai Feng, was also missing.

Logically, they couldn’t be absent at such an important moment.

But these two were not present and untraceable. The way Bai Shang looked at He Ju made him feel very uncomfortable. He Ju even felt coveted by Bai Shang.

Sometimes, it’s not just women’s intuition that’s sharp; men’s intuition should not be ignored either.

He Ju was extra cautious. With so many people attending the wedding, anything could happen, and he dared not let his guard down.

So, in addition to the regular convoy, there were two business vans following, with bodyguards hired by Bai Yao, as well as two female bodyguards for Si Hua, dressed in the same bridesmaid dresses as the four bridesmaids, accompanying Si Hua throughout the entire wedding.

After finishing her meal, Si Hua looked content like a well-fed little kitty, her eyes curved into crescents, appearing utterly carefree.

He Ju adored Si Hua like this; she was very beautiful today.

He wanted Si Hua to marry him looking beautiful and feeling joyful.

He Ju glanced at the phoenix crown on Si Hua’s head and asked, “Is it heavy? Do you want me to take it off for a while?”

Si Hua quickly shook her head, touching the tassels on either side of the crown: “No, it was quite a hassle to put on. Let’s just leave it!”

So, He Ju could only hold her hand, saying with a heart full of tenderness, “You’ve worked hard, baby.”

Si Hua giggled: “It’s not hard. I’ve been looking forward to today for so long. As long as I can marry you, nothing is too difficult.”

He Ju looked into Si Hua’s eyes, bright as stars, and his gaze drifted down to her freshly made-up lips. Despite the lipstick, he still wanted to kiss her.

Seeing He Ju’s heated gaze, Si Hua instinctively looked away: “Don’t make a fuss, I can’t right now…”

Before Si Hua could finish her sentence, He Ju pulled her in and kissed her without any further ado.

Si Hua’s face instantly turned red. Fatty glanced over and couldn’t help but blush, internally complaining a thousand times: Brother, don’t you care about your friend’s well-being at all!

But He Ju knew his limits, it was just a brief taste, nothing too excessive.

However, Si Hua’s head was already lowered, and there were temporary cameras installed in the car to record them.

He Ju just laughed and held her, utterly content.

Meanwhile, Liu Jia had been waiting outside for over four hours. Guests attending the ceremony had gradually arrived. It shouldn’t be long before He Ju showed up, right?

Liu Jia took out her phone and captured this lively scene.

Just as everyone was in high spirits, Liu Jia spotted Qiu Shaoze in the crowd. She thought she was mistaken, but upon closer inspection, it was indeed Qiu Shaoze.

Even though Qiu Shaoze was wearing a mask and a hat, Liu Jia, having been classmates with him for so long, couldn’t possibly mistake him for someone else.

Qiu Shaoze didn’t enter but lingered at the entrance for a while, took some wedding candy from the security guard’s station, and left.

Liu Jia immediately followed him, her intuition telling her this was no coincidence.

Qiu Shaoze and He Ju were sworn enemies; how could he possibly attend He Ju’s wedding?

Liu Jia followed Qiu Shaoze for a while, but as he headed into an increasingly remote area, she stopped and returned to the original spot, promptly messaging Bai Yan.

He Ju was certainly with Si Hua now, and she didn’t want him to worry about other things.

Bai Yan, after all, was from a prominent family and would surely be extra vigilant.

After sending the message, Liu Jia didn’t just sit idly by; she immediately turned and walked into the restaurant opposite the hotel. Despite her fear, trembling as she followed Qiu Shaoze, at least…

She knew which road Qiu Shaoze took when he left.

Liu Jia knew that she absolutely couldn’t afford to have an accident at this time, so she would protect herself while trying to find a way to help He Ju.

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