Chapter 127 – Family banquet wind and waves, He Ju is not afraid of being embarrassed

Before everyone, a dazzling array of food was laid out, all sorts of steaming delicacies that resembled a full Manchu Han Imperial Feast. However, the atmosphere at the dining table was eerily strange, and not a single person dared to speak up.

Just then, two figures appeared.

Everyone looked over to see Si Hua, arm in arm with He Ju, walking over with a fitting smile, drawing varied looks and thoughts from the crowd.

Without any delay, Si Hua led He Ju straight to Bai Xu and Si Mei in full view of everyone: “Dad, Mom.”

He Ju also spoke up: “Dad, Mom, sorry we’re late.”

Bai Xu glanced at the time, 11:59.

No wonder this couple is so punctual.

Bai Xu: “You’re right on time, it’s not a big deal, please take a seat.”

Bai Xu’s words were a blatant show of favoritism. What did he mean by ‘not a big deal’? As the younger generation, to make the elders wait for dinner, is that proper?

But since the head of the Bai family had spoken, they couldn’t harp on the matter.

The expressions on everyone’s faces were quite a sight, and He Ju took it all in.

As soon as they sat down, Bai Xu urged everyone to start eating. At that moment, the servants stepped forward to fill everyone’s glasses with wine.

Bai Xu spoke again: “Si Hua, come, introduce He Ju to everyone.”

Si Hua then said with a smile: “Dear uncles, cousin, brothers, aunts, and uncles, this is my lawful husband, He Ju.”

He Ju played along well, lifting his glass with a polite smile, but Si Hua could tell his laughter was hollow.

He Ju: “Uncles, aunts, cousins, I’m very sorry for only meeting you today. I’ll drink three cups as a self-punishment, please forgive me.”

He Ju didn’t offer any superfluous explanations; after all, this was his and Si Hua’s own business, and he didn’t think it necessary to explain so clearly to these people.


They didn’t see it that way.

As soon as He Ju set down his glass, Bai Xu, sitting diagonally across from him, spoke up: “Although we’ve only met today, we’ve heard quite a bit about you, little Ju. A man of exceptional talent!”

Si Hua whispered to He Ju: “That’s Third Uncle.”

He Ju quickly responded with a laugh: “Third Uncle flatters me…” but before he could finish, another voice interrupted.

Wang Yaqing: “Isn’t it exceptional talent? To get married in secret without a word to anyone, who knows what he’s really planning?”

He Ju had anticipated difficulties, but he hadn’t expected them to be so direct.

Si Hua glanced at Wang Yaqing and informed He Ju: “That’s Third Aunt.”

He Ju simply smiled calmly: “Third Aunt, you’re right, what bad intentions could I have? I just wanted to make Si Hua rightfully my wife as soon as possible.”

Saying this, He Ju flashed his pearly whites, looking like… someone who got a bargain and was smug about it.

Sitting in a corner, Bai Yan, who had sworn to stay out of worldly disputes, showed no intention of chiming in. He had just woken up from a long sleep and was starving. He was only focused on the dishes in front of him, wondering when his favorite dish would come around.

Bai Yan was entirely preoccupied with the feast, utterly indifferent to his brother and sister’s predicament.

He Ju saw Bai Yan’s useless demeanor and resigned himself to it.

Si Hua, hearing He Ju’s words, couldn’t help but nod slightly. What bad intentions could she have? It was just that she had reached the right age for marriage, and He Ju was just past the legal age to marry. She couldn’t stand loneliness, and He Ju couldn’t bear solitude.

It was nothing more than youthful impulse, now fulfilled.

Neither spouse had any ill intentions.

But He Ju’s words were only acknowledged by Si Hua.

Bai Xu kept silent on the surface but inwardly sneered: Who knows if this kid was just acting on impulse?

And Si Mei thought: The words are correct, but… isn’t it the other way around? Wasn’t it her precious daughter who started it all?

Liu Yiyun: “Young people these days, treating marriage like child’s play, getting married in a flash without saying anything. Not like our time, when we had to go through our parents’ orders and the matchmaker’s words… What kind of husband and wife are you? Who would acknowledge that?”

He Ju’s expression immediately darkened. This old woman’s words were not only criticizing him for lacking manners but also insulting Si Hua.

Si Hua’s expression also soured, but she still informed He Ju: “That’s Fourth Aunt.”

He Ju laughed it off: “Fourth Aunt, we’re not in feudal times, nor the era of the Terracotta Army. Young people are free to love, and I don’t see anything wrong with that. Besides, isn’t marriage about the mutual consent of both parties? Surely we don’t need Fourth Aunt’s approval to get married?”

After speaking, He Ju didn’t wait for a reply and turned to Si Hua: “Wife, I’ve lived for so many years, I’ve heard of foot binding, but never brain binding. Today has been quite the revelation.”

Si Hua was initially taken aback but then barely held back her laughter.

Liu Yiyun was stunned for a few seconds before quickly realizing what He Ju was implying.

Liu Yiyun’s face turned green with anger: “Are you insulting me?”

He Ju: “Ah? When did I insult you? I’m joking with my wife, Fourth Aunt, please don’t take it personally.”

Bai Xu quietly began to eat, completely ignoring He Ju’s banter. After all, this was just the beginning; there would be countless such scenes in the future. If He Ju lost the first round, it would only get worse.

Si Mei also focused on the fragrant braised pork in front of her but secretly gave He Ju a thumbs up. She hadn’t expected this kid, who seemed so honest and refined, to be able to retort without using foul language!

That’s good, that’s good. To deal with these Bai family members whose faces are thicker than city walls, you have to be even more shameless than they are!

Si Mei was very satisfied. Only someone who wasn’t dull could be Si Hua’s husband.

Bai Jiaqian heard He Ju’s words and looked at him in disbelief.

Who would have thought that such a handsome man could be so unyielding in his arguments?

Moreover, Liu Yiyun was her mother and He Ju’s elder. Is this how you speak to an elder?

Bai Jiaqian’s brother, Bai Jun, couldn’t stand to see his mother treated this way and immediately stood up, pointing at He Ju: “He Ju, what do you mean by speaking to my mom like that?!”

Bai Xu wanted to smooth things over and move on, but Bai Jun suddenly lost his cool, and now Bai Xu couldn’t say anything.

Just as He Ju was about to speak, Bai Yan, who had been munching on duck necks, suddenly laughed, drawing everyone’s attention. Bai Jun glared at Bai Yan: “What are you laughing at?”

Bai Yan tossed aside the duck neck and looked at Bai Jun: “What do I mean? Of course, I mean exactly what I said. When two people love each other and get married, it’s with the approval of both families. What about you? Hiding behind the name of an elder, every word is a jab. What’s your intention? You all should eat less salt, look how idle you are!”

Bai Yan’s words made the atmosphere even more tense.

Si Hua looked at Bai Yan with a gaze that said: Wait a minute! I’ll increase your allowance every month!

He Ju looked at Bai Yan with a gaze that said: Brother! You’re my real brother!

Si Mei: Son, you’re really fierce!

Bai Xu: I’m really impressed!

Bai Jun was quick-tempered and couldn’t stand being out-argued, his eyes flashing with anger: “Bai Yan, don’t start a dye shop just because you’re given three colors. Do you think you’re something special? How dare you talk to me like that?”

Bai Yan looked at him nonchalantly: “Indeed, I’m not anything special, but you are, right? Let me tell you, Third Brother, how old are you? Still getting worked up over a little thing?”

Bai Jun was so angry he saw stars and had just stood up when Bai Jun scolded him: “Sit down!”

Bai Jun didn’t understand: “Dad, didn’t you hear what Bai Yan said?”

Bai Jun still had the same two words: “Sit down!”

Bai Jiaqian tugged at Bai Jun’s sleeve: “Sit down, it’s a family gathering today, let’s not spoil the mood for everyone.”

Bai Jun glared at Bai Yan and He Ju before reluctantly sitting down again.

Everyone had their own thoughts, witnessing the attacking power of this family, and no one wanted to continue mocking He Ju. They all thought they could only make a move from other angles.

Bai Jun looked at He Ju and Bai Yan with a chuckle: “Sorry, sorry, Bai Jun is still young and impulsive. Little Ju and little Yan, don’t take it to heart. We only want what’s best for you. After all, Si Hua is a girl we’ve watched grow up, and we’re just worried about her…”

Seeing Bai Jun personally trying to smooth things over, Bai Yan also wisely kept quiet, though inwardly mocking: A college student and still young? Can’t you just say stupid instead of young?

At this moment, no one wanted to make a scene.

And He Ju also got the message, quickly lifting his glass with a smile that was almost infuriatingly sincere: “Fourth Uncle, you’re too kind. Si Hua and I appreciate your concern. I was thoughtless earlier, causing everyone discomfort. I’ll drink three cups as self-punishment, and I hope aunt and cousin won’t take it to heart.”

Bai Jun also drank with a forced smile.

In the second round, with Bai Yan joining in, He Ju and his side won a complete victory.

Seeing both sides back down, Bai Xu finally looked at Bai Yan with disapproval and began his act: “When adults are speaking, why is a child butting in? So ignorant, get out!”

Bai Yan was already full by this time and couldn’t wait to leave this dreadful place. His father’s words were exactly what he wanted, so Bai Yan looked at Bai Jun with a grin: “Sorry, Fourth Uncle, I’m young, don’t mind me. I’ll go back and reflect properly.”

With that, Bai Yan turned and left, departing with such a clean and relieved air.

Today, he had done Si Hua and He Ju a big favor, and tomorrow he could expect two payments. Why not?

Si Hua, however, bowed her head and quietly curved her lips. Young… Dad, you really know how to give them a taste of their own medicine.

He Ju naturally saw that Bai Xu was helping them. Looking at Bai Jun’s face… it was a kaleidoscope of ugliness!

He Ju didn’t understand these relatives. They didn’t dare confront Bai Xu openly, but they couldn’t control their mouths and hands. It was really… indescribable.

However, He Ju still didn’t underestimate these people. Having suffered at the dinner table, they were probably already thinking of countless ways to kill him and Si Hua.

And although the Bai family’s business was now in Si Hua’s hands, He Ju knew that without Bai Xu backing them, even with Si Hua’s great abilities, they couldn’t be so worry-free.

And this worry-free life, after everyone learned of Si Hua and He Ju’s marriage, was probably about to end.

This battle was temporarily over. After Bai Xu spoke, everyone began to eat their own meals.

He Ju finally breathed a sigh of relief. The food was almost cold, and it was time to eat.

He Ju hurriedly served Si Hua her favorite dishes. Si Hua turned to look at him, her smile sweet and tender: “Thank you, husband.”

He Ju’s demeanor towards Si Hua was nothing like the sharpness he had shown earlier. Bai Jiaqian watched, feeling the hostility on He Ju dissipate in an instant.

Bai Jiaqian was somewhat envious of Si Hua. Why did Si Hua get all the good things, even though she didn’t even share the Bai surname?

He Ju paid no attention to the gazes of others; besides Si Hua, he only cared about the food.

But someone wouldn’t let him enjoy this meal in peace.

Bai Jiaqian, who had been silently observing and waiting for revenge, spoke up: “Little Ju, let me ask you, where are you working now?”

Just this one question immediately put He Ju on high alert.

The burning gazes of everyone once again fell on He Ju, making him feel like a hot commodity.

He Ju calmly replied: “Aunt, I’ve resigned and am currently looking for my next job.”

Bai Jiaqian elegantly wiped her mouth with a napkin, then scoffed: “A vagrant, huh?”

Si Hua’s face lost all traces of a smile in an instant: “Aunt, it’s normal for He Ju to have an unstable job less than a year after graduation, isn’t it?”

Bai Jiaqian continued to eat gracefully, and finally spoke slowly: “What’s the point of being with someone who can’t even provide the basics of life?”

After speaking, Bai Jiaqian looked at He Ju with a smile: “It’s not that I look down on you, but the facts are right there. You’ve won quite a bit by gambling on stones, but who would trust a gambler?”

Si Mei also frowned and put down her chopsticks, finding the meal a bit hard to swallow.

He Ju quietly watched Bai Jiaqian, not speaking for a moment, while everyone looked at him as if mocking his overconfidence.

Bai Jiaqian showed no weakness, returning the gaze: “What’s the use of a man who can only talk? Even the side branches of the Bai family have assets over a hundred million. Don’t be upset, I’m just telling the truth.”

“I’m not against you and Si Hua being together, but Si Hua is the heir to half of the Bai family’s fortune. Bai Yan is not diligent, and the assets will probably be managed by Si Hua in the future. She’s not so easy to marry, is she?”

He Ju looked at Bai Jiaqian and smiled: “Then what do you suggest, Aunt?”

Si Hua was getting anxious, with everyone watching He Ju’s embarrassment, and only Bai Xu and Si Mei frowned slightly, showing some concern.

But it was He Ju who calmly held Si Hua’s hand and even patted the back of her hand to comfort her.

Bai Jiaqian looked at him: “Simple, marry into the Bai family. That way, it won’t be considered that you’re marrying above your station, and you can be with Si Hua. How about that?”

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