Chapter 126 – Wife’s beauty critical hit

He Ju needed absolute concentration while drawing, and anyone other than Si Hua who disturbed him would incur his wrath. So when the doorbell rang repeatedly, his face had already darkened.

Putting down his brush to answer the door, He Ju saw a woman with an innocent look, wearing a teal dress, waving at him from the entrance: “Hello…”

Annoyed and in a bad mood, He Ju was about to snap until he noticed the woman bore a resemblance to Si Hua. He simply asked, “Who are you?”

With a gentle smile, the woman extended her hand: “Hello, I’m Bai Xuan, Si Hua’s cousin.”

He Ju thought she must be close to Si Hua to make a special trip here.

His expression softened considerably as he shook her hand: “Hello, He Ju, Si Hua’s husband.”

Bai Xuan nodded: “I know you. I’m happy for Si Hua’s marriage. As her cousin, I share in her joy.”

He Ju politely replied, “Thank you. Are you here to see Si Hua?”

Bai Xuan: “Yes, is Si Hua in? May I come in to find her?”

Bai Xuan expected He Ju to lead her inside immediately, especially since she had dressed up for the visit. Although she wasn’t as seductive and enchanting as Si Hua, no one had ever said she wasn’t attractive. She thought He Ju wouldn’t refuse.

To her surprise, He Ju did refuse: “I’m sorry, cousin, but Si Hua is still asleep. I’ll have her contact you once she’s awake.”

All He Ju could think about was his design drafts—nothing was going to get in the way of his work.

And Bai Xuan, she reminded him of the white lotus Su Ran with her style.

Those bow-tie dresses are just too much, he thought with distaste.

Si Hua’s cheongsam, on the other hand, was both beautiful and practical.

In summary: Yes! His wife was beautiful! With a slender waist and long legs, she was as lovely as a flower!

Bai Xuan was taken aback. Was this He Ju’s way of treating guests? Not even inviting her, his cousin, inside to sit?

She had told her parents she would gauge He Ju’s intentions, and now, she couldn’t even get through the door.

Though Si Hua was her cousin, Si Hua had always guarded against her as if she were a thief. Bai Xuan was just trying her luck to see if she could catch Si Hua out.

But now, even though she had found the place, she was about to be turned away.

Just as He Ju was about to close the door, Bai Xuan awkwardly smiled: “Considering I walked all this way in high heels, maybe you could let me in to rest?”

He Ju quickly glanced at her glittering high heels adorned with diamonds. It wasn’t about the wine for the old drunkard, he thought.

Was she here for him or for Si Hua? Only Bai Xuan knew for sure.

Bai Xuan was quite bold in her pursuit of wealth!

He Ju suggested, “Cousin, there’s a pavilion not far from here with tea and seats.”

Without further ado, He Ju closed the door without a second glance.

Through the glass door, Bai Xuan could see He Ju returning to the balcony without looking back, continuing his work without giving her another thought.

Bai Xuan’s pride was wounded.

When had she ever been treated like this?

But she had to admit she was impressed with He Ju; even with a beautiful woman like her throwing herself at him, he didn’t take the bait.

At the same time, Bai Xuan became more cautious about this couple. It seemed Si Hua had chosen a smart man. How could her taste be so good?

Despite her reluctance, Bai Xuan eventually left.

She had lost the first round.

And this scene was relayed to Bai Yao and Si Mei.

Bai Yao watched the surveillance footage thoughtfully, while Si Mei happily played with her freshly manicured nails, laughing: “I always said our daughter wouldn’t choose the wrong person.”

Bai Yao mused, “Who knows if he just found Bai Xuan too ugly?”

Hearing this, Si Mei felt her husband’s thought process was indeed unique, but then she nodded in agreement: “Bai Xuan is indeed less attractive; Si Hua is the most beautiful.”

Bai Yao snorted arrogantly, “Whatever you say.”

Si Mei mimicked Bai Yao’s snort: “Of course, where else would such beauty come from?”

In the end, Bai Yao could only laugh helplessly, thinking to himself: He Ju, that kid, has good self-control, just like him back in the day.

Soon, it was eleven o’clock.

He Ju lifted Si Hua from bed, and she obediently went to get ready, while He Ju had already changed into his suit and was waiting for her on the sofa.

Half an hour later, Si Hua emerged.

“Husband, look at me!”

When He Ju looked over, he was stunned.

She was in a black strapless evening gown, with her long hair elegantly pinned up, revealing her graceful neck adorned with a string of pearls, enhancing her delicate charm. But what really captivated him was her leaning against the balcony railing, her long legs and hips forming a seductive curve.

He Ju’s body heated up instantly, and he stood up, abandoning whatever he was holding.

Was this banquet really necessary?

Although Si Hua was only showing her arms and it was a common outfit…

He Ju couldn’t take his eyes off her.

Seeing He Ju charge over, Si Hua immediately panicked and ran, lifting her dress: “No, no, my lipstick is too expensive, I don’t want to reapply!”

He Ju: “Just for a second!”

Si Hua shook her head frantically: “I don’t trust you!”

Despite wearing high heels, Si Hua ran quickly, dashing downstairs.

It seemed she truly wanted to entice him, but also truly didn’t want to be caught by He Ju.

He Ju had to suppress the discomfort in his body and followed her downstairs. It looked like he wouldn’t be able to let Si Hua off the hook tonight!

The couple arrived at the dining hall just in time.

Before they even entered, they heard Bai Jun’s voice: “Do we really have to wait for them just to eat? What’s that about?”

Si Mei, upon hearing this, was displeased: “What’s wrong with the newlyweds being sweet? Bai Jun, did you forget how you and Yi Yun didn’t even show up for lunch the day after your wedding?”

The comment made everyone blush, and Bai Jun’s wife, Liu Yi Yun, glared at him as if to say: “Why bring that up?”

Bai Jun could only close his mouth awkwardly.

When it came to verbal sparring, his sister-in-law was unmatched.

There were younger family members at the table, yet they seemed to forget to be discreet.

He Ju couldn’t help but laugh. It seemed his mother-in-law, despite her delicate appearance, was quite a formidable character.

He was glad to have won her favor; otherwise, He Ju wasn’t sure he could have handled her!

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