Chapter 120 – He Ju decided to go see his father-in-law and mother-in-law

Shen Yan shook her head, speechless, and without another word, hurriedly drove home.

She needed to discuss with Su Zhen; it wasn’t just Su Ran who couldn’t stay in City A any longer, they couldn’t either.

If it came down to it, they would take their savings and emigrate with Su Ran, taking turns to look after her.

Shen Yan couldn’t fathom how Su Ran came up with such a shocking idea, but as a mother, she couldn’t stand by and watch her daughter continue to make mistakes without intervening.

Shen Yan would be lying if she said she didn’t regret how things had turned out.

If she hadn’t opposed He Ju and Su Ran so vehemently and instead persuaded Su Ran to drop her young lady’s temper and be with He Ju, or… listened to Su Zhen, perhaps things wouldn’t have escalated to this point.

But now, any attempt at remedying the situation was too late. He Ju was married, and had reached a level beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Even the Su family, once a force to be reckoned with in City A, couldn’t afford to provoke him now.

With no way to turn back, they had to survive in the cracks.

She couldn’t let Su Ran drag the Su family down with her.

Unaware of Shen Yan’s thoughts, Su Ran was still wondering if He Ju might change his opinion of her…

Meanwhile, the press conference had ended smoothly, thanks to the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau and Si Hua clarifying the situation, stabilizing Starshine’s stock price and bringing a temporary close to the matter.

Those hidden among the reporters and media, hoping to cause a disturbance, didn’t dare to make a move for fear of being caught, which would severely impact their next plan.

Thus, the press conference went surprisingly well. Even when reporters asked some tricky questions, Si Hua responded with a smile, killing them softly with her answers.

After the conference, Si Hua felt the day’s events were somewhat surreal.

It wasn’t until He Ju took her hand and they left the company, got into the car, that Si Hua excitedly asked him, “No one caused trouble today?”

He Ju stroked Si Hua’s head, “Isn’t it good that no one caused trouble?”

Si Hua pouted, adopting a young lady’s demeanor, making He Ju’s heart itch, “I’m happy, it just feels unreal…”

After all, the Bai family was eagerly watching.

He Ju smiled, didn’t explain, just turned Si Hua’s head and kissed her.

His wife’s lips were really soft and sweet.

He Ju could never get enough of kissing her. If it weren’t for the need to take Si Hua out for dinner and prepare gifts for his in-laws, he might have driven the car into a grove.

Unfortunately, despite solving a big problem, he couldn’t be fully satisfied.

He Ju kissed her enough before letting go of Si Hua, whose face was now flushed, sitting obediently in her seat.

Although they were married and had done almost everything a couple could do, she…

Still easily got shy.

Why did He Ju, who seemed so serious, always ask for kisses?

Watching Si Hua’s shy demeanor, He Ju couldn’t help but curve his lips, then acted as if nothing had happened and drove away from Starshine.

He Ju: “How about I take you for pasta and steak? Didn’t you say you wanted to eat that a few days ago? I’ve just made a reservation, we can go eat now.”

Si Hua could only nod, extremely well-behaved, her cheeks as red as apples, making He Ju not want to take her to the old house anymore.

He just wanted to feed Si Hua quickly, then take her home, and let Si Hua feed him.

Soon, they arrived at the restaurant.

After a quiet meal, it was around five in the afternoon.

Si Hua wasn’t planning to go to the old house today, but He Ju took her to a jewelry store.

Si Hua’s eyes widened in surprise, “More shopping?” She already had more jewelry than she could wear.

He Ju: “If you see something you like, I’ll pay for it, but today, we’re here to pick a gift for your mother.”

After saying that, He Ju walked towards the store but was pulled back by Si Hua.

He Ju looked at her, puzzled, to see Si Hua’s eyes slightly red, her nose too, looking like a wronged little bunny, asking him in a muffled voice, “You already know…”

He Ju’s heart ached, and he quickly turned to embrace Si Hua, comforting her, “Why are your eyes red at just one word? It’s my duty to host your parents in City A, and now they are not just your parents, but mine too. As their son-in-law, it’s time I formally visited.”

Si Hua, hugging He Ju’s waist, spoke softly and sadly, “I’m not afraid of my parents, I’m afraid those people will make things difficult for you…”

Si Hua looked up at He Ju, “The Bai family isn’t as nice as you think, the waters run deep…”

He Ju kissed her forehead, “Don’t worry, your husband knows how to handle it.”

Si Hua: “But…”

He Ju quickly interrupted her, “No buts, trust your husband, okay?”

So, Si Hua, with her almond-shaped eyes brimming, obediently nodded, “Then I’ll go pick, I know what my mother likes.”

He Ju, holding Si Hua’s slender waist, walked into the store together, “Good.”

After making their selections, He Ju took Si Hua to a wine shop and bought several cases of fine wine.

Feeling it wasn’t enough, they went to the supermarket and bought several boxes of fruit and lots of food, and finally…

Si Hua suggested that He Ju should also bring the cured meats his parents had brought.

He Ju had considered it but didn’t mention it for fear of making Si Hua feel embarrassed.


He Ju’s gaze softened even more when he looked at Si Hua.

Si Hua was so understanding, not only knowing him and loving him but also accurately guessing his thoughts and protecting him at all costs.

Such a wife deserved his utmost cherishment.

So he was determined to gain the approval of Si Hua’s parents.

They returned home to pick up a lot of cured meat and ribs, then headed for the old house.

The old house was not in the city center but in the suburbs, usually uninhabited except when the Bai family came to City A for business, staying a few days along with a few cleaning ladies and chefs.

But now, the old house was bustling with activity.

When He Ju and Si Hua arrived by car at the old house, it was already ten at night.

Normally, everyone should have been heading to their rooms to sleep.

But the old house was unusually bright, as if…

They were specifically waiting for them.

Indeed, He Ju and Si Hua’s thoughts were correct.

They had just parked the car and hadn’t even moved to the trunk to get things.

The auntie waiting at the door rushed over and told Si Hua with a troubled face, “Young lady, the master said… you have to kneel in the yard tonight, think about where you went wrong before coming in.”

After saying that, the auntie turned and left, He Ju didn’t even get a word in.

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