Chapter 119 – Shen Yan: Are you crazy?

He Ju had gone to the press conference, while Su Ran stood there, lost and helpless, wondering why things were so different from what she had imagined.

She had been so kind to He Ju; even if he didn’t like her, his attitude should have changed a bit, right?

Eventually, Su Ran stood there in thought for a while before turning around and leaving.

Si Hua looked dazzling outside, but she herself was in a sorry state; she didn’t want to confront Si Hua at this time.

Just as Su Ran stepped out of the Starshine Group’s entrance, she saw her mother, Shen Yan.

Before Su Ran could even speak, Shen Yan pulled her into the car, pushed her into the passenger seat, and quickly drove away from the Starshine Group.

Su Ran sat with her head down, not daring to speak, feeling restless.

After all, she had promised Shen Yan and Su Zhen that she wouldn’t cause any more trouble, and after the Su family’s crisis was over, she would study abroad honestly and have nothing more to do with He Ju.

But she hadn’t kept her promise.

Soon, Shen Yan pulled the car over and asked her gravely, “Did you take the photos you snapped to He Ju to claim credit?”

Su Ran pursed her lips, wanting to deny it, but she knew Shen Yan must have guessed everything. Arguing was futile, so she silently nodded.

Shen Yan almost laughed out of frustration: “Su Ran, are you trying to drive the Su family to ruin?”

Just as the Su family was starting to recover, Su Ran had caused such a scene, and Shen Yan couldn’t help but lose her temper at her only daughter.

Su Ran: “Mom, I was just trying to help He Ju.”

Shen Yan snorted coldly: “Is that helping him? Do I not know your temperament?”

Before Su Ran could retort, Shen Yan spoke again: “Why did you hire a private detective to follow Si Hua?”

Su Ran blinked: “What are you talking about, Mom? I don’t understand.”

Shen Yan glanced at Su Ran’s bag, and Su Ran subconsciously hid it behind her.

Shen Yan: “You didn’t give He Ju the USB drive in your bag, did you?”

Su Ran fell silent.

Shen Yan was so frustrated: “By giving He Ju such clear photos, aren’t you telling him you’ve been secretly tracking Si Hua? How do you think he’ll react to someone who’s not even an ex following his newlywed wife? Will he think you’re up to no good? Looking for a chance to harm Si Hua?”

Su Ran’s face turned pale in an instant: “That can’t be, I clearly helped him…”

Shen Yan: “You did help him, but tell me honestly, Su Ran, didn’t you have thoughts of killing Si Hua?”

Su Ran’s face grew even paler. She had hired a private detective to follow He Ju initially just to find out what was so special about Si Hua that made He Ju so devoted, but the intimate photos of Si Hua and He Ju that the detective brought back stirred something in her. Every night, lying in bed, she was consumed by jealousy.

It was Si Hua who had stepped in during their argument and stole He Ju away. Why was it her and her parents who ended up being punished?

If she had known He Ju was so capable, she wouldn’t have treated him that way; they would have been married by now, perhaps with children.

The one who should be condemned was Si Hua, the interloper, not her.

Si Hua was the mistress; why should the mistress stand proudly by her man? A mistress deserved to die!

Why couldn’t she find a way to get rid of Si Hua?

The Bai family was wealthy and influential, but she knew their tendencies. Without Si Hua, the Bai family would be too busy dividing their wealth to pursue her.

Maybe the Bai family would even be grateful to her?

And as for He Ju, men were fickle by nature. Even if Si Hua was gone and He Ju was heartbroken, it would only be for two or three years at most.

As long as she stayed by He Ju’s side, she didn’t believe he wouldn’t fall in love with her again. Once Si Hua was out of the way, she didn’t believe He Ju would dare to hurt her.

After all, she had also been loved deeply by He Ju for many years.

With He Ju’s abilities, he could surely restore the Su family to its former glory. Perhaps in the future, the largest enterprise in City A would be the Su family.

A good marriage isn’t afraid of a late start; she was willing to wait.

Besides, hadn’t He Ju also waited a long time for her?

Now, waiting a few more years for He Ju was nothing.

The silence of these few minutes had already given Shen Yan the answer.

No matter how bad Shen Yan was or how bad her temper, she wouldn’t think of committing a crime, but Su Ran…

Su Ran was more ruthless than her and Su Zhen.

Shen Yan looked at the endless stream of traffic ahead and suddenly said, “We can’t wait any longer; you’re going abroad tomorrow.”

Su Ran, having been seen through by Shen Yan, lost her earlier panic.

Her eyes were calmer than ever: “Mom, doesn’t Si Hua deserve to die?”


Shen Yan frowned: “Do you realize what you’re saying? Have you gone mad?”

Su Ran: “Of course, I know. Mom, I really can’t accept it. The person He Ju loves is clearly me. It was the newcomer who seized the opportunity and stole him, yet I have to step aside for their love? Where in the world does that make sense?”

Su Ran suddenly turned to look at Shen Yan: “I want her dead. On the highway, I even hoped those men would succeed, so Si Hua would surely die. But Si Hua is too smart, smart enough to scare me…”

“So I had to change my approach. I wanted to use the photos to lower He Ju’s guard, then slowly create an accident. After all, there are plenty of people who want to kill Si Hua…”

Shen Yan, seeing a touch of madness, suddenly laughed: “I didn’t know you had so many schemes up your sleeve.”

Shen Yan: “You only think of your own plans. Have you considered that if your plan fails and you’re exposed, you could end up in jail for life? And the Su family would be ridiculed for your stupidity.”

Shen Yan took a deep breath; she didn’t want a daughter who was a murderer.

Shen Yan could no longer smile: “Su Ran, do you really think the Bai family is that easy to deal with? Do you really think that if Si Hua dies, He Ju will come back to you? You must have forgotten how you used to treat him.”

Moreover, no matter what Su Ran thought, the moment she handed those photos to He Ju, she would definitely arouse his suspicion.

Su Ran might wish for a beautiful outcome, but she was too naive to accomplish anything significant. He Ju, on the other hand, was different.

Shen Yan even felt that He Ju would immediately start investigating Su Ran’s recent movements.

The good days for the Su family might soon be over.

But Su Ran was still delusional: “Say what you want, but I’m not going abroad.”

Even if she couldn’t kill Si Hua herself, she wanted to stay in City A and watch Si Hua’s gradual downfall.

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