Chapter 118 – Su Ran is gradually walking towards the abyss

Elder Jiang was indeed considering the same thing. Upon hearing that the car spontaneous combustion incident was targeted at He Ju, he was determined to find the mastermind behind it.


He Ju's worth had skyrocketed. Almost every one of his design drafts was making it to the international stage, every single one!


Such talent was something Elder Jiang wouldn't let go to waste before squeezing out all his value.


Elder Jiang was aware of the Bai family's international standing and knew that meddling with them was no easy feat. But how could one expect to make a fortune without taking any risks?


No matter what, He Ju couldn't come to harm, at least not during the term of their contract.


After hanging up the phone, He Ju received a call from Bai Yan. Before He Ju could even speak, Bai Yan blurted out, "Don't talk, just listen to me…"


And so, He Ju promptly shut his mouth.


Bai Yan went on a tirade, "I'm in the airport bathroom right now. My parents are about to land. They both know my sister likes you, but they don't know about your marriage. My mom and I kept it from my dad, which means the rest of the Bai family knows about your marriage to Si Hua, but not my dad. He's usually easy-going, but he's meticulous with important matters. He decided to return to China after seeing the news about Starshine, worried about my sister. My mom couldn't stop him. My sister didn't want to pressure you, so she had me keep it from you…"


"But I think you deserve a heads-up to prepare for how to deal with my dad."


He Ju was a bit intimidated by the news, but he had already eloped with the man's daughter, so running away was futile.


He had to face the situation sooner or later. He just hadn't expected everything to come together at once.


He Ju sighed, "Good buddy! Once this is over, I'll treat you to a feast!"


Bai Yan chuckled, "I'll take the feast, but I'll also take the cash, brother-in-law!"


He Ju was equally straightforward, "Deal!"


Just as He Ju was about to hang up, Bai Yan spoke seriously, "I'm taking my parents to the old Bai family house in City A. It's a two-hour drive from the city, a bit far. Get ready and have my sister bring you over. But there's a serious problem right now."


He Ju asked, "What is it?" He was ready to face whatever came his way; after all, he had already been intimate with the man's daughter, so enduring some hardship was only fair.


Besides, they needed to set a date for the wedding banquet. Now that Si Hua's parents were here, they could discuss and finalize it quickly.


It was also time to arrange a meeting between both sets of parents, which would surely set Si Hua's heart at ease.


He Ju thought Bai Yan was going to talk about the wedding, but Bai Yan said, "Your marriage to my sister will definitely come out once you're back at the old house. The people living there now, along with my various aunts, won't dare say anything to my dad, but they will surely make things difficult for you, so be prepared."


Before He Ju could ask who was there, Bai Yan hurriedly hung up, "I can't talk anymore, my dad's calling. They must have landed. Goodbye, remember to find a good excuse, and it's best to have dinner outside before coming back."


Bai Yan spoke rapidly and then hung up.


He Ju felt a bit uneasy, not afraid of those clowns, but it was his first marriage, and meeting the parents was naturally nerve-wracking.


He Ju put away his phone and stepped out of the backstage, ready to check on Si Hua, but he had to stop in his tracks.


He saw someone he didn't want to see.


Su Ran.


She had clearly lost a lot of weight and looked less spirited, but dressed in a white dress and with makeup on, she still resembled a pure white flower.


He Ju frowned, his tone cold, "It seems Miss Su hasn't taken my words to heart, has she?"


Su Ran, hearing this, hurriedly shook her head, "No, I'm not here to pester you today. I have some photos that I must show you."


Su Ran gave a wry smile, "You've blocked all my contact methods, so I couldn't send them to you. I had no choice but to come to you."


He Ju replied, "Blocking you is normal. You're not my wife, and I'm under no obligation to respond to any of your messages."


Su Ran's expression became awkward at He Ju's words, but she still handed over the documents, "Take a look, they should be useful to you."


He Ju, puzzled, looked at the photos.


They were of the two fake cops on the highway, their faces clearly captured, as well as the car chasing Si Hua and the people in it, with Qiu Shaoze's face also clearly visible.


He Ju quickly pocketed the items. Although he knew it was Qiu Shaoze who had pursued Si Hua and about the fake cops, they had deliberately avoided surveillance, and the car had fake plates, so there was almost no evidence.


He Ju had sent someone to investigate, but there had been no news until now, except for preparing to close the case on the car combustion.


He Ju looked at Su Ran, "Where did you find these?"


Su Ran just smiled, saying, "He Ju, don't forget, I am the young lady of the Su family."


He Ju was taken aback.


Su Ran continued, "Even though my family isn't as strong as before, when it comes to gathering evidence in City A, the Su family is not to be underestimated. There's nothing the young lady of the Su family can't do."


Su Ran spoke with confidence, reminding He Ju of the days when he had to grovel before the young lady of the Su family.


He Ju pocketed the documents, "I understand, thank you. This isn't for nothing; I'll have someone transfer the money to your account later."


Su Ran became anxious, "I didn't come for the money…"


But He Ju had already left with the documents, not looking back.


He Ju didn't believe that Su Ran had turned over a new leaf.


On the contrary, because the Su family was so adept at intelligence, He Ju had wanted to coexist peacefully with them in City A. However, this incident made him consider driving the Su family out of the city.


The Su family, if not useful to him, was like a ticking time bomb in City A.


From Su Ran, He Ju learned never to underestimate a woman's jealousy.


How could Su Ran have obtained these photos before his own person?


He Ju could only think of one explanation: Su Ran's gaze had never left Si Hua, which was how she managed to capture these images.


He Ju didn't know what Su Ran intended by watching Si Hua, but he wouldn't allow this dangerous element to lurk around her.


Su Ran thought that bringing the photos would change He Ju's opinion of her, that he would believe she was genuinely helping them, but she didn't realize that this decision also exposed her, plunging her once again into an abyss with no way out.


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