Chapter 117 – Why fear is He Ju’s money tree

Qiu Rong was thrown into the big jail, and given Bai Shangmo's temperament, he wouldn't let him off easily. But all of this was no longer within He Ju's scope of concern.


The Starshine press conference was arguably the biggest news in City A today, with almost everyone waiting for the live broadcast.


When He Ju parked his car and rushed to the venue, Si Hua was already backstage getting ready. The place was packed with people, nearly filling the press conference site.


Si Hua had been listening to Yang Jing's report with an expressionless face, exuding a powerful aura, but the moment her eyes caught sight of He Ju, her face softened instantly.


Taking the documents from Yang Jing's hand, Si Hua said, "You go ahead with your tasks."


Yang Jing was initially surprised, but upon seeing He Ju approaching, her astonishment vanished, and she respectfully replied "Okay," then left.


As soon as He Ju walked over, Si Hua looked at him with a pitiful expression and coquettishly asked, "Where have you been? Why didn't you let me know?"


He Ju found it amusing. How could this woman change her face so quickly?


Just a moment ago, she was unapproachable, and now she had completely changed her demeanor?


He Ju smiled helplessly: "My dear wife, haven't I arrived now?"


Si Hua still seemed aggrieved, but with so many people around, including many employees watching them, she didn't dare to openly demand a hug from He Ju as she would at home.


But He Ju dared. From the moment they married, he never thought to deliberately avoid public displays of affection.


Seeing Si Hua upset, He Ju bent down to cradle her fair cheeks and then leaned in to kiss his sweet and soft wife amidst the astonished looks of the onlookers. He even playfully pinched her cheeks and said with a smile, "After the press conference, I'll take you out for something delicious. We've also been delaying our wedding photos. I've already contacted the photographer. Later, I'll take you to choose a wedding dress, okay?"


Si Hua's cheeks were already blushing with shyness, and she was a bit annoyed at He Ju for not being more discreet in public, but hearing his words, her eyes immediately brightened, looking like beautiful cat's eyes in He Ju's view.


He Ju cherished that look.


Si Hua asked excitedly, "Really? Do you have time to accompany me to try on wedding dresses?"


He Ju smiled again and rubbed her head, patiently answering, "Of course, how could I miss my wife trying on wedding dresses? What, doesn't Hua Hua want her husband to accompany her?"


Si Hua's smile blossomed like the morning sun, her earlier sadness and distress gone as she nodded eagerly: "How could I not? Of course, I want you with me!"


In fact, Si Hua didn't need He Ju to be perfect in everything. After all, when He Ju married her, it was all her own scheming. She knew He Ju was a very responsible man and would never betray her after their marriage.


And now, He Ju being so good to her was beyond Si Hua's expectations.


After all, He Ju once had a girl he liked, and she never dared to hope that He Ju would transfer all his past affection for Su Ran onto her.


But… it seemed that He Ju was really serious about treating her well.


He Ju truly regarded her as his wife.


She was truly content. She knew He Ju had intentions of starting a company and would be very busy initially, so she thought she could just look at wedding dresses by herself and could also invite her bestie. When it was time to take wedding photos, she would have He Ju free up some time to join her.


Si Hua hadn't expected…


That these things were also important to He Ju.


Her heart warmed, and just as she was about to speak, Yang Jing had to come over with a hardened expression: "President Si, the press conference is about to start."


He Ju: "Go ahead, it'll be fine once it's over. I believe in you."


Si Hua nodded with a smile, her nerves easing a bit at the thought of He Ju supporting her from behind.


Just as Si Hua was about to leave, Zhang Xiaoxiao rushed over: "Boss, Officer Xu from the Public Security Bureau is here."


Officer Xu? The deputy director?


Suddenly, Si Hua thought of something and quickly looked up at He Ju.


He Ju just smiled faintly: "Press releases should seek truth from facts. Even if we have evidence to prove that this is just a malicious retaliation, it won't affect Starshine's products and quality, but the public won't believe the one-sided words of capitalists. Having a person of status and respectability come forward to clarify will truly silence the public's doubts."


As He Ju confidently analyzed the pros and cons of the situation, Si Hua suddenly realized… He Ju didn't seem as harmless as he appeared on the surface.


Si Hua had thought that He Ju was an innocent little rabbit, and as his sister, she naturally had to protect her little brother.


Si Hua forgot that although He Ju hadn't entered the business circle, he had come out intact from the dark world of the gambling stone scene, not only coming out but also making a lot of money.


Si Hua didn't want to delve into where He Ju found Officer Xu. She only knew that her man was also very capable.


Si Hua said to He Ju, "Then you better book the restaurant quickly. I didn't eat much for lunch, I'm so hungry."


He Ju smiled: "As you command, my dear wife!"


Si Hua left with her team, leaving a group of employees dumbfounded.


After all, in the eyes of thousands of Starshine employees, Si Hua was a recognized unattainable beauty. What is an unattainable beauty? Someone you can admire from afar but not play with!


But now, this unattainable beauty was not only plucked but had also become a fully blooming peach blossom?


Who could stand this?


The women all looked envious, and the men were all jealous! They couldn't figure out where they had fallen short.


How could a greenhorn like He Ju get Si Hua, a tall, slender, and aloof beauty? Facing such a gorgeous woman, He Ju must be dying of happiness every night, right?


Many sighed silently, but no one dared to joke with He Ju.


After all, times had changed!


At this moment, He Ju also received a call from Elder Jiang: "Little friend He Ju, I've taken care of the matter you asked for. Officer Xu will not only appear at the press conference but will also ensure that there are no problems with the event. Are you relieved now?"


He Ju smiled faintly: "Thank you, Elder Jiang. I won't go back on my word either. I'll give you five free design drafts."


Elder Jiang's face beamed with joy: "Great, great! I'll be waiting, no rush. You just got married, right? You can draw the design drafts after your honeymoon."


He Ju: "Sure, Si Hua and I will be hosting our wedding banquet soon. Elder Jiang, why not wait to return after our celebration?"


He Ju had his own calculations in mind. The Bai family's relatives had all come to City A, stirring up trouble behind the scenes. Elder Jiang had prestige internationally.


With Elder Jiang present, he and Si Hua had an extra layer of protection.


After all, he was now Elder Jiang's money tree. How could he not be well protected?


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