Chapter 114 – Who was willingly deceived

After finishing her tasks, Si Hua left the office, while He Ju sat on the sofa, engrossed in a phone call.


As Si Hua approached, He Ju had just hung up.


He Ju pocketed his phone and stood up, reaching out to hold Si Hua's hand, "All sorted?"


Si Hua smiled and nodded.


He Ju patted her head, "Then let's go home."


Hand in hand, they left the building.


The reporters and media had already dispersed, and He Ju quickly led Si Hua away from Starshine Group.


Once home, concerned that the day's events might have affected Si Hua's mood, He Ju suggested she take a bath first, but to his surprise…


Si Hua returned to the room, grabbed two towels, and then stood at the bathroom door, coyly looking at him, "Husband~ shall we bathe together?"


He Ju looked at Si Hua, her curvaceous figure, her bashful face, and instantly, his anxiety and tension from the day melted away.


In that case…


He Ju stood up, took off his jacket, and walked straight towards Si Hua. Bending down, he scooped up his wife, playfully squeezing her until she blushed and giggled, then strode towards the bathroom.


As He Ju watched the bashful Si Hua, he turned on the shower and began to peel off her thin clothes, "Were you scared today?"


Si Hua shook her head, her face flushed, "No, it's just…"


She hesitated.


He Ju bent down to kiss the corner of her lips, "Just what?"


The temperature in the bathroom quickly rose, and the look in He Ju's eyes became predatory.


Si Hua lowered her head, "I just really want to live, to have a few peaceful days with you…"


Her voice was soft, and He Ju felt a pang of heartache, "I've missed you so much, whether on the highway or right now…"


"He Ju, I truly love you."


As soon as Si Hua finished speaking, He Ju leaned down to kiss her.


After an indeterminate amount of time, in the steamy bathroom, He Ju cradled Si Hua's face, filled with love. How had he earned such genuine affection from her?


He Ju earnestly said, "I love you too, and I will only love you in this lifetime."


It was the first time He Ju had sincerely spoken the word "love" to Si Hua. She was slightly surprised and moved to tears.


After all these years, she had finally heard those words from He Ju.


He Ju gently wiped away her tears, making a promise for the first time, "You are my wife, and I, He Ju, will be utterly loyal to you. Hua, I will protect you."


Si Hua hugged He Ju, nodding through her tears.


She knew He Ju would protect her, but…


She would also do everything in her power to protect her husband.


It was she who had fallen for He Ju first, she who had used every means to bind him to her, so…


She must protect him at all costs.


As the night deepened, when the two emerged from the bathroom, it was already eleven o'clock.


Si Hua was too tired to speak. He Ju placed her on the sofa and then cheerfully went to the kitchen to cook two simple bowls of noodles with beef slices and fried eggs, even humming a tune.


Si Hua, too exhausted to lift a finger, half-squinted at He Ju bustling in the kitchen and couldn't help but wonder…


Do men really have such boundless energy?


Si Hua sighed to herself: Youth is indeed blissful.


Just as He Ju finished preparing the noodles and was about to serve them, a message popped up on his phone. He put down what he was holding and checked the message.


【Today's incidents were orchestrated by Bai Shangmo's men. The people who chased Mrs. He on the highway were Qiu Shaoze and some insiders from the Bai family. Here's the list: xx…】


He Ju scrutinized the list, recognizing only Bai Shangmo, Qiu Shaoze, and Wang Wei.


These people… Si Hua should know them.


He Ju pocketed his phone, not telling Si Hua right away but silently memorizing the names.


Si Hua was already physically and mentally exhausted today; he didn't want to add to her worries.




A chill crept into He Ju's eyes.


It was clear these people wanted to drive him and Si Hua into a corner, but he was no pushover to be trampled on without a word.


He Ju was already considering how to teach this group a lesson.


But for now…


He Ju glanced back at his charming wife waiting on the sofa for him to feed her, and his heart softened again.


For the moment, those unpleasant matters could wait.


He Ju brought the two bowls of noodles to Si Hua, helping her sit up, "Baby, eat and then sleep."


Si Hua looked at him plaintively, "Don't you have any idea? Torturing me like this so late…"


Seeing Si Hua's pitiful eyes, He Ju's heart stirred.


He didn't want to tire Si Hua out, but he couldn't help it…


The taste was too good; he was addicted.


In the end, He Ju just grinned sheepishly and chuckled, "Next time, I'll be more gentle. Eat up, we have a press conference tomorrow."


Next time?


As if He Ju could ever restrain himself.


She didn't believe it for a second, another lie…


But Si Hua liked He Ju too, no matter how he tired her out, she would just playfully scratch him when she had the energy, always cooperative.


She was willingly deceived.


Si Hua resigned herself to her fate, nodded, and began to eat the delicious beef noodles.


The taste was so good that Si Hua ate with gusto, her complaints about He Ju forgotten as she slurped and gave him a thumbs up for the tasty meal.


He Ju watched, amused. He loved how easy she was to please.


After cleaning up and brushing their teeth, they went to bed.


Outside, a light rain began to fall. It was autumn now, and the weather was getting colder each day.


He Ju was sleeping soundly when Si Hua groped her way onto him in the dark, eventually hugging him tightly.


In the darkness, her voice was soft, "It's so cold, husband, hold me…"


He Ju chuckled, pulling Si Hua into his arms, "Didn't you used to complain that I was too hot and didn't like to cuddle?"


In the summer heat, she didn't like to cuddle much.


But after early autumn, the weather changed, and she felt cold lying alone.


Besides, He Ju had become like a human furnace to her, much better than any air conditioner.


So, Si Hua began to pout, "Did I say that? I don't remember, husband, you must have heard wrong…"


He Ju had no recourse with Si Hua, "Alright, alright, you didn't say it. Be good, let's sleep."


He Ju held Si Hua's waist, inhaling her scent, and closed his eyes contentedly.


And Si Hua, nestled in He Ju's arms, also closed her eyes, utterly satisfied.


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