Chapter 113 – The couple’s guess

Si Hua stood up, "Everyone has their own choices, including Uncle Wang. I won't stop him from pursuing a better life, but if…"


With a smile, Si Hua turned to Wang Wei and warned him word by word, "If you hurt the people around me or my interests for your own sake, then… Uncle, I will treat you with the same methods you use."


Si Hua left, leaving only a remark behind, "Out of respect for the years of friendship between my second uncle and Uncle Wang, I'm willing to show Uncle Wang a clear path. Whether you take it or not depends on how much your family matters to you."


Si Hua, taking Yang Jing with her, left the office, leaving Wang Wei alone.


Was Si Hua threatening him?


Wang Wei knew better than anyone else.


He had stolen trade secrets and embezzled company assets. He was already breaking the law.


Whether Si Hua had evidence, he couldn't be sure.


But what he was certain of was that a single word from Si Hua could determine his future.


If he fell, all his assets would be confiscated, and not just him, but his entire family would be ruined.


Did Si Hua have a backup plan?


Wang Wei didn't dare to gamble.


How much did Si Hua know?


Wang Wei didn't dare to gamble.


Why didn't Si Hua just call the police and arrest him? Was it really because of the friendship with the former director?


In the business world, does such friendship really exist?


If he called Bai Shangmo now, would he still have a way out?


Wang Wei hesitated, his face pale, sweat dripping down his temples.


Just as Wang Wei was about to leave the office, the sudden ring of his urgent phone call startled him.


The caller ID showed Bai Shangmo.


In the past, he would have answered immediately, but at this moment, he hesitated.


After more than ten seconds of hesitation, he still answered the call.


Meanwhile, in Si Hua's office, she sat in front of the computer, broadcasting Wang Wei's current situation in full view.


Wang Wei: "How many times have I told you? Don't call me at the company!!"


Si Hua couldn't hear what the person on the other end was saying, but Wang Wei's words were clearly heard.


Wang Wei: "Si Hua has tightened control recently, and because of the car spontaneous combustion incident, she's become suspicious of everyone, including me. I can't make any rash moves for the time being."


"You have to understand, if I get caught, my life is over!"


"Let's stop our dealings for now, and I'll contact you after this period is over."


After speaking, Wang Wei hurriedly left.


He Ju had also seen and heard all this.


He Ju asked her, "This Wang Wei, why is he acting so strange? Do you know what he's up to?"


Si Hua shook her head, "I don't know yet, but I've asked Yang Jing to check his bank transactions. We should know soon."


"Wang Wei is greedy and lecherous but also cowardly. It's not surprising that Bai Shangmo has something on him."


He Ju frowned, "Could the car combustion and the people chasing you on the highway be related to Wang Wei?"


Si Hua shook her head, "I don't think so. Wang Wei values his life too much. I believe he would embezzle, but murder and arson? He doesn't have the guts…"


Speaking of which, Si Hua's eyes momentarily grew cold, "But Bai Shangmo, that's a different story."


In fact, apart from her second uncle and her parents, anyone from the Bai family could potentially harm He Ju and her.


So without sufficient evidence, she couldn't accuse anyone.


He Ju sighed and hugged Si Hua, rubbing the back of her head, "Let's go home and rest. It's almost nine in the evening. Let the people below handle it, and we'll talk about the rest tomorrow."


Upon hearing this, Si Hua felt truly exhausted.


Nothing would come out of waiting for one night, and she was really hungry…


So, Si Hua hugged He Ju's waist, her voice soft and tender, a stark contrast to the powerful woman in the office, "I'm hungry, can we go home and have noodles?"


He Ju smiled and agreed, "Sure, I'll cook noodles for my wife when we get home."


But would Si Hua be satisfied with just that?


After He Ju pulled her up, Si Hua leaned on him and puckered her lips for a kiss, "I'm so tired today, I need a kiss from my husband to relieve it…"


He Ju couldn't help but shake his head with a chuckle, "This is the office, aren't you worried about your image?"


In her own office, what image was there to worry about?


Si Hua was pouting for a kiss, who could refuse such an initiative from his wife?


He Ju said nothing more, cupped the back of Si Hua's head with one hand, and gave her a deep, affectionate kiss.


Just as they were reluctant to part, Yang Jing suddenly barged in, "President Si—"


Yang Jing's voice stopped abruptly, and Si Hua and He Ju were startled into quickly separating.


Yang Jing's face turned red. Despite having weathered many storms and being in her thirties with a child in high school, she suddenly felt bashful.


But work needed Si Hua's decision, so Yang Jing had to proceed despite feeling awkward.


"President Si, this is the list of media invited for tomorrow's report, it requires your approval."


Yang Jing handed over the document, pretending nothing had just happened.


He Ju looked a bit uncomfortable, "I'll wait for you outside."


Even with a thick skin, Si Hua still showed a young lady's shyness, nodding her head slightly.


Once He Ju left, the atmosphere of intimacy dissipated a bit.


Si Hua sat back down, glanced at the list handed to her, and decisively signed, "Invite five more outlets, and I want tomorrow's event to go without any incidents, especially regarding order. You and Xiao Xiao need to arrange everything."


Yang Jing acknowledged.


Yang Jing: "What about Deputy Director Wang…"


Si Hua: "I'll handle his case personally, focus on the press conference tomorrow. I want to see the draft on my desk in the morning."


Yang Jing: "Understood, President Si."


Tonight, Starshine Group would once again be ablaze with lights.


Online public opinion was rampant, and without constant negotiation, posts could easily rise to the top, and Starshine's stock price had begun to fall. However, Si Hua's announcement of a press conference for the next afternoon had temporarily stemmed the decline.


Tomorrow's press conference, if successful, would take Starshine to new heights.


If it failed, Starshine's stock price might plummet further.


And tomorrow, the company's executives would all be present.




Deputy Director Wang.


Yang Jing didn't know what Si Hua had planned, but regardless of whether this incident was related to Bai Shangmo and Qiu Shaoze, confronting Bai Shangmo head-on was now inevitable.


Si Hua sighed, "You'll have to work hard tonight. After this period, give them holidays and subsidies as due, don't hold back. Take care of them and don't let them be taken advantage of."


Yang Jing smiled, "Of course, President Si."


Si Hua's generosity was exactly why these people were willing to work hard for her.


After all…


Who doesn't like money?


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