Chapter 109 – Gu Li, why not follow me

Xiao Wen looked at the two of them, his expression one of utter shock, his speech stumbling, "You… you two…"


Song Xuan wanted to clear his name, but He Yuyan was clinging to his waist and leaning on his shoulder, leaving him… utterly defenseless.


He Yuyan turned her head to look at Xiao Wen: "Oh, it's you, Xiao Wen."


Xiao Wen hadn't yet recovered from the shock of this teacher-student romance when he heard He Yuyan call his name. He immediately responded, "Yes, Teacher He, you…"


Xiao Wen stopped mid-sentence.


Instead, He Yuyan boldly interlocked her fingers with Song Xuan's, smiling as she spoke, "Yes, it's right. Song Xuan, he's my lawful husband."


Xiao Wen's eyes widened like brass bells, "Lawful husband? Teacher He, you're married? And to Song Xuan?"


Song Xuan held his forehead, lamenting the tarnishing of his reputation.


All because of his wife.


Although Xiao Wen was He Yuyan's student, but they were also classmates who often studied together.


Song Xuan had heard Xiao Wen complain about He Yuyan many times, calling her a femme fatale, a twisted teacher…


Song Xuan couldn't agree with the femme fatale part, but twisted teacher was indeed accurate.


He Yuyan was very strict with her students.


He Yuyan chuckled, "Classmate Xiao, please keep this a secret."


Although most of the teachers at the academy were aware, the students were not, and she didn't want to cause any trouble for Song Xuan.


Xiao Wen could only nod dumbly, never expecting that a simple run would lead to encountering his mentor and stumbling upon such a big secret.


He Yuyan was beautiful, insightful, cultured, well-educated, and from a good family, so even if they were tempted, they didn't dare to harbor inappropriate thoughts about their teacher, feeling unworthy and treating her with respect.


Who knew…


While he and his classmates restrained themselves, Song Xuan had long since crossed the line, having been married to Teacher He for two years?


Having such a charming wife at home and keeping her hidden without a word?


But putting himself in Song Xuan's shoes, if Xiao Wen had such a beautiful wife, he wouldn't want everyone to know either.


Song Xuan coughed twice, steadying He Yuyan on his shoulder, "Xiao Wen, I won't catch up with you now. She's had a bit too much to drink tonight. Let's meet up for a meal at school in a few days."


Xiao Wen nodded, his smile stiff, "Sure, sure, see you then, goodbye Teacher He…"


He Yuyan smiled and then staggered away with Song Xuan.


Xiao Wen stood there, conflicted, wondering whether he should address Song Xuan by name or as his 'master' in the future.




They were all in their twenties, yet Song Xuan's life was taking off like a rocket…


And him? Single Since Birth?!


Life was just… so unfair!


Xiao Wen shook his head and continued running.


Meanwhile, having just returned to the car, He Yuyan couldn't wait to wrap her arms around Song Xuan's neck, kissing him over and over until satisfied, then obediently sat in the passenger seat and closed her eyes to sleep.


Song Xuan's lips were chafed, but in the end, he could only smile helplessly and indulgently, fastening her seatbelt before driving home.


He knew what He Yuyan was thinking; she was just using the alcohol as an excuse to do something inappropriate, like… trying to have a baby.


Having lived a peaceful life with He Yuyan for two years, if she wanted a child… it wasn't out of the question.


At the crossroads, when the light turned red, Song Xuan glanced at the sweetly sleeping He Yuyan, his obsession with her deepening.


He indulged He Yuyan's whims, not for any other reason but simply because he loved her.


What He Yuyan didn't know was…


Even without these schemes, he was willing to have children with her.


The green light came on, and Song Xuan drove home with the rest of his life.


At this moment, in Si Hua's bedroom, two people had already been making love.


Was Si Hua really drunk?


Actually, no.


She was completely sober, pretending to be drunk in hopes that He Ju would take the initiative.


This time, they didn't take any precautions.


He Ju fully accepted this behavior, and both understood without saying a word.


Not until dawn did they embrace and fall into a deep sleep.


Here, one could say they were living in peaceful times.




Meanwhile, at City A's First People's Hospital.


After being in a coma for a day and a night, Gu Li finally woke up. After the doctor checked her and confirmed she was out of danger, Bai Shangmo and Qiu Shaoze finally breathed a sigh of relief.


In the hospital room.


Gu Li looked at the father and son, thinking she had hidden her secret well, only to discover Qiu Shaoze had long known he wasn't Qiu Rong's biological son. He had even found his real father through an old photo she had kept and had been in contact with him for years.


Gu Li felt some guilt towards Qiu Rong, but considering his ruthlessness in trying to kill her, she dared not return.


Bai Shangmo looked at her for a long time before slowly speaking, "Once you've recovered, come with me abroad, Xiao Li, I'll treat you well."


Gu Li didn't immediately answer him but silently closed her eyes, refusing to talk.


Just as Qiu Shaoze was about to speak, Bai Shangmo gave him a look, and Qiu Shaoze, still fearing his biological father, silently closed the door and left.


Bai Shangmo then calmly spoke, "I know you resent me, but after all these years, I've lost my wife, and your husband is a beast. We have a son…"


Bai Shangmo paused for two seconds, "Xiao Li, come with me, at least you'll have security for the latter half of your life."


Gu Li opened her eyes to look at Bai Shangmo, her voice hoarse, "When did you learn about Qiu Shaoze's existence? Bai Shangmo, Qiu Rong is bad, but what good are you?"


Back then, it was Bai Shangmo who refused to marry her, leading her to marry Qiu Rong. Now he wanted her to be with him…


Was she just an object?


Listening to Gu Li's accusations, Bai Shangmo's expression remained unchanged. He simply stood up with his cane, "Shaoze is our son, and that's why I'm willing to help you. We were in love when we were young, and I do have feelings for you. With the Qiu family fallen and without my protection, you can't stay in City A. Qiu Rong is a scoundrel, and if you don't come with me, he'll find you sooner or later. You know better than I do what will happen…"


Gu Li instinctively clutched the blanket, silent for a moment.


Bai Shangmo saw her small movement but didn't expose it, simply saying, "Think it over. I'll be in City A for a while longer. When you've decided, contact me anytime."


He was past the age of youthful passion, and such intense emotions were no longer important or expected by Bai Shangmo.


Now, for Bai Shangmo, there were only three parts of affection for Gu Li, and the rest was for the sake of their son.




Si Hua should be holding her wedding banquet.


He had more important things to do in City A.


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