Chapter 106 – The most sophisticated hunters often appear as their prey


As soon as the door opened, Bai Yan burst in with enthusiasm: "Hello, hello!! Happy wedding, sister! Brother-in-law!!"


Si Hua took a closer look and saw Bai Yan, Fatty, and Motor had all arrived, each carrying loads of dishes, meat, and wine.


Fatty and Motor greeted her: "Sister-in-law, hello!!!"


Si Hua replied with a smile: "Hello, hello!"


Si Hua asked, "What's all this…"


Bai Yan stepped forward, slung an arm over Si Hua's shoulder, and walked inside: "Of course, we're here to celebrate! Although the wedding ceremony hasn't happened yet, you did get married today, right? How could we not celebrate today? We definitely need to have a good meal and celebrate!"


He Ju joined them at this point: "Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing? Bai Yan, who let you hug my wife?"


Bai Yan's eyes widened in shock: "Wow! Really? Brother, are you turning against me already? Have you forgotten that you owe today's happiness to my matchmaking?"


He Ju knocked Bai Yan's hand off Si Hua's shoulder: "Go on, go on! I'll give you a red envelope at the wedding!"


Bai Yan clutched his chest: "No love, no love anymore…"


Si Hua, beaming with joy, said: "Well, since you're here, let's have dinner at home. I'll cook…"


Bai Yan interjected: "You're the bride today, how can we let you cook? We'll do it!"


He Ju also sat Si Hua down on the sofa: "What are you cooking for? We've got this, my dear, you rest."


Just then, the doorbell rang again. Si Hua said, "I'll get the door."


He Ju nodded and followed Bai Yan and the others into the kitchen.


As Si Hua opened the door, she saw her bestie He Yuyan and He Yuyan's husband, Song Xuan, both carrying gifts.


Si Hua was overjoyed and immediately rushed to hug He Yuyan: "You're here! How did you come?!"


He Yuyan patted Si Hua's back, laughing joyfully: "Of course, I'm here to celebrate your wedding. Your brother called me."


Si Hua was thrilled and quickly invited them in.


He Ju knew Si Hua had a very good bestie but had never met her until today.


He Ju, hearing the commotion, came out of the kitchen.


Si Hua introduced He Yuyan to He Ju: "This is my bestie, He Yuyan, and this is her husband, Song Xuan."


He Yuyan waved: "Hello, He Ju, nice to meet you."


He Ju eagerly replied: "Hello, hello, I've heard so much about you from Si Hua. I'm glad you could come today."


He Ju and Song Xuan shook hands briefly.


Song Xuan, a second-year law student, had accidentally hit He Yuyan with his car before starting his graduate studies, and since then, she had latched onto him.


He was hoodwinked into an early marriage by He Yuyan before even graduating from his senior year, and now they had been married for over two years.


He Ju said: "Wife, you chat with Yu Yan, I'll go cook."


Song Xuan immediately put down his things and rolled up his sleeves: "I'll help you guys."


He Ju insisted: "No need, no need, just sit. I'll wash some fruit for you."


Song Xuan wouldn't have it: "No, no, let me help you, come on, let's go together…"


He Yuyan had shared a lot on the phone with Si Hua, and the more Song Xuan listened, the more he felt something was off.


How come he felt that He Yuyan's ways of ensnaring He Ju were the same tricks used on him?


He had long wanted to ask He Ju about it, but He Yuyan wouldn't bring him along, and being somewhat socially anxious, he dared not come alone.


Now that Song Xuan finally had the chance to ask He Ju alone, how could he let it slip away?


Two years had passed, and sometimes he was afraid to go home. That woman, in just two years, was like a wolf that couldn't be fed enough, it was exhausting.


So, Song Xuan followed He Ju into the kitchen.


Luckily, the kitchen was spacious enough to accommodate five men without too much trouble.


In the living room.


He Yuyan, full of gossip, looked at Si Hua: "Come on, tell me, how did you deceive him into marrying you?"


Si Hua blushed thoroughly: "I just… secretly won over his parents, brought over the household registration book, and the next day I dragged him straight to the civil affairs bureau. With the arrow on the string, He Ju had no choice but to shoot."


He Yuyan couldn't stop laughing as she remembered how she tricked Song Xuan into marriage.


She had drugged Song Xuan, leading him to pounce on her eagerly, and the next day He Yuyan made a scene of crying and fussing, which naturally led to them dating.


And then…


After dating for a while, Song Xuan fell deeper in love with her, so she struck while the iron was hot, claiming her family was pressuring her to marry, and if they didn't, she would have to go back for arranged dates…


Song Xuan, naive as he was, stole the household registration book the next day and went with He Yuyan to get their marriage certificate.


Thus, they became a legitimately married couple, and everything else fell into place.


Song Xuan's family was well-off, and so was hers. Although their parents were angry, they had already tied the knot, so after a few wedding banquets, it was a done deal.


Song Xuan still didn't understand how he got married so bewilderingly, but He Yuyan knew, and so did Si Hua.


Poor Song Xuan, hoodwinked into an early marriage at a young age.


He Yuyan also had a high demand in that aspect, refusing to have children for the first few years, constantly demanding Song Xuan's attention. If not for Song Xuan's youth and stamina, he might not have been able to keep up with her.


Si Hua and He Yuyan exchanged a satisfied smile, both pleased with the outcome.


Isn't there a saying: the most sophisticated hunters often appear as their prey?


They had taken this saying to heart.


Whether it was He Ju or Song Xuan, both were their chosen targets, and they had captured them perfectly.


Meanwhile, in the kitchen, as He Ju and the others listened to Song Xuan's rambling story of his romance with He Yuyan, something seemed…


A bit off, didn't it?


Could it really be such a coincidence?


As Song Xuan recounted how He Yuyan had chased him to become his teacher, Fatty suddenly remarked: "That sounds a lot like He Ju's trip to Yunnan, with Si Hua chasing after him…"


Motor added: "Yeah, back then Si Hua even gave us a lot of money to help out…"


Bai Yan, quick to catch on, said: "Wait, Song Xuan, you and Yu Yan had a student-teacher romance? That's quite thrilling."


Song Xuan blushed slightly and didn't respond.


He Ju paused for two seconds: "So, you're saying the train tickets and hotel back then were all booked by Si Hua?"


Bai Yan chuckled: "What else? Did you really think your brother was rich? If it weren't for my sister chasing you, I'd be just a poor soul…"


Fatty and Motor laughed: "These two besties have the same tricks, Song Xuan, I'm afraid your brother might have been bought off by He Yuyan too?"


Fatty's comment was offhand, but then…


Song Xuan exclaimed: "How did you know?!"


"…" Suddenly, the kitchen fell silent.


So, the methods of pursuit were all the same?


True besties indeed.


These men were suddenly questioning whether Si Hua's pursuit of He Ju was learned from… He Yuyan?

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