Chapter 105 – Why fear taking the seaview room, He Ju confesses the past to Si Hua


Si Hua thought to herself that Su Ran's issue had been resolved and the Qiu family probably couldn't make a comeback. There shouldn't be anything to worry about now…


So, she let her guard down, happily finishing dinner with He Ju before they paid the bill and left the Western restaurant.


Si Hua quickly dismissed the momentary discomfort from her mind, and naturally, she didn't notice that after they left, Bai Shangmo made a phone call. The sweet photo of them holding hands and kissing began to circulate in private from that moment on.


He Ju took Si Hua to a jewelry store and bought her gold jewelry, necklaces, and rings.


In the past, the most he could save up was fifty thousand to buy a pair of rings for Su Ran, but now things were different.


The total cost of everything was thirteen million, but He Ju didn't even blink as he swiped his card for Si Hua.


He Ju was extremely generous, buying anything that caught Si Hua's eye.


All the saleswomen in the store looked on with envy at Si Hua.


But that was all they could do, envy. Si Hua's stunning beauty was unmatched by anyone present, and He Ju's gaze never left her from beginning to end.


This time, He Ju knelt on one knee and personally slipped the wedding ring onto Si Hua's finger.


He, He Ju, was now a married man.


The people around them offered their blessings. He Ju paid generously, then walked out of the jewelry store with his head held high, hand in hand with his wife. They immediately went to look at properties without stopping.


Now that they were married, these necessities would come into play.


He had just made several hundred million, so buying a few houses should be simple. It might be a bit more difficult to buy a mountain to build an ancestral home, but that was no issue. He could keep making money, and if necessary, just pay the down payment first.


Si Hua wasn't worried about this. In City A, there were two mountains owned by her family. He Ju just needed to choose one as the foundation.


As long as they could develop it, Si Hua was willing to hand over the other mountain to the state for tourism development. That way, when they built their house and cut into the foundation or trees, there would be no issues from above.


The entire day, He Ju took Si Hua around looking at houses. They wanted to build a three-story villa by the sea as their wedding home.


At two in the afternoon, He Ju and Si Hua liked a property, and the staff took them to see the houses.


On the way there, He Ju was thrilled.


He would truly have a home in the future, where he could bring his parents back to live in their old age, and he would be content to make money for them to spend.


Soon, He Ju and Si Hua arrived at the seaside.


The houses were not far from the sea, and the closer to the sea, the more expensive the villas were, with the cheapest being twenty to twenty-five thousand per square meter.


He Ju liked a villa that was neither too close nor too far from the beach, about five hundred square meters in total, a three-story duplex with a large garden on the first floor. It could be turned into a yard with flowers and plants, a swing, and a place for tea, which would be very comfortable.


The top floor had a swimming pool, which He Ju really liked, perfect for gatherings with friends at home.


The first floor could be for the servants' rooms, kitchen, etc. The second floor would be for entertaining guests, and the third floor would be He Ju and Si Hua's private domain.


He Ju was very satisfied, and Si Hua didn't say much. He Ju had a keen eye, and everything he chose was excellent. Her only request was that He Ju design the structure of the house, but she would decide on the style of the decoration.


This place would be their secret base in the future, not to be shared with anyone.


He Ju complied with Si Hua's wishes.


So, Si Hua smiled, and in one afternoon, they booked the house.


He Ju paid in full and then took Si Hua back home.


The fridge was still full of food left by his parents from their last visit. He Ju wanted to prepare a nice dinner to celebrate, but Si Hua pulled him to sit on the sofa, "I have something important to confess to you."


He Ju's brow twitched, "What's up?"


Si Hua's serious expression made him a bit scared.


But the next second, what Si Hua said was, "Since we've already bought a new house, let's hurry up and sell these two bachelor apartments."


He Ju's brain froze, "What? Why sell these houses? Isn't your friend renting them?"


Watching He Ju's confused look, Si Hua covered her mouth and giggled, "These two apartments are mine~"


He Ju was suddenly puzzled, "???"


Then it dawned on He Ju, "Holy crap? Sister Si Hua, is this all part of your scheme?!"


Talking about a friend's house, charging him only fifteen hundred in rent each month, it turns out…


Was Si Hua creating something out of nothing? Was she the landlord of this apartment?


He Ju belatedly realized, "You returned to China for…"


Si Hua nodded, tucking her hair behind her ear, her fox-like eyes twinkling with mirth, her voice soft and sweet, "Of course, it was to win you over."


He Ju was stunned, "But when did you start liking me? And how did you know I…"


He stopped mid-sentence, his face darkening as he slapped his thigh, "Is Bai Yan a spy?!"


No wonder the day after he decided not to pursue Su Ran, Bai Yan took him to the airport to pick up his sister…


Turns out Bai Yan was picking up his sister, and he, He Ju, was picking up his own wife?!




He Ju didn't know what to say for a moment.


But Si Hua smiled, took out her phone, and opened a password-protected album. He Ju saw that the album contained over two thousand photos of him.


There were photos of him reading in the classroom, taking exams, playing football and basketball on the field, and many where He Ju willingly posed with friends…


He and Bai Yan were high school classmates, and Si Hua even had his high school graduation photo. After he went to university, it seemed Bai Yan secretly took his photos.


Si Hua saved them one by one, relying on these photos to sustain her longing during her days abroad.


He Ju was astounded, not at the number of photos Si Hua had of him, but at when Si Hua had fallen for him.


He Ju felt how important he was to Si Hua, how when you like someone, you can't help but record every little detail about them.


Hadn't he done the same?


Si Hua's affection for him was deep.


A flicker of tears seemed to pass through He Ju's eyes. Just as he was about to ask for more clarity, the doorbell rang.


Si Hua chuckled and ruffled He Ju's hair, leaning in to kiss the corner of his lips, "Husband, you are my hard-earned happiness, the man I willingly want to marry. Thank you for being willing to marry me. I know you have many questions, but I want to keep these secrets and answer them for you on our wedding night, okay?"


How could He Ju say no? He was sorting out his thoughts. Although he was eager to know the details, he was willing to wait for Si Hua to tell him slowly.


He Ju: "Okay."


So Si Hua got up to answer the door.

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