Chapter 97 – Babe, I’m going to have noodles today. What kind of noodles? I suddenly want to see you

After a long silence in the dormitory, someone finally spoke up, “Xie Shu, I think the phrase ‘triggered by the scene’ only applies to you.”

Xie Shu: “???”


Xie Shu didn’t respond, holding back his laughter as he returned to his seat and contentedly started eating his ice cream.

To show them the whole ice cream, he hadn’t taken a single bite on the way back, and now it was starting to melt.

No one spoke again, and the three of them went back to playing their games.

“In this weather, eating ice cream is the best,” Xie Shu suddenly said after a while.

The three of them looked up at him, thinking he was just making a comment, and then went back to their games.

But not long after, they heard Xie Shu say, “It’s a pity you guys don’t have any.”

The three of them: “……”

Now they all realized Xie Shu was showing off.

“Are you done yet?!”

“Xie Shu, has a fortune teller ever told you that one day you’ll get beaten up?”

“Do you want some preserved plums?”

“You’re just jealous of me!”

In the end, Xie Shu, with his infuriating talent, won the verbal battle.

Holding back his laughter, Xie Shu opened his computer and finished drawing the construction plans. After washing up, he chatted with Ruan Nianxi on his phone for a long time.

Just before going to sleep, someone in the dorm suddenly asked if they had managed to get tickets for the Labor Day holiday. Xie Shu immediately lost all sleepiness.

Labor Day!!

It seemed he had completely forgotten about the date since his rebirth!

He only knew what day of the week it was, what classes he had, and then he would arrange to hang out with Ruan Nianxi to deepen their relationship…

As for getting tickets for Labor Day…

Xie Shu exited the chat app and checked his ticket purchase records online. Nothing.

He usually went home during holidays, and this time was no exception. In fact, his desire to go home was even stronger this time.

In the current timeline, he hadn’t seen his parents for a few months, but if he counted the timeline from his previous life, it had been over a year since he last saw them.

After becoming a corporate slave, he spent very little time at home even during holidays like the Spring Festival, let alone regular days. In the end, he…

In short, he still wanted to go home for Labor Day, to see them.

But… what about Ruan Nianxi…?

Holidays were meant for fun, and he really wanted to be with Ruan Nianxi. He just didn’t know what her plans were.

If they each went home for the holidays, they wouldn’t be able to see each other.

Their household registrations were not in the same city. His hometown was in Shu City, while Ruan Nianxi’s was in the capital, the city where they were currently attending university.

Ruan Nianxi had traveled all over the country with her parents since she was a child. In sixth grade, she transferred to his class, and they became good friends. After that, she refused to travel with her parents, insisting on staying put. The most extreme instance was when she ran away from home in the middle of the night to his house.

Her parents had no choice but to let her stay in Shu City, hiring someone to take care of her and asking his family to look after her until she finished high school. She returned to her hometown for university.

So, how should they spend Labor Day?

Take Ruan Nianxi to his home?

Or visit both homes?

Ah, that’s not possible. Uncle Ruan and his family didn’t know about his relationship with Ruan Nianxi, and she didn’t want him to meet them either. She definitely wouldn’t agree.

Feeling conflicted, Xie Shu sent a message to Ruan Nianxi, asking about her plans for Labor Day.

Ruan Nianxi replied that she had no plans.

No plans, huh, then…

Xie Shu: [Since you have no plans, do you want to come to my place for Labor Day?]

Ruan Nianxi stared at the message, her mind going blank for a long time before she reacted.

Does this count as meeting the parents?

Ruan Nianxi rolled over on her bed, holding her phone nervously, unsure of what to reply. She typed and deleted repeatedly.

On the other end, Xie Shu waited for a long time without getting a reply and curiously asked: [Is it not okay?]

Ruan Nianxi: [No! It’s okay!]

Xie Shu: [That’s good, but I’m a bit worried about Uncle Ruan. If you go out of the province for so many days, they’ll definitely ask you. What if they don’t let you go? Should we just be honest with them and tell them I’ll take care of you, to put their minds at ease?]

Ruan Nianxi: [No!]

Xie Shu: […Then what will you say if they ask?]

Ruan Nianxi: [I’ll handle it. You don’t need to worry. Besides, I’m an adult now. They can’t control me if I want to go out and have fun.]

That made sense.

In the end, Xie Shu didn’t say anything more.

Forget it, let her handle it. She couldn’t hide it forever anyway; it was just a matter of time.

They had settled their holiday plans, but when it came to buying tickets, Xie Shu checked several times and found that all the train and plane tickets for the days leading up to Labor Day were sold out, even the tickets for the early hours of Labor Day itself.

It was always like this during holidays, tickets were hard to come by.

Some people even started booking tickets months in advance.

This time, he hadn’t paid attention to the dates, a miscalculation, so he could only buy tickets for later dates.


The next morning.

As soon as Xie Shu opened his eyes, he picked up his phone and sent a message to Ruan Nianxi: [Good morning, babe. Are you awake?]

No reply.

He checked the time; it was just past five. It was still early, so she was probably still sleeping.

Except for the two days he stayed up late making the pop-up book, he had returned to his normal sleep schedule. Last night was the same; after chatting with Ruan Nianxi, he said goodnight and went to sleep.

With no reply, Xie Shu found staring at his phone boring.

He switched between various apps several times, not knowing what to do. He couldn’t get into any games, so he went back to Ruan Nianxi’s chat window and sent another message: [Babe, I’m going to have noodles today. What kind of noodles? I suddenly want to see you.]

Still no reply.

Xie Shu propped his head up, thinking for a while. Various crazy thoughts flashed through his mind, but he didn’t type any of them out.

After thinking for a long time, he simply put down his phone, got up, changed clothes, and prepared to wash up.

Even though he had no classes in the morning, he had arranged to meet Ruan Nianxi at the cafeteria. He decided to get ready and wait for her downstairs.

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