Chapter 93 – Double standard

Even though Ruan Nianxi came out relatively late, the gymnasium was still crowded, with people still streaming out in groups.

She walked against the flow of people, moving slowly, her face growing increasingly somber.

Xie Shu hadn’t replied to her messages because he was busy, but what was her dad busy with at this time?

The lecture had just ended, and even if he was busy, it would only be chatting with the school leaders. What could be so important?

In the past, when she messaged her parents, they would always reply promptly unless they were busy with work. But this time, he wasn’t working! Why hadn’t he replied?

Ruan Nianxi had already returned to the gymnasium. Over a minute had passed, and she checked her phone again, still no reply.

A sense of foreboding grew stronger in her heart.

They had always disapproved of her being with Xie Shu. Could it be that he had found Xie Shu and was talking to him?

Was he planning to tell Xie Shu about her, hoping to drive him away?

Ruan Nianxi’s palms tightened, her teeth clenched, and her eyes began to sting.

No, no, no!

They couldn’t do that!

She and Xie Shu had worked so hard to be together!

Ruan Nianxi quickened her pace towards the backstage of the gymnasium. There were far fewer people there, mostly student council members. She glanced around but didn’t see Xie Shu, so she decided to look elsewhere. The backstage area was quite large.

The student council members all wore badges, so even if they didn’t know each other, they recognized each other as council members. Ruan Nianxi, without a badge, wandering around the backstage, quickly drew attention.

A department head saw Ruan Nianxi looking around and, noticing she was unfamiliar, approached her. “Excuse me, do you need help with something?”

Ruan Nianxi didn’t want to engage with a stranger but realized that blindly searching could take forever. She responded, “Hello, I’m looking for the person who gave the lecture. Do you know where he is?”

“Mr. Ruan?”


“Why are you looking for him? He’s a big shot, not someone you can just meet.” The person frowned but added, “He’s busy right now, so it won’t help to look for him.”

“Busy with what?”

“How would I know? I just saw him take a student into one of the rest rooms over there. The school leaders were all here, but they didn’t go in. Mr. Ruan must be talking to that student about something. I’m curious about what they’re discussing. Maybe the student’s speech left a deep impression on Mr. Ruan, so he sought him out. But honestly, making jokes in such a serious setting is rare.”

Hearing this, Ruan Nianxi’s face darkened further. Her suspicions seemed confirmed. She thanked the person and walked in the direction he had pointed.

Seeing this, the person quickly tried to stop her. “Hey! What are you doing? I told you Mr. Ruan is busy. You can’t just see him whenever you want. It’s best to wait until he’s done.”

Ruan Nianxi couldn’t calm down. She feared that if she was too late, Xie Shu might choose to leave her.

She couldn’t accept that outcome.

It would be worse than death…

So no one could stop her now!

She dodged the person’s attempt to block her and, without any regard for politeness, opened the door to the rest room.

As soon as the door opened, she saw Xie Shu and her father sitting inside.

Just as she thought!

Both turned to look at her, surprised by her sudden entrance.

“Sorry, Mr. Ruan. This student didn’t know you were busy. I’ll take her out immediately,” the student council department head apologized hurriedly, trying to pull Ruan Nianxi out.

But before he could touch her arm, Ruan Nianxi took a few more steps inside, making him even more anxious.

“It’s okay, you can leave. You don’t need to worry about this,” Ruan Qin said, noticing the student’s anxiety.

Within seconds, only the three of them were left in the room.

Ruan Nianxi took a few steps forward and stopped, her gaze fixed on Ruan Qin, expressionless.

Despite the turmoil of unease and anger inside her, she dared not show it. She could suppress her negative emotions but couldn’t muster a smile because she was genuinely unhappy.

She could only look at Ruan Qin expressionlessly and ask, “What were you talking about?”

Did they discuss anything they shouldn’t have with Xie Shu?

But she didn’t dare voice that last question.

Ruan Qin felt a headache coming on. He knew his daughter’s condition well. Even if she didn’t show it, he understood.

“Patients will irrationally suspect others of exploiting, harming, or deceiving them.”

“They find it hard to trust others. Acts of kindness are often seen as potential threats.”

“Due to their suspicions, patients frequently experience anger and anxiety.”

The doctor’s words echoed in Ruan Qin’s mind. Considering that Ruan Nianxi even doubted her parents, Ruan Qin knew that no matter how much he explained that he hadn’t said anything to Xie Shu, she wouldn’t believe him.

Moreover, despite her suspicions, she wasn’t exhibiting the uncontrollable anxiety and anger she had in previous years. She was still talking to him calmly…

Ruan Qin didn’t immediately answer Ruan Nianxi’s question. Instead, he glanced at Xie Shu.

After a light cough, he said, “We weren’t talking about anything important. I just hadn’t seen Xie Shu in a long time and wanted to chat. If you don’t believe me, ask Xie Shu.”

He quickly shifted the question to Xie Shu.

Xie Shu, hearing this, instinctively nodded and added, “Yeah, we weren’t talking about anything important. Uncle Ruan just asked me if I…”


“Didn’t ask anything.”

Xie Shu had to change his words midway.

Although he didn’t think it was a big deal to mention the question, since Uncle Ruan didn’t want him to say it, he had no choice.

Their poorly coordinated responses left Ruan Nianxi silent for a long time.

She stared at Ruan Qin expressionlessly for a while before shifting her gaze to Xie Shu, her voice softening, “Really?”

Xie Shu thought Ruan Nianxi was worried that Uncle Ruan had asked about their relationship, fearing it would make her anxious. So he softened his voice too, “Really, Uncle Ruan just asked me about my personal life, nothing else.”

After he finished, he saw Ruan Nianxi’s expression relax a bit.

Yes, it seemed that was the right thing to say.

He glanced at Ruan Qin, thinking this should be okay, but saw Ruan Qin’s stern face, clearly in a bad mood.

Xie Shu: “…”

…Did I say something wrong?

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