Chapter 115 – There’s no such thing as true empathy

Xie Shu: “!? “

When Ruan Nianxi came out to look for the front desk, she kept a reasonable distance behind Xie Shu.

She was actually quite satisfied with everything here.

But Xie Shu turned back to look for the front desk so quickly that she didn’t have time to call out to him.

Afterward, they followed the front desk to see other themed rooms. She thought they were okay, so she didn’t say anything.

She thought Xie Shu would just pick one of these rooms, but to her surprise, he wanted to change places!

Isn’t this place good enough?

Even though he didn’t finish his sentence, from his expression and tone, she could tell he wanted to change places!

She didn’t want to move; she thought this place was perfect!!

Xie Shu was momentarily stunned, seeing Ruan Nianxi pouting. In the end, he decided to stay.

As long as she didn’t misunderstand him, it was fine.

If she liked it, they would stay.

Finally, he chose a room with a sofa.

After all, the bed… uh… let’s not talk about that for now.

After choosing the room, they went in, picked a suitable movie, and sat down quietly.

The room was dimly lit, filled with an ambiguous atmosphere.

They sat very close, their bodies touching. Xie Shu wrapped an arm around Ruan Nianxi’s waist, leaned his head towards her, and closed his eyes in contentment, the sweetness in his heart lingering.

In the past, he never thought someone would be waiting for him, nor did he imagine he could find such a beautiful love one day.

Xie Shu remained still, and Ruan Nianxi didn’t dare to move either. She sat up straight, letting Xie Shu lean on her, both of them in a good mood.

It wasn’t until Xie Shu heard the movie’s opening credits end and the film begin that he opened his eyes and sat up straight.

There were snacks and water on the coffee table in front of them. He grabbed some, placed them beside them, opened a bag of snacks, and fed Ruan Nianxi one bite at a time, occasionally taking a bite himself.

They quietly leaned against the sofa, feeding each other snacks, without speaking, enjoying the moment while watching the movie.

Ruan Nianxi’s phone rang several times in the middle, but after glancing at it, she put it on silent.

Seeing that she didn’t seem to care, Xie Shu didn’t ask who was calling.

The city lights shone brightly, illuminating countless homes.

Jiangling University.

After playing in the dorm all afternoon and getting hungry, An Tian noticed that Su Qianyi hadn’t returned yet. Worried, she messaged her to ask where she was. Su Qianyi replied quickly, saying she was on Back Street.

Since An Tian was also hungry, she decided to go find her and have dinner together before heading back.

She wondered if Su Qianyi had figured things out after thinking all afternoon.

Initially, she was worried because, before Su Qianyi left, she refused to believe that Xie Shu had fallen for someone else and insisted on going out to find him.

But when she reached Back Street and found Su Qianyi calmly sitting in a milk tea shop, playing on her phone, she breathed a sigh of relief.

She thought Su Qianyi would still be heartbroken.

Seeing her like this… maybe the problem wasn’t too serious?

After finding her, An Tian suggested they go to a restaurant for dinner, and Su Qianyi agreed immediately.

So, they went to the restaurant, chatting as usual, except Su Qianyi wasn’t as cheerful as before. Everything else seemed normal.

Sigh, ever since Xie Shu started ignoring her last week, Su Qianyi’s mood had been down, and she hadn’t smiled much. This was… normal, right?

Even though she thought this way, An Tian still felt uneasy after dinner and decided to take Su Qianyi for a walk to help her relax.

Xie Shu, who rarely posted on social media, had shared two love-filled updates today and even posted in their class group…

Although Su Qianyi had always denied liking Xie Shu, the situation was clear now. She liked him a lot, and knowing that Xie Shu had fallen for someone else must have been a huge blow to her. At the very least, she needed some time to process it.

All An Tian could do was be there for her.

In the end, considering the environment, An Tian chose the school track. Su Qianyi didn’t refuse, so they headed back to school.

On their way to the track, they saw a promotional poster for an event—

[One-Week Couples Date]

They had seen this poster when they went to the cafeteria at noon, but they hadn’t paid much attention to it. Now…

An Tian looked at Su Qianyi and asked, “Do you want to participate?”

This event was held every semester, and they knew it was for singles. Most participants joined to find a partner, while some did it for fun.

An Tian asked Su Qianyi if she wanted to join, mainly to distract her.

Dwelling on her memories with Xie Shu all day wouldn’t help.

So, she wondered if participating in this event might help her forget the past and start a new relationship.

It wasn’t unreasonable for An Tian to think this way. She had never been in love, never experienced heartache, never felt the pain of seeing someone she loved fall for someone else…

She knew Su Qianyi was hurting, but she couldn’t truly empathize.

There’s no such thing as true empathy. No matter how much loved ones sympathize, they can’t fully understand the pain of the person going through it.

Because she hadn’t experienced it, she thought it was simpler than it was.

Moreover, Su Qianyi and Xie Shu had never officially dated. She believed time or a new relationship could heal everything.

When she asked Su Qianyi, there was no reaction.

So, she pulled her towards the poster. Since it was Saturday, there were no staff members, but the promotional tent and table were still there, with a QR code for joining the event group.

Since Su Qianyi didn’t react, An Tian used her phone to scan the code and join the group. Then they headed to the track.

The track was busy on weekends, but there were fewer couples compared to weekdays.

There were people exercising, taking photos, playing guitar, hanging out in groups, making videos…

Not knowing what to do, An Tian walked with Su Qianyi, lap after lap.

As they walked, Su Qianyi, seeing An Tian by her side, felt her seemingly calm heart almost break again.

An Tian was usually a homebody, not fond of going out. So, if Su Qianyi wanted to go out and An Tian didn’t, Xie Shu would accompany her.

Even if An Tian was willing to go, Xie Shu would usually join them.

Whether it was a summer evening stroll to cool off, a winter night walk to lose weight, or just going out for fun… Xie Shu would always be there.

They had experienced many interesting things on the track, from people singing on the stage, groups dancing, couples dating, to public confessions… they had seen it all together.

Three years of university, they had been through so much together. Her good friend was still by her side, but the boy who loved her was gone…

He had fallen for someone else…

They had barely spoken for a week, and now he was with Ruan Nianxi…

How could there be no signs? They hadn’t even been in contact before.

What happened that week?

Her heart ached, but Su Qianyi’s expression remained unchanged as she continued walking with An Tian, lap after lap.

Six years, did Xie Shu really let go just like that?

How could he be so heartless…

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