Chapter 110

They were alone, with no one else around.

Ruan Nianxi leaned back against the seat, her body slightly tilted, one leg resting on Xie Shu’s lap.

Xie Shu lowered his head, gently massaging her calf with both hands.

Luckily, when they were picking out couple outfits earlier, he had vetoed all the skirts for the female outfits. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have dared to do this now.

Ruan Nianxi was wearing shorts.

The shorts reached the middle of her thighs, not too long, not too short.

Even though half of her thighs were exposed, Xie Shu’s hands stayed on her calves the whole time. He didn’t use any excuse to do anything else, keeping his head down and honestly massaging her calves.

After finishing one side, he switched seats to her other side and used the same method and pressure to massage her other leg.

During this time, no one spoke.

It wasn’t until the end that Xie Shu took the initiative to say, “Have you been eating properly?”


“You’re too thin.”


Ruan Nianxi looked thin. When he held her hand or hugged her waist, he could feel it more clearly. Today, while massaging her legs… he could wrap one hand around them…

Although he had thought this before when he touched her a few days ago, actually feeling her legs today made him think it was a bit exaggerated.

He knew there were very thin girls in the world, but since it was Ruan Nianxi, he naturally cared a bit more.

Ruan Nianxi had been looking at Xie Shu, but now she looked away and said, “I’ve been eating well these past few days.”

“And before?” Xie Shu raised an eyebrow and asked, looking at Ruan Nianxi.

“The same as before.”

She said this but didn’t look at Xie Shu.

She could see out of the corner of her eye that Xie Shu was looking at her, but she just wouldn’t turn her head.

Xie Shu looked at her for a while, then lowered his head again and continued massaging her leg.

Seeing this, Ruan Nianxi felt a sense of relief.

As for before… she really didn’t know how to answer.

She didn’t feel anything herself, but her parents always asked if she had no appetite, and her roommates at school asked if she was dieting to lose weight.

She never did that. She knew to eat when she was hungry, and sometimes she didn’t eat when she was busy. Most people were like that, she thought it was no big deal.

But she also knew she was different from ordinary people. What she thought was normal might not be to others.

She was a bit worried about saying the wrong thing in front of Xie Shu and didn’t want to make him worry, so she didn’t say anything.

Xie Shu didn’t press further. Some people in the world just don’t gain weight easily. He couldn’t use his standards to judge Ruan Nianxi, so he didn’t say anything more.

He didn’t know about the past, but in the future, he would never let her suffer.

In the future, wouldn’t he have to use all his cooking skills to feed her well?

After all, in Shu City, boys were taught from a young age that if they couldn’t cook, they wouldn’t be able to get a wife.

Once you could cook, had a girlfriend, and graduated, marriage was next.

Thinking about the future, Xie Shu couldn’t help but smile.

The future was really hard not to look forward to.

Another silence fell between them.

Ruan Nianxi had one leg on Xie Shu’s lap, one hand behind her to support herself, enjoying the leg massage.

Xie Shu had his head down, so she couldn’t see his profile clearly. She shifted her gaze to the mini bun she had tied on his head earlier.

Maybe because they had been playing around, and his hair wasn’t very long, the hair tied up on his head was a bit loose now.

Ruan Nianxi touched her own bun, which was still secure, and then reached out to fix Xie Shu’s.

She took off the hair tie, gathered the hair into a small bundle, carefully twisted his short hair, and tied it back up.

When Xie Shu felt Ruan Nianxi fixing his hair, he lowered his head a bit more and tilted it towards her to make it easier for her.

When he felt she was done and about to pull away, he quickly turned his head towards her and kissed her before she could move away.

Because Ruan Nianxi had her head tilted up, Xie Shu, who intended to kiss her cheek, ended up kissing the corner of her mouth.

Ruan Nianxi was stunned, her beautiful eyes filled with shock.

Xie Shu had only kissed her fingers, the back of her hand, and at most her forehead before. Just now, he… he!!


After the initial shock, Ruan Nianxi blushed and turned her head away, looking elsewhere.

Xie Shu was also momentarily stunned.

He hadn’t meant to; he just wanted to kiss her cheek. He didn’t expect her head to be tilted up.

Now that Ruan Nianxi had turned away without saying anything, she probably wasn’t mad, right?

Feeling a bit relieved, he lightly coughed and continued massaging her leg.

A few minutes later, Ruan Nianxi took her leg off Xie Shu’s lap but still didn’t dare look at him.

The earlier incident kept replaying in her mind.

Just a little bit more and…

From his angle, Xie Shu could see her ears were still red. He didn’t tease her and instead looked around for something else to do, hoping to distract them both and ease her embarrassment.

He didn’t find anything to play with but did see a place selling watermelons.

Thinking it would be nice to cool off in the hot weather, he took Ruan Nianxi over to buy one.

Later, they moved to an indoor rest area, each with a spoon, digging into half a watermelon.

It’s said that the sweetest part of a watermelon is the center, so Xie Shu gave the center to Ruan Nianxi.

Ruan Nianxi didn’t think much of it at first. She thought Xie Shu was just letting her eat first, but she still wanted to share with him. When she didn’t move, Xie Shu took a spoon and fed her himself.

Since Xie Shu had taken the initiative, Ruan Nianxi couldn’t refuse, so she ate as he wanted.

After that, Xie Shu couldn’t resist his rare urge to share and took a photo, posting it with a caption: [The sweetest bites are for her.]

Liu Ping: [He’s at it again?]

Zhao Lin: [It’s getting cold lately. Remember to cover your coffin at night.]

Li Da: [I miss you so much that even the dogs on the street remind me of you. I want to kick them.]

Classmate A: [It’s just a girlfriend, what’s there to show off? I’m more successful than you. Born in 2000, not graduated yet, already have two houses, a Benz, over 3 million in savings, a 68-year-old girlfriend, and a goddaughter 20 years older than me. I don’t show off, so why should you?]

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