Chapter 106 – Official announcement is necessary

After taking the photo, Xie Shu eagerly wanted to post it on his social media.

This time, Ruan Nianxi also leaned in to watch, and she even dared to take the initiative to pull Xie Shu closer.

Xie Shu was taller than her, so when he stood straight, she couldn’t see his phone screen. She tugged on his arm, making him lower it a bit.

Obediently, Xie Shu lowered his phone, then entered his social media app, selected the photo, and edited the text, ready to post.

But before he could post it, Ruan Nianxi stopped him.

He was puzzled, and Ruan Nianxi took his phone, then clicked on “Who can see this.”

It seemed she wanted to block someone.

Xie Shu watched silently as she scrolled through his friends list for a while, selected the person marked as “Aunt Jian,” exited the selection screen, and handed the phone back to him without posting it herself.

Xie Shu: “…”

Hmm… he seemed to understand why last time she wanted him to blur out the photo.

Was she worried Aunt Jian would recognize her?

Afraid she would find out they were together?

But… Aunt Jian had already recognized her.

Aunt Jian had asked him about it before, and he had admitted it…

Xie Shu really wanted to tell Ruan Nianxi the truth, but Aunt Jian had clearly told him not to let her know about their meeting, and besides…

Recalling the scene when he met with Ruan Qin before, and how nervous Ruan Nianxi looked, he decided to go along with her.

If he didn’t block her, she probably wouldn’t enjoy herself later.

Although the feeling of a “secret relationship” made Xie Shu a bit disappointed, he didn’t say anything.

They could talk about it later.

For now, they should just have fun.

After successfully posting the update, he sent the photo to Ruan Nianxi, then stood beside her, bent down, and rested his chin on her shoulder, whispering in her ear, “Do you want to post an update too?”


“Yeah.” Xie Shu paused, then added, “Don’t you want to make it official?”

Ruan Nianxi rarely posted updates. Her social media was mostly filled with mandatory posts from the academy or shared activities, with almost nothing personal.

Even if she had something she liked, she was used to keeping it to herself, rarely sharing it.

This time, with Xie Shu bringing it up, she tilted her head slightly, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye, and asked, “Do you want me to post it?”

Xie Shu wrapped his arms around her waist, mimicking her earlier actions, and buried his head in her neck, “Of course I want you to make it official!”

His hair brushed against Ruan Nianxi’s cheek, and even though it wasn’t skin contact, she still felt a tingling sensation on her cheek.

Moreover, his hands were still on her waist, and this intimate gesture made Ruan Nianxi’s cheeks flush even more.

There were still people around…

Although she felt a bit embarrassed, she didn’t push Xie Shu away, as she really enjoyed this feeling.

So, after Xie Shu let go of her, she picked up her phone, saved the photo he sent, and posted an update on her social media.

Similarly, she blocked her parents and some of their company’s employees, like Secretary Lin, who were close to her parents.

Xie Shu watched as she blocked more than a dozen people, sighing silently.

Oh well, at least her classmates could see it.

After their affectionate moment, the sales assistant approached them again. Both of them liked the outfit, so they didn’t change. Xie Shu paid for it, took the bag with their old clothes, and hailed a taxi to their date location.


Girls’ dormitory.

An Tian was bored, scrolling through short videos, then turned to look at Su Qianyi, who was still sitting there dazed, “Really not going out? You didn’t go out last weekend either.”

“I… don’t really want to.”

She wasn’t in the mood to have fun.

After a week of frustration, being disliked and blocked by Xie Shu, she tried to keep her distance to avoid being disliked further, but then Ruan Nianxi showed up, and it seemed like they…

She didn’t catch up with Xie Shu today, so she turned to his roommates, but they were all cold and dismissive, saying they didn’t know anything.

She didn’t get any useful information.

Back in the dorm, she just sat there, barely looking at her phone.

An Tian knew what she was thinking but didn’t know what to say, so she asked several times if she wanted to go out, but each time she was refused.

Since she didn’t want to go out, An Tian had no choice but to change shoes and lie on the bed to play with her phone.

When it comes to feelings…

She was powerless.

She was just a single girl, how would she know how to win back a man’s heart?

One of the main reasons An Tian and Su Qianyi became besties was because they were both single. The other two girls in the dorm had boyfriends and were usually out on dates, so An Tian and Su Qianyi naturally became close friends, often hanging out together on weekends.

When Xie Shu still liked Su Qianyi, he would join them.

Back then, they just hung out for fun, nothing more. But An Tian knew Xie Shu’s intentions; he just wanted to be with Su Qianyi.

But Su Qianyi never accepted his confession, so he could only stay friends with her.

That’s all in the past, but now…

An Tian hesitated, then advised, “Qianyi, things are like this now, being sad won’t help. Xie Shu is already dating someone else.”

“No, he’s not!”

“…You saw it today, right? Xie Shu was sitting with a girl, and someone said before class that she was his girlfriend.”

“It’s not true! He wouldn’t like Ruan Nianxi!”


“Ruan Nianxi, we went to the same high school, but we weren’t in the same class. Xie Shu didn’t like her back then! Ruan Nianxi was just infatuated with him, yes! She must be clinging to Xie Shu on purpose!”


So there was a history between the three of them.

Seeing Su Qianyi in a state of denial, An Tian knew it was useless to say more. She grabbed her phone and prepared to get on the bed.

Before climbing up, she noticed a notification on her social media and habitually clicked on it.

She was about to exit immediately, but then she saw an unexpected update.

After thinking for a moment, she handed her phone to Su Qianyi:

“Qianyi, you don’t believe me, so see for yourself.”

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