Chapter 104 – This time I want to be closer

Of course, Ruan Nianxi wouldn’t say these things out loud, so no one else could possibly know.

Xie Shu just thought she had seen it by chance.

He chuckled a few times and asked her, “So, how was it? Was I handsome during the competition?”

“Of course, you were!” Ruan Nianxi nodded repeatedly. In her memories, every frame of him was his most handsome self.

As she happily reminisced about the past, Ruan Nianxi suddenly seemed to remember something, and the smile on her lips froze.

Before Xie Shu noticed, she lowered her head slightly and then leaned her upper body towards him, finally burying her head in his neck.

Her sudden closeness made Xie Shu pause.

He wanted to hug her, but both his hands were holding hers at the moment.

Just as he was about to free one hand to hug her, he heard Ruan Nianxi say, “This time, you can only accept what I give you.”

Xie Shu: “???”

He paused for a few seconds, combining Ruan Nianxi’s words with the previous sentences and recalling past events. It seemed he understood what she meant.

Had she seen Su Qianyi give him “water” before?


“No one ever gave me anything during my competitions before. Those were all my own things that I asked others to hold for me before the competition.” Although he wasn’t sure if this was what she meant, he explained anyway.

“I don’t care!”

Ruan Nianxi still buried her head, but her grip on his hand tightened a bit, which Xie Shu naturally felt.

Sensing her little emotions, Xie Shu agreed immediately.

After agreeing, he still tried to explain, wanting to remove a certain label in Ruan Nianxi’s mind about him, but he didn’t know where to start.

“I want to watch your competitions,” Ruan Nianxi suddenly said.

“Of course, you definitely have to come and watch.”

“Every single one!”

With her head buried in Xie Shu’s neck and her eyes tightly closed, Xie Shu couldn’t see her expression, but he could clearly hear her sniffing and feel her breath on his neck, which seemed more frequent than before.

“This time, I want to watch from up close…”

“In the past, I was too far away to see your face clearly.”

“I… haven’t seen you up close in these competitions for a long time. Now… I want to watch.”

In middle school, she could still see him. In high school, it was okay too; the school wasn’t that big, and she could easily find out where the competitions were. But in university…

It was too big and hard to find. Although she was lucky enough to find him every time, most of the time, she watched from the middle of the competition. Sometimes, when there were many spectators, she could only stand far away, at a slightly higher place to watch.

From a distance, she could see what he was doing but couldn’t see his expression clearly. Although she could guess from his body language that he was smiling after the competition, he was always facing others.

This time, she wanted to be that person…

The things she hadn’t gotten in these past years, she wanted to get them all this time!

Xie Shu didn’t know what was going on with her. He could only free one hand and gently caress her head, softly rubbing it, saying, “Alright, when the specific schedule comes out, I’ll tell you first. You can stay close, and I also want to see you nearby.”

A few seconds after he finished speaking, the class bell rang.

They immediately separated. Ruan Nianxi turned her head to look elsewhere for a while before turning back with a stern face.

Xie Shu didn’t say anything, holding her hand the entire time.

Seeing she was fine, he took out his phone and sent a message to the sports committee, asking them to sign him up for a few more activities.

During this time, he kept thinking about going out with Ruan Nianxi and hesitated several times.

He even asked her specifically where she wanted to go if they finished their competitions during the sports meet.

But her answer was that as long as he was there, it didn’t matter where they went, even if they stayed at school.

Hearing this, Xie Shu couldn’t describe his feelings, but he didn’t want to let go of Ruan Nianxi’s hand even more.

When the sports committee learned that Xie Shu wanted to sign up for more activities, they “recommended” various events to him, even suggesting some group activities from the department.

In the end, Xie Shu chose a few activities he was interested in and asked the sports committee to write his name down.

After that, the sports committee posted the list in the class group chat, tagging all members and continuing to ask other students what events they wanted to participate in.

When Su Qianyi saw the list in the class group chat, she clicked to see what activities Xie Shu had signed up for. Then she looked at the names in the girls’ section and privately messaged the sports committee to sign up for a few activities that matched his.

Although the men’s and women’s competitions were separate, the venues were the same!

As soon as class ended, Xie Shu pushed the books on his desk to his roommate beside him, leaving a “take these back for me” before getting up with Ruan Nianxi to leave the classroom, not caring about his roommate’s expression.

But they hadn’t taken a few steps when the aisle was already crowded with people, so they had to slow down and follow the crowd.

After standing up from her seat, Su Qianyi turned her head to look back, instinctively searching for a certain figure.

Although she was sitting in the middle of the classroom, she wasn’t at the edge. Even if she wanted to go out, she had to wait for the people at the edge to leave first.

So, even if she saw Xie Shu, she couldn’t reach him immediately.

She could only anxiously urge her classmates to hurry up in her mind.

Xie Shu slowly walked forward from the back of the classroom, his hand still tightly holding Ruan Nianxi’s.

Their fingers intertwined, and the affection transmitted through their fingertips to each other’s hands, then to their hearts.

Ruan Nianxi followed closely by his side.

When passing the middle of the classroom, she suddenly turned her head and glanced at a certain spot in the middle.

Then, she calmly retracted her gaze and continued to follow Xie Shu towards the classroom door.

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