Chapter 102 – Ruan Ruan

Ruan Nianxi said she didn’t care, but in reality, she cared more than anyone.

She had a strong sense of possessiveness, though she usually didn’t dare to show it. Besides, Xie Shu had been with her these past few days, leaving him no time to be with others, so she felt relatively at ease and hadn’t thought much about it.

But seeing him chatting with someone else, she…

Still had to take a look!

This was the first time she saw Xie Shu’s WeChat chat interface.

There were many people on the interface, but she immediately locked onto the name at the top.

[Ruan Ruan]

Ruan Nianxi: “???”

Who is this?

And the chat box was a bit darker than the others.

Ruan Nianxi knew what this meant; this person was pinned to the top.

Xie Shu had been pinned on her phone for many years. Even when she changed phones and lost all their chat history, she didn’t dare to message him to pin him again. She had been sad about it for a long time.

After they reconnected these past few days, his pin reappeared, and his chat box was darker than the others, which left a deep impression on her.

Ruan Nianxi’s charming face turned long, and she bit her teeth, feeling a wave of bitterness and sadness in her heart.


Anyway, he let her check it!

So she could go in and see!

She wanted to see which bastard was Xie Shu’s pinned friend!

After clicking in, the chat background immediately caught her attention.

The background was a photo of her and Xie Shu, taken at a clothing store before. He had set it as the chat background!

Then she looked at the chat history and found it very familiar.

Wait, the profile picture was also very familiar…

Ruan Nianxi paused for a few seconds and clicked into [Ruan Ruan]’s profile picture, glancing at the name.

Hmm… how should she put it?

The bastard was herself.

The bitterness and sadness in her heart instantly vanished without a trace, and even though she tried hard to restrain it, she couldn’t help but let a slight smile curl up her lips.

She didn’t expect that after all these years, her pinned friend would not only chat with her but also pin her as well.


After scrolling through Xie Shu’s chat list, Ruan Nianxi indeed found nothing suspicious, but…

She turned to look at Xie Shu, who was resting his elbow on the table, supporting his chin with his hand, and smiling at her.

“Ruan Ruan, I told you there was nothing to worry about. Do you believe me now?”

Xie Shu had been watching Ruan Nianxi operate his phone, so he knew she saw the nickname he gave her. He decided to come clean and called her that directly.

Ruan Nianxi’s cheeks flushed, too embarrassed to respond.

Xie Shu laughed and lowered his arm, expecting Ruan Nianxi to return the phone, but she turned her body away from him instead.

Xie Shu: “???”

Ruan Nianxi said nothing, quickly tapping into the top search bar and typing three characters:

[Su Qianyi]

She clicked search, but no friend appeared, only various news and posts containing the three characters.


So… she wasn’t his friend?

Though she didn’t know what was going on, this thought instantly lifted Ruan Nianxi’s mood.

Satisfied, she turned back and pushed the phone towards Xie Shu.

Xie Shu didn’t know what she had just done, but he wasn’t worried because he really hadn’t done anything wrong.

Seeing her push the phone back, he asked with a smile, “Do you want to keep looking?”

Just as he finished speaking, a red dot appeared on his WeChat Moments.

A friend had posted something.

Although it had nothing to do with Xie Shu, Ruan Nianxi was curious and picked up the phone to check his Moments.

The moment she clicked into his Moments, Xie Shu suddenly remembered something and panicked.

But he maintained a calm exterior, letting her browse.

Fortunately, Ruan Nianxi wasn’t interested in other people’s affairs. After a few seconds, she found it boring and finally returned the phone to Xie Shu.

Xie Shu took back the phone, still placing it on the table, pretending to be uninterested in it, and held Ruan Ruan’s hand again.

After class, Xie Shu said he needed to go to the restroom and asked Ruan Nianxi to wait for him at her seat, promising to return soon.

He took his phone and hurried out of the classroom.

There weren’t many people moving around after class, so Su Qianyi immediately saw Xie Shu leaving alone.

She stared blankly as he exited the classroom, finally unable to resist looking back.

Ruan Nianxi also watched Xie Shu leave, and after he left, she started staring at the door, waiting for him to return.

But she suddenly felt a strong gaze on her.

Many people secretly glanced at Ruan Nianxi, but most would shyly look away when she noticed. This time, however, when she followed the strong gaze, her eyes met Su Qianyi’s.

Their eyes locked, and neither liked what they saw.


The first thing Xie Shu did after entering was take out his phone, click into his Moments, and start deleting posts one by one.

He had forgotten about this.

He wasn’t someone who loved posting updates.

Most of his posts were holiday greetings or school-mandated activities like Youth League studies. Other times…

Other times, he only posted when he felt the day was significant to him, to commemorate it.

But… in the past, most of the days he found significant were… related to Su Qianyi.

[We rarely go out alone, without our best friends.]

[We participated in the school’s quality development activities and played some new group games.]

[During college military training, many people gave her tea with milk, but she only accepted mine. Everyone else failed, haha.]

[We flew to the capital for university together.]

[When the college entrance exam results came out, we applied to the same university and major, and luckily, we both got into Jiangling University.]

[After training camp, we returned to school for the final six months of exam prep. We were exhausted but encouraged each other.]

[During training camp, we went to an ancient town for sketching and had a friend take an “artist” photo on a bridge.]

[When training camp started, I didn’t expect to go into the arts, and with her.]

[In sophomore year, after several invitations, she finally agreed to go out on the weekend, though she brought friends. No matter, she came.]

[In freshman year, we got into the honors humanities class together, so we were in the same class again.]


Phew, not many posts. All deleted!

Time to go back to Ruan Ruan!

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