Vol.1 – Chapter 64 – Family martial arts inheritance


Madam Gongsun Hui was the daughter of a prominent family and would not spoil Wang Luomiao without reason. She left her to sulk on the side while happily dining with Wang Luoyi and Wang Shouzhe. They talked and laughed together, enjoying the meal.


"Madam, this is the belly of the iron-backed barbarian pig. It has been cooked to perfection, tender and juicy, and melts in your mouth. Please try it." Wang Shouzhe used his chopsticks to pick up a piece of meat and offered it to Gongsun Hui, describing the taste vividly.


Meanwhile, Wang Luomiao was sulking and drooling on the side.


"Sister, did you cook this stir-fried pork tenderloin yourself?" Wang Shouzhe praised as he ate. "The timing is perfect, it's fresh and tender, and it tastes like a divine delicacy."


"Stop talking and eat your food," Wang Luoyi said impatiently, giving him a disdainful look. She then sympathetically glanced at Wang Luomiao, who was drooling.


"Brother, Miao Miao wants to eat too," Wang Luomiao finally couldn't resist and pounced on the table.


Unfortunately, her little head was stopped by Wang Shouzhe's finger, and he said with a smile, "Call me 'good brother' first, or you won't get to eat."


"Good brother," Wang Luomiao finally surrendered to the temptation of food and was lifted onto a chair by Wang Shouzhe, who served her meat and vegetables. The little girl was starving and ate voraciously. The meal was delicious.


After they finished eating, the family chatted and drank tea for a while. When Wang Shouzhe left, Wang Gui carried a large pile of meat, clothes, shoes, and socks. Wang Luoyi had been sewing clothes for him in her free time. Wang Shouzhe accepted the gifts and asked Wang Luoyi to continue her cultivation.


He even urged Gongsun Hui to cultivate and not to delay her progress.


That night, Wang Shouzhe sat cross-legged in his room and entered a state of cultivation. Practicing the Xuan Yuan Jue every day was an essential task. The path of spiritual cultivation was taken step by step, and there was no room for any slack.


However, today's practice was different from usual. Usually, he relied on the Xuan Yuan Jue to circulate his qi and blood, strengthen his body, and cultivate his spiritual energy. He would take a small Pei Yuan Pill every month to assist his cultivation. But this time, Wang Shouzhe held a spiritual stone in his hand.


The spiritual stone was slightly cold in his palm, and he could feel the mysterious and profound energy within it. He circulated his spiritual energy and collided with the stone.


Suddenly, the energy in the stone was activated, emitting a faint light. Wang Shouzhe quickly sucked the energy into his body.


"Wow! That's intense!" The energy was very stimulating to his body, causing him to tremble for a few moments. He couldn't waste it, so he endured the strange sensation and circulated his spiritual energy, carrying the energy along with it.


After more than two hours and four cycles, Wang Shouzhe's meridians and acupoints were throbbing with pain, and he slowly stopped his cultivation. The pain in his meridians and acupoints meant that he had reached his limit."If you continue to practice forcefully, it will not only be useless but harmful to your body. You need to rest and let your body gradually recover before you can continue with the next practice.


Therefore, this kind of internal practice can only be done once a day. From the perspective of Wang Shouzhe, who has crossed over, the body needs to cool down and recover, and meat needs to be consumed to strengthen the qi and blood. Over-exertion should be avoided.


But this time, the results of the practice were very satisfactory for Wang Shouzhe. Most of the qi and blood in his body were consumed, and the newly generated profound energy in his dantian became more and more pure.


It should be noted that his recent diet has been very good, and his qi and blood have always been very vigorous and full. Even if he practiced every day without stopping, he still could not completely consume his qi and blood.


But this time, he had a faint feeling of qi and blood deficiency.


This should be the effect of the energy of the spirit stone used in practice. Wang Shouzhe looked at the slightly dim spirit stone and couldn't help but feel emotional. The energy of the spirit stone was of great help to him. It could not only make up for some of his qi and blood, but also work with the profound energy to strengthen the stimulation of the meridians in his body, achieving the goal of strengthening himself.


If he continued like this, he would be able to reach the peak of the sixth layer of Qi Refining Realm in no time and could try to break through to the seventh layer.


Unfortunately, although he had made great progress, this kind of practice was very extravagant.


A spirit stone was worth hundreds of Top Gold, how long could he use it? He couldn't estimate it for the time being, but he believed that long-term use of spirit stones for practice would definitely be a huge expense.




Wang Shouzhe thought of his eldest niece Wang Lici. Recently, under his persistent "encouragement," she not only began to have ambition, but also awakened a unique talent for being a foodie.


At this thought, he couldn't help but show a relieved smile.


After taking a bath, he went to bed.


The next day, when the sky was just getting light, Wang Shouzhe got up and practiced his body technique, martial arts, swordsmanship, and string control skills. As the former young clan leader, there was a small martial arts field not far from his yard, where he spent his entire childhood.


His achievements at such a young age were not only due to his bloodline talent or his position as the young clan leader, but also because he had practiced his basic body technique, martial arts, swordsmanship, and string control skills to perfection. Even the Wang Clan's secret middle-grade body technique "Willow Fluff Body Technique" and the middle-grade swordsmanship "Wang Clan Profound Yuan Sword" had reached a level of small success.


This was due to the urging and encouragement of his strict father, Wang Dingyue, as well as his own efforts.


These techniques, martial arts, and other family inheritances were brought out by Ancestor Zhou Xuan when he went south with the exploration order and were agreed upon by the Wang Clan in Longzhou.


Inheritance of techniques and martial arts is also a very important capital for a family. For example, the Wang Clan's main technique "Profound Yuan Jue" has "Refining Qi" and "Ling Tai" sections, which is enough for family members to reach the end of the path of Ling Tai and enter the path of heaven and man.


But the inheritance of techniques and martial arts has always been very strict. First of all, family members are not allowed to spread them outside, and secondly, once someone is found to have learned them without permission, it will be a big deal.


Even female family members who are married out are not allowed to teach these techniques to their husband's family. Smart husbands will also not make such a request, and may even prevent such things from happening.


Otherwise, there may be cases of people losing their lives due to the incident. At worst, the good relationship between the two families will be completely broken, and they will become mortal enemies.As for the family that steals others' techniques and fighting skills, their reputation will be lost and they will have no place to stand. Who would dare to marry into such a family? No clan wants their secrets to be passed on to others because of marriage.


Ancestor Zhouxuan was born in the Wang Clan of Longzhou, and the Wang Clan of Longzhou was a branch that split off from the Daqian Wang Clan a thousand years ago. Therefore, although the Wang Clan's Xuan Yuan Jue is only a mid-grade technique, it is already considered a good technique in the Longning Wei region.


At most, only one-third of the families have core inherited techniques that reach mid-grade.


As for Ancestor Long Yan, she originally practiced the Wang Clan's Xuan Yuan Jue. When she finally advanced to the Lingtai at the Zifu Academy, she was taken as a disciple by Binglan Shangren and began to practice the high-grade technique Xuan Bing Jue. Because the Xuan Yuan Jue's cultivation of Xuan Qi is moderate and balanced, it is relatively easy to switch to other techniques.


However, even for someone as wilful and strong as Ancestor Long Yan, she would never dare to teach the Xuan Bing Jue to her clan. Doing so would not benefit the clan, but would instead lead them to ruin.


With the methods of the Zifu Academy, they could easily wipe out the Ping'an Wang Clan, and no one dared to say a word.


As for the inheritance of techniques, it is temporarily not discussed.


Wang Shouzhe has been busy with clan affairs recently, but he hasn't neglected his meditation and cultivation. However, his body techniques and fighting skills have fallen behind. Just cultivating his realm without practicing body techniques and fighting skills is just an empty shell.


Not to mention someone like Wang Shouzhe, who is a pillar of the clan and has to walk the Lingtai path. Even any male member of the clan must diligently practice body techniques and fighting skills.


Previously, the requirements for the clan's girls in this area were a bit less strict, which is why there are lazy eaters like Wang Lici. With a cultivation of the second level of Qi Refinement, she is just an empty shell and can only bully commoners.


However, Wang Luoqiu gave him great pressure and motivation. That girl's middle school syndrome is still very scary, and she must have spent a lot of effort on cultivation every day.


In the future, if she really overturns him by accident, where will Wang Shouzhe's face be? Just look at how she scolded her own brother Wang Shoulian, and you know the result won't be good.


Let's fight!


Wang Shouzhe worked hard in his cultivation, sweating like rain.


His personal servant Wang Gui also practiced with him. Somehow, his motivation to practice became even stronger, and he was full of fighting spirit.



At the same time.


In the largest martial arts training ground in the main residence, a group of young men and women were also sweating and exerting their youth.


Wang Luoqiu's childish yet somewhat domineering voice sounded, "Wang Luo Jing, what are you lazily stealing? Is being a spirit insect master so great? If you don't practice your fighting skills and body techniques well, when I, this young lady, get close to you with my unparalleled body, I will suppress you in minutes."


"Wang Shouyong, Wang Shoulian, the clan ranking is about to open, and the future emperor's road is faintly appearing. If you don't fight hard, how can you compete with the various geniuses for that one line of heaven's opportunity!"


"I, Wang Luoqiu, will definitely push horizontally among my peers, bloodstain the geniuses, and overpower the world."




Wang Shoulian's tears were pouring down, full of regret. He shouldn't have shown Wang Luoqiu the handwritten copy of the legendary stories that circulated among the boys.


What kind of middle school syndrome is this? She keeps talking about "suppressing the geniuses" and calling herself "pushing horizontally among my peers."


Our family is just a ninth-grade mediocre clan in the countryside.


Do we really need to set such big life goals?…

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