Vol.3 – Chapter 9 – I admit that my previous attitude was somewhat disrespectful

“I say, young gentlemen, although our business isn’t doing well today, this place is not a rest stop. You came in without ordering any food or drinks, nor did you call for any girls. Are you treating this place like a teahouse?”

A middle-aged woman, heavily made-up and presumably the madam of this establishment, stepped forward to express her dissatisfaction with the three men.

She had initially thought these well-dressed young men were wealthy patrons. However, they had been sitting here for quite a while without ordering anything or asking for any company, not behaving like paying customers at all. This prompted the madam to approach them with the intention of driving them away.

This was a brothel, after all, not a place for idlers. They had only tolerated them this long because business was slow today.

“So, you’re upset that we’re not spending money?” Chu Liang raised his eyes and looked at her indifferently, pausing after each word, “Bring us a fruit platter.”


At his words, Lin Bei and Shang Ziliang couldn’t help but reveal awkward smiles.

Bro, you ordered the cheapest fruit platter with such a cool and aloof demeanor.

Shang Ziliang whispered, “Brother, why don’t we call for some girls, or at least order some food and drinks? I’ll pay.”

He was a rich second-generation after all. Although his sword coins had been confiscated, he was not short of gold and silver.

Just as Chu Liang was about to say something, he suddenly felt a disturbance from the Zhanhong Sword in the White Tower space.

His previously relaxed gaze suddenly sharpened, looking towards the door.

A carriage was slowly passing by, and behind it, a seemingly unremarkable peddler pushing a small cart was following. Both the large and small vehicles passed by the brothel.

A peddler, with enough blood qi to stir the Zhanhong Sword?

The Zhanhong Sword’s anger was not easily provoked. Chu Liang had estimated before that it would only be triggered by someone who had killed at least twenty innocent people and accumulated a significant amount of blood qi.

“Something’s up. Lin Bei, follow me, keep quiet. Brother Shang, stay here and keep an eye on the surroundings.” Chu Liang left a low instruction and immediately got up to leave.

Hearing this, Shang Ziliang immediately straightened up.

On the other hand, Lin Bei patted his shoulder and reassured him, “Don’t worry, if the sky falls, Chu Liang and I will hold it up. Just keep an eye on the surroundings.”

A true big brother demeanor.

Chu Liang stepped out of the door, closely following the peddler’s figure. Afraid of being discovered, he didn’t dare to use his divine sense to probe, nor did he stare for too long. He pretended to be just passing by, occasionally glancing over.

Some cultivators were very alert to gazes or divine senses, and would notice if they were being observed for too long. After a while, he noticed that the peddler was indeed following the carriage. Chu Liang stopped watching the peddler and started following the carriage instead. Lin Bei followed Chu Liang from a distance, ready to provide support when needed.

The carriage continued to move out of the red-light district, turned two streets, and there were no people around. The peddler’s figure also disappeared.

But Chu Liang, who had been following behind, knew that he was hiding in the darkness, waiting for the right moment to strike.

It seemed that this peddler was a demonic cultivator, there was a high probability.

Chu Liang didn’t plan to wait any longer. Even if he wasn’t the real heart-stealing murderer, he was definitely not a good person. Taking action here wouldn’t alert the people in the red-light district.

Almost at the same moment he decided to strike, the peddler also made his move!

He shot out from the darkness like a black arrow, landing on the carriage with a light touch, like a large gecko lying on top.

He was very careful, only revealing a slight fluctuation of his true qi, almost undetectable.

If it weren’t for Chu Liang’s discovery, the two people on the carriage today would have been doomed!

Just as the peddler was about to kill, Chu Liang’s attack also shot out from the darkness, whoosh—

A green light silently traced an unpredictable curve and landed behind the target.


Flying Leaf Fast Blade!

Among all of Chu Liang’s divine abilities, this was the most covert one, perfect for a sneak attack.

The reason he didn’t use the Zhanhong Sword to kill instantly was that the power of the Zhanhong Sword was too great. Not only could it kill the demonic cultivator, but it could also harm the common people nearby. The items he carried were also likely to be damaged.

Moreover, under permissible conditions, capturing alive was a better choice than killing directly, as it could provide more information.


The peddler who had just landed on the carriage let out a scream, a deep cut on his back. He noticed Chu Liang’s figure behind him and turned to flee!

At this point, he didn’t care about revealing his true qi fluctuation, he wanted to escape into the sky!

Chu Liang wouldn’t let him get away. The Flying Leaf Fast Blade returned like a whirlwind, transforming into a ferocious green snake in mid-air!



The green snake opened its huge mouth and bit into the peddler’s neck, blood splattering! If it weren’t for his arms blocking a bit, this strike would have bitten off his head!

But now he was bitten by the green snake and couldn’t move.

Chu Liang rushed over, feeling the other’s breath, indeed at the peak of the third realm. It seemed that the one who had been committing the murders was him!

A non-mainstream demonic cultivator, not particularly strong, posed no challenge to Chu Liang now.

But such a cultivator could slaughter mortals at will. He couldn’t imagine what the world would be like without protection.

Yang Yuhu sat in a street-facing loft, the faint white light in his hand scattering with the wind, spreading throughout the city, quietly sensing.This is a clam breath bug, a specialty of Penglai, capable of detecting the slightest fluctuations in true qi. During the day, he had visited all the crime scenes, capturing traces of the culprit’s true qi. As long as the culprit used a bit of his divine power in the city again, no matter how weak, Yang Yuhu would be able to sense it instantly.

He sat quietly in the attic, not anxious or impatient, only opening his eyes when the moon reached its zenith.

There it was!

His figure flickered, like a streak of white light, crossing half the city in an instant!

Fast as lightning!

Despite his speed, when he arrived, he only saw Chu Liang’s green snake controlling the demon cultivator.


Yang Yuhu was taken aback. This disciple from Shu Mountain arrived even faster than him?

How did he do it?

His shock only lasted a moment before another change occurred!

A gust of black wind suddenly swept by, reaching the peddler, repelling the green snake with a palm, and picking up the peddler to leave!

Someone came to the rescue!

“Who’s there?”

Chu Liang shouted, putting away his Green Leaf artifact and giving chase!

The black wind turned and shot out several black starlights. Chu Liang opened the Green Leaf umbrella and blocked them all.

Bang bang bang——

The black starlights exploded in the air, turning into a rain of black blood! When they fell to the ground, they made a sizzling sound, and when they hit the wall, they immediately drilled small black holes.

The horse had no protection and was splashed with a bit of the blood, immediately going mad and running forward. In a blink of an eye, half of its body turned into pus and blood and died!

Such a ruthless method!

Could this person be a high-ranking member of the Soul Killing Sect, here to rescue his disciple?

Without time to put away the Green Leaf umbrella, Chu Liang chased after him without hesitation! Yang Yuhu also transformed into a white light and chased after the black wind towards the sky.

Because they both knew that if they let the demon cultivator escape, innocent people would suffer sooner or later! They must keep him in the city!

Even if the opponent’s cultivation was higher than theirs, as long as they caught up and tangled with him for a while, the city guard and the experts from the army outside the city would be able to come to their aid!

The wind howled, and in the blink of an eye, three rays of light flew out of the city.

Lin Bei tried to catch up, but he was left behind by hundreds of feet as soon as he started. He paused, turned around, and ran towards the city guard’s office. The city guard must have already sensed the fluctuations in the city’s qi and was rushing over. He might as well go and guide them, saving some time.


Swoosh swoosh swoosh——

The black wind howled out of the city, with Yang Yuhu’s white light closely following, and Chu Liang’s sword light was not far behind. In this way, they flew hundreds of miles in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that he couldn’t shake off the two of them, and knowing that the people from the city would eventually track him down, the black wind turned around in mid-air.

The man in the black wind was a middle-aged man with a broad face, slightly raised beard, and cold, gloomy eyes. As soon as he stopped, he raised his hand!

Yang Yuhu was chasing after him and quickly stopped, drawing a sharp sound in the air.


The middle-aged man held the peddler in his left hand and pulled out a bone spear from thin air with his right hand, throwing it at Yang Yuhu!

The spear arrived in an instant with a sonic boom. Yang Yuhu was not afraid in the face of danger. He formed a seal with both hands, and a cloud of smoke burst out from behind him, turning into a thick fog tiger head, opening its huge mouth and swallowing the bone spear!

Crack crack crack——

The tiger head swallowed the spear, making a grating sound, but it didn’t lose any momentum!

This fog had some mysterious properties. Not only did it not disperse, but it also became solid and as hard as iron, carrying the immense power of a real dragon and tiger!

“Mirage Mountain’s divine fog, you are from the Penglai Sect!” The middle-aged man exclaimed.

During this brief pause, Chu Liang’s sword light had also arrived.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man’s eyes hardened. Knowing that he wouldn’t be able to escape today without dealing with these two, he didn’t care which immortal sect they were from, he had to kill them! He shook his right hand, and the blood vessels in his wrist burst, splashing out a cloud of blood!


A black dragon burst out of the blood mist, lunging forward and shattering the white tiger fog!


Seeing the situation was bad, Yang Yuhu quickly dropped to the ground to avoid the black dragon’s subsequent attack. But hundreds of bone spears sprang up from under his feet! They shone with a white-gold light, their sharpness seeming to be able to pierce anything!

“Heh!” He shouted, his hand seals changing, and two black vines suddenly sprang up from under his feet, covering his body in a vine armor in the blink of an eye.

Clang clang clang——

The sharp bone spears hit the vine armor, but they were all blocked. However, the intense impact still made Yang Yuhu’s blood churn.

Just then, the black dragon above transformed, igniting into a green fire dragon!


The vine armor was not afraid of sharpness, but it was afraid of fire. The middle-aged man’s cultivation was higher than Yang Yuhu’s, and his divine power was not weak at all. He clearly wanted to use this fire dragon to break Yang Yuhu’s vine armor!

In the blink of an eye, the two sides had exchanged several rounds of attacks and defenses. Just as Yang Yuhu was in danger, Chu Liang finally made his move!

He didn’t use any fancy divine power, just a Five Winds Five Thunders Sword Art! However, he used the Red Name Sword!


The blood qi on the middle-aged man was even stronger than the third realm demon cultivator they had encountered before, and the Red Name Sword was already furious.


Ten runes intermingled, turning into a violent sword qi storm that swept over.

The middle-aged man was shocked, completely unaware of how a disciple who seemed to be only in the early stage of the fourth realm could release such a powerful sword!

Whose disciple was this?

He didn’t have time to think about it. His pupils filled with blood, and in the face of life and death, he shouted, “Ah!”


The sword qi storm instantly swallowed his figure, and it took a long time for it to calm down.The fire dragon and bone spear he had conjured disappeared simultaneously. Yang Yuhu managed to free himself and fell to the ground. However, he didn’t relax but instead looked up at Chu Liang and shouted, “Be careful! It’s the Li Substitute Peach Stiff!”

Upon hearing this, Chu Liang was about to be on guard when a loud gust of wind sounded overhead. Suddenly, the sky darkened as if a large pot had been overturned!


The Immortal Technique, Li Substitute Peach Stiff.

It could be used in times of crisis, causing nearby creatures to die in one’s place. However, those creatures must have been pre-sacrificed, and those who practiced the Li Substitute Peach Stiff would always carry a few substitutes with them.

Chu Liang had used the Zhanhong Sword so many times, but this was the first time someone had escaped from it.

However, thinking back, when he relied on the Zhanhong Sword to kill experts of the fifth and sixth realms, it was usually a surprise attack that succeeded.

When such high-level experts were prepared, no matter how powerful your sword aura was, it was indeed difficult to land on them.


A white light ignited in the darkness, illuminating the entire space.

From the outside, one could see a black iron bowl the size of a house overturned on the ground, trapping both Chu Liang and Yang Yuhu underneath.

The middle-aged man must have been shocked by the power of Chu Liang’s Zhanhong Sword and didn’t dare to fight him anymore, so he escaped by abandoning his magical treasure.

He ran away, but he trapped both of them inside.

Chu Liang looked at Yang Yuhu, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Yang Yuhu looked at Chu Liang, also feeling extremely awkward.

Previously, because of Di Nvfeng, he had spoken harshly to these disciples of Shu Mountain. But just now, Chu Liang had helped him out. And the power of his sword aura… was truly terrifying.

If it weren’t for the fact that the demonic cultivator on the other side had mastered the Li Substitute Peach Stiff, he would have been killed instantly.

Was this the early stage of the Golden Elixir realm?

It was simply inconceivable.

Thinking of the words he had said before, Yang Yuhu couldn’t help but feel embarrassed.

He even wondered if his elder brother, whom he had always revered as a god, could wield such a sword aura at this age?

After a long while, it was Yang Yuhu who broke the silence first.

He mumbled for a while, then slowly said, “My attitude before was indeed somewhat disrespectful…”

(End of the chapter)

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