Vol.2 – Chapter 95 – Let’s say hello to it!

Gurgle, gurgle. On Silver Sword Peak, the hot pot soup was bubbling with red oil. Shang Ziliang, along with his two followers, sat at the table. Beside them were Chu Liang and Lin Bei, all members of the Mountain God Sacrifice team gathered together.

“Big Brother, did you figure out the riddle of the Mountain God Sacrifice?” Shang Ziliang asked.

“I have some clues about the riddle, but it’s not urgent.” Chu Liang nodded, then added, “I’ve got some fresh Winged Fire Snake meat here. Why don’t you all try some?” He had already had a meal at home on Silver Sword Peak, then another with his senior sister, and this was now his third meal.

“Following Big Brother is indeed a good life.” The first follower immediately flattered with a smile.

“Hmm.” The second follower nodded silently.

“We’re just cooperating, it’s not about who’s following whom.” Chu Liang smiled, then changed the subject, “But I did call you here because I need your help with something.”

“Brother, you’re being too polite. You saved my life. Just command me if you need anything!” Shang Ziliang patted his chest and declared.

“Yes! We promise to do our best!” The first follower also said.

“Hmm.” The second follower grunted in agreement.

“Thank you then.” Chu Liang said, “Let’s eat.”

“Hehe, I’ve heard that Winged Fire Snake meat can boost vitality and is a great tonic. It’s a privilege to be able to eat it today, all thanks to Big Brother…” Shang Ziliang was speaking when he suddenly stopped. Chu Liang looked down and saw that the plates in front of them were empty. In such a short time, all the plates were empty, and there wasn’t much food left in the pot. What happened? He looked around and saw Lin Bei, who hadn’t made a sound, and the second follower, who had been eating silently, were staring at each other across the table with chopsticks in hand. Sparks seemed to fly between their eyes, like two unparalleled swordsmen meeting on a narrow path.

The moment the meat slices in the pot were cooked, two pairs of chopsticks moved like lightning, creating two streaks of light. In the blink of an eye, a large piece of meat appeared between Lin Bei’s chopsticks. He dipped it in the sauce and took a big bite, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. The second follower, on the other hand, had a serious look on his face, as if facing a formidable enemy. The next second, a murderous look flashed in his eyes, and his chopsticks moved in a tricky arc, scooping up a fish ball from the pot.

With a flick of his wrist, the fish ball traced a beautiful arc into his mouth, and he began to chew without minding the heat. This time, it was Lin Bei who looked serious. The two of them were engaged in a silent and intense battle, their eyes full of fighting spirit, and there was even a hint of excitement at meeting a worthy opponent.

Chen Lingtong was seven years old this year, a lively age. He had thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his eyes were full of intelligence. He was an orphan and pitiable, but he was born smart. At a young age, he had already developed a sense of qi and entered the ranks of cultivators. Therefore, he was especially loved by the elders of Shu Mountain since he was a child. Even the headmaster was very kind to him when he saw him. But those elders didn’t have time to teach him every day, and the only people who accompanied him were the disciples of Elder Danding, who didn’t dare to restrain him. If the child cried a little, they would face Elder Danding’s punishment. So Chen Lingtong had a happy life every day.

Today, he was being watched by Lu Xun, the ninth disciple of Elder Danding, who also held a significant position in Danding Hall. Cultivators of their level were naturally reluctant to be assigned the task of looking after children, but they dared not be negligent. They sat quietly on the side, meditating and practicing, letting him play by himself. Chen Lingtong was chasing monkeys on the back mountain, causing the wild monkeys to run all over the mountain. He threw stones at them from a distance, and when he hit one, he laughed out loud. He was just like a mischievous child. At this moment, a giant golden monkey fell from the sky. Lu Xun immediately opened his eyes.

“Senior Brother, I came to apologize.” Chu Liang stepped forward and said politely. Lu Xun looked at Chu Liang with a complex expression, paused for a moment, and then said, “Be careful not to hurt the child.”

“I won’t.” Chu Liang smiled. Lu Xun closed his eyes and ignored him. Chu Liang approached the mischievous child with the golden monkey and asked with a smile, “Do you remember it?”

“Hmph.” Chen Lingtong looked cold, “I remember, it wanted to bite me yesterday!”

“It was wrong last time, and I brought it here to apologize to you.” Chu Liang waved his hand and said, “Golden Monkey!” The golden monkey stood up at his command, clasped its front paws together, and bowed repeatedly, as if it was really apologizing.

“Hehe.” The mischievous child immediately laughed.

“Actually, it just wanted to play with you last time.” Chu Liang said, “It’s a spirit beast, and spirit beasts love it when people throw stones at them. They think you’re playing a game with them.”

“Huh?” This was the first time Chen Lingtong had heard this, “Really?”

“Of course it’s true, just watch.” Chu Liang picked up a stone and threw it at the golden monkey. The golden monkey jumped up with a howl, caught the stone, and then happily spun around in a circle.

“You try it.” He said to the mischievous child.

“Eh?” Chen Lingtong found it interesting and picked up a stone himself, throwing it hard at the golden monkey.

“Roar—” The golden monkey jumped up to catch it and happily spun around twice. “Hehe, this big guy is really stupid.” Chen Lingtong laughed.

“You did great! You hit it right on!” Chu Liang gave a thumbs up, “Use some force, the harder you throw, the more enthusiastic it will think you are.” Seeing that they were getting along well, Lu Xun paid them no more attention.

He just glanced at Chu Liang from time to time, deep in thought. Just then, someone came up from behind and called out, “Brother Lu Xun?” He turned around and saw that it was the son of Shang Shuwen from Cloud Remote Peak. He couldn’t remember his name, but he was a disciple with quite mediocre talent.”I am Shang Ziliang, we have met before.” Shang Ziliang greeted with a smile.

“Brother Shang, of course, I remember you.” Lu Xun replied with a nod.

“I have some confusion about alchemy, and I happened to run into Brother Guo on the way. I wanted to ask for some advice, if it’s not too much trouble?” Shang Ziliang asked.

Lu Xun glanced over at Chu Liang, who was happily playing with a child. He didn’t pay much attention to them and turned back to Shang Ziliang, “If I can help, Brother Shang, I will certainly try.”

As he began to converse with Shang Ziliang, a beam of white light fell from the distant sky, followed by a running figure. It was a mystical beast that looked like a horse, with antlers like a deer and scales like a dragon, all in silver white. It was a young Hakutaku.

“Do you know it?” Chu Liang pointed at the running beast and asked.

“Grandpa Zeng said it’s called Hakutaku, and told me to stay away from it…” Chen Lingtong said.

“Hakutaku is a spirit beast that loves to play with people, don’t be afraid.”

Chu Liang laughed, “Let’s greet it!”

“Okay!” Chen Lingtong picked up a large stone and threw it at the young Hakutaku’s head.

The stone hit the young Hakutaku’s head, and it, who was happily running over, suddenly stopped in its tracks, staring at the naughty child standing next to Chu Liang, stunned.

“It seems to think you’re not enthusiastic enough.” Chu Liang whispered. Chen Lingtong immediately picked up an even larger stone and threw it fiercely. This time, Hakutaku didn’t get hit, but turned into a white shadow and rushed over. Instead, the naughty child felt its enthusiasm. With a thud, the young Hakutaku appeared next to Chu Liang, and the naughty child who was originally there was knocked dozens of feet away by the young Hakutaku, letting out a long scream, flying far away, turning into a star in the sky.

Chu Liang watched with his hand shading his eyes, “He flew really high…” Lu Xun, standing next to him, glared at Chu Liang, his eyes almost bursting with anger. As expected, whenever this kid shows up, there’s bound to be trouble!

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