Vol.2 – Chapter 87 – I have a friend

On the small hill of Silver Sword Peak, the first team meeting of Chu Liang’s team was taking place. The attendees included the spirited Lin Bei and three bewildered members.

Shang Ziliang was still somewhat confused. As the leader of Cloud Remote Peak, how did he suddenly become a member of Silver Sword Peak?

He felt as if he had been appointed without his consent. After all, he was the son of the master of Cloud Remote Peak. If even he, the leader, had defected, what would the others on Cloud Remote Peak think?

He had originally thought that Chu Liang was alone and that it would be enough to recruit him. Who would have thought that he would want to form a team?

“Cough, cough.” Chu Liang cleared his throat and said:

“Welcome to our Silver Sword Peak team. In the upcoming Mountain God Festival, we will be comrades in arms.”

“Now, I appoint myself as the team leader and Lin Bei as the deputy leader.” Chu Liang pointed at Lin Bei.

Shang Ziliang immediately objected:

“Brother, it’s fine for you to be the leader, but why should he be the deputy leader?” Chu Liang said:

“There are three of you, after all, and only one from Silver Sword Peak, so it’s only fair to give him a bit more power.” He raised his hand to calm them down, saying:

“In our team, we are absolutely democratic. All matters will be decided by voting in the future.” Hearing this, Shang Ziliang’s face lit up with joy. If it was a matter of voting, then their group of three could have an absolute advantage.

“Each of you three members has one vote, Lin Bei has two votes.

“Chu Liang arranged, the three from Cloud Remote Peak immediately showed a satisfied smile. Their combined votes still absolutely suppressed Lin Bei’s. Then they heard Chu Liang continue:

“I have three hundred and sixty votes.”

“Huh?” The three across from him opened their mouths wide.

“Alright, the meeting is over.

“Chu Liang stood up,

“Let’s go to Tongtian Peak to register.” As the group flew down to Tongtian Peak, they saw a bustling crowd of disciples registering.

As soon as they landed, they heard a commotion from the front. The crowd automatically parted to reveal a formidable figure.

Xu Ziyang, leading a team from Silver Sword Peak, had just finished registering and was walking out. Behind him were three Golden Elixir realm powerhouses, including Fang Ting, and his sister Xu Ziqing.

Ever since the news of Xu Ziyang’s advancement to the fifth realm spread, his prestige on Shu Mountain had risen even higher, and the nearby disciples didn’t even dare to look him in the eye.

Lin Bei quietly turned around, not wanting the disciples of Silver Sword Peak to see him. Just then, they heard someone outside shout:

“Jiang Jiang is here!”

“Sister Jiang!” Unlike the silence and oppression caused by Xu Ziyang, Jiang Yuebai’s arrival was like igniting the entire square, causing a commotion.

After the last lecture, Jiang Yuebai’s popularity among the disciples had solidified. Now, not only was she loved, but some even revered her.

Chu Liang turned his head and saw a tall figure, her face cold and aloof, not looking sideways. She was leading four Golden Elixir realm powerhouses, walking straight ahead.

At their age, even if they were a few years older, those who could step into the Golden Elixir realm could generally be called geniuses.

If they were in some lesser sects, they would definitely be core disciples or even the chief. There were only a handful of disciples in the current generation of Shu Mountain who were at the Golden Elixir realm or above, and these two teams accounted for nine of them.

It was clear that Biluo Peak and Silver Sword Peak were truly powerful. Like a gathering of wind and clouds, wherever the two teams went, the crowd retreated.

The entrance and exit, the crossing of paths, attracted the attention of the entire square. Jiang Yuebai and Xu Ziyang’s eyes met for a moment, both nodding in acknowledgment, not speaking, and just walked past each other.

The tension was palpable. The spectators on the square were all excited, wishing they could see these two teams fight on the spot!

Most of the disciples had already accepted that the winner would be among them. Only Chu Liang muttered quietly:

“Why don’t they have to line up here?”

“Huh?” Lin Bei and the three behind him were taken aback. Indeed, no one had noticed this issue.

While the two teams were clashing like sparks and needles, attracting the attention of the whole field, you were asking why they didn’t have to line up?

After registering at Tongtian Peak, Chu Liang let them go back first. He himself took a detour to the Law Enforcement Hall.

The furnishings here seemed to have remained unchanged for thousands of years. As soon as he entered the door and passed through the corridor, he saw Brother Yuan with a square face sitting there reading a book.

“Brother Chu.” As soon as Yuan Zhuo saw him, he put down the book in his hand.

“Brother Yuan.” Chu Liang said:

“I want to find a divine power technique, I don’t know if there is one.”

“What type?” Yuan Zhuo asked. Chu Liang smiled a little embarrassedly and described:

“It’s like two Golden Elixirs merging and running together, complementing and promoting each other…”

“Oh.” Yuan Zhuo replied:

“You mean dual cultivation technique, right?”

“Yes.” Chu Liang nodded. As the name suggests, dual cultivation is actually two people

Practicing together. At some point, it became a special term for Daoist couples, which made Chu Liang feel a bit awkward.

But seriously speaking, dual cultivation is indeed a very deep form of communication. The deepest communication between men and women is nothing more than taking advantage of every opportunity.

But dual cultivation requires opening up the dantian and qi sea to each other, allowing both parties to merge into each other’s circulation, along with a body of cultivation.

In this process, the degree of openness and danger is far greater than other things. It can be said that they entrust their lives and fortunes to each other, and only with the most trusted people can they open up everything.

No wonder dual cultivation gradually became a synonym for Daoist couples.

“You’ve successfully formed your Golden Elixir, haven’t you?” Yuan Zhuo looked at Chu Liang and asked:

“What kind of Golden Elixirs are you and the other person?”

“Ah…” Chu Liang said:

“I have a Lesser Yang Golden Elixir, and the… the other one has a Lesser Yin Golden Elixir.”

“That’s indeed a good match.” Yuan Zhuo said:

“I’ll think about what techniques are suitable for Lesser Yin and Lesser Yang Golden Elixirs.

“By the way.” Chu Liang added:

“I have another question.”

“Is there any divine power that can kill a person by cutting their shadow with a knife?” Chu Liang asked.

Ever since he was killed once by the masked man in the Immortal Ze, he still had lingering fears in his heart.

“Light and shadow have a myriad of connections with the human soul. If it’s a soul injury caused by cutting the shadow, there are at least seven or eight divine powers that can do it. If it’s a physical injury caused by cutting the shadow…” Yuan Zhuo’s eyes slightly glazed over, his brain working at high speed. After a moment, he answered:

“The only one I know is the Black Light Shadow Technique.”

“Thank you for informing me, Brother Yuan.” Chu Liang said.

“I’ll go and find a suitable dual cultivation technique for you, wait a moment.”

Yuan Zhuo said. After speaking, he got up and left, walking into the rows of bookshelves behind to search. As Chu Liang was waiting, a crisp voice suddenly sounded from behind:

“Brother Chu!”

“Hmm?” He turned his head and saw a charming and clever figure walking over,

“Sister Zi Qing?”

“Are you also here to find a cultivation technique? What a coincidence.”

Xu Zi Qing smiled sweetly. The two hadn’t seen each other for several days, and Chu Liang laughed:

“Yes, it’s been a long time.”

“You never come to Jade Sword Peak to play with me, of course you won’t see me.” Xu Zi Qing tilted her head and complained.

“Jade Sword Peak… I dare not go.”

Chu Liang laughed.

“Hmph.” The little girl snorted cutely, about to say something, when Yuan Zhuo returned, interrupting their conversation.

“Brother Chu, this is the dual cultivation technique you wanted.” He handed over a book instead of a jade slip. No wonder he had to go and fetch it himself. The book looked quite old, yellowed and worn.

On the cover of the book were several large characters:

“Yin Yang Harmony Creation Technique.”

“The most suitable for dual cultivation of Lesser Yin and Lesser Yang Golden Elixir is this technique. Yin and Yang harmonize, connecting heaven and earth, which is extremely beneficial to both parties.” Yuan Zhuo continued to introduce:

“However, I still have to remind you, although dual cultivation is good, you must also pay attention to moderation. In history, there are not a few geniuses who claim to be dual cultivators, but they deplete their kidney yang all day long, ultimately delaying their cultivation and becoming mediocre…” With each sentence he said, Xu Zi Qing’s eyebrows furrowed, and she looked at Chu Liang strangely.

“Um…” Chu Liang noticed her gaze, grinned, and laughed awkwardly:

“This is for a friend, yes! I have a friend…”

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