Vol.2 – Chapter 84 – Strong and lasting



“What use are you!” In the quiet room, a shadowy figure and a man in a white robe sat facing each other. The dual-blade wielder stood bewildered below them, having just arrived to a barrage of insults.

“What… what did I do wrong?” The dual-blade wielder asked, confused.

“You tell him what he did wrong!” The shadowy figure gestured dismissively at the man in the white robe.

“I saw Chu Liang again on Shu Mountain. Not only was he unharmed, but he also obtained a celestial herb and refined it into a top-grade Golden Elixir at the Elixir Hall. I believe it won’t be long before he becomes a force to be reckoned with.” The man in the white robe said with a gloomy face.

“A minor deity realm, and you failed to kill him multiple times. And you dare to call yourself an assassin?” The shadowy figure continued to berate:

“I will report this matter to the boss exactly as it happened. Let’s see what he has to say.”

“How is that possible…?” The dual-blade wielder’s eyes were filled with disbelief,

“I killed him with my own hands, and this time I almost chopped him into mincemeat. You saw it with your own eyes!”

“Don’t push the blame onto me. I only sent a spell crow to keep an eye on things, I don’t know the specifics.” The shadowy figure waved his sleeve, pushing away all responsibility.

“That’s not what you said at the time!” The dual-blade wielder retorted angrily:

“You said if he didn’t die, you’d take my surname!”

“What’s your name?” The shadowy figure asked calmly.

“Lu Sha.” The dual-blade wielder replied.

“What’s my name?” The shadowy figure asked again.

“Ji Tong?” The dual-blade wielder answered.

“So what does that sentence represent?” The shadowy figure shook his head,

“No need to say more, I will report the matter to the boss exactly as it happened, without exaggerating your incompetence. But the repeated failures to assassinate the core disciple of Shu Mountain, the boss will definitely be unhappy, and someone will have to take responsibility.” The man in the white robe, who had been sitting quietly on the side, suddenly felt as if he had been shot with an arrow. He quickly straightened up:

“I only failed once.”

“You don’t need to worry.

The shadowy figure patted his hand,

“You’ve been undercover in Shu Mountain for decades, your hard work is appreciated. The boss would be more likely to comfort you than to punish you.”

“Give me another chance!” The dual-blade wielder said,

“As long as he leaves Shu Mountain again, I will kill him immediately. This time I will bring a soul-collecting artifact. I won’t come back until I’ve killed him and his soul is scattered!” The shadowy figure stared at him for a long time before saying:

“Alright, I’ll give you one more chance.”

“The boss is dealing with some matters on Evil Mountain these days, and it seems he’s going to meet with the eldest disciple of Thunder Fortress. When he’s done, he’ll be back. Before he returns, I won’t report this matter. You’d better pray that Chu Liang will leave Shu Mountain before then.” The dual-blade wielder gritted his teeth, looked at the man in the white robe, and said with a slightly pleading tone:

“Can you think of a way?” The man in the white robe pondered for a moment, then said:

“I’ll help you this one time.”

“Thank you!” The dual-blade wielder said in a low, angry tone,

“I want to see if he really can’t be killed…”

“This time, it’s either him or me!”

“What—” A sharp cry accompanied by the sound of air tearing, a gray and desolate scene suddenly swept over from the top of the towering mountain, only a half-moon shape could be seen.

After the startling appearance, a tall figure seemed to appear out of nowhere in the primitive valley. This was a man of extraordinary height, with dark skin, long limbs like an ape, and a face that was strikingly different from ordinary people. He walked through the lush valley, and in a moment, he saw a brand new pavilion.

In the pavilion was a middle-aged man dressed as a scholar, with a square face, clean-shaven, and a calm demeanor.

The middle-aged man was brewing tea in the pavilion. Seeing the tall man coming over, he smiled lightly and said loudly:

“I presume this must be Hero Du Wuheng? As expected of the pride of Thunder Fortress, truly extraordinary.”

“Lu Ji Chengchou?” The tall man called Du Wuheng asked cautiously.

“Hero Du can call me Master Chengchou, or Mr. Lu.”

The middle-aged man named Lu Chengchou smiled, extending his hand in a gesture of invitation.

“Mr. Lu Ji.” Du Wuheng nodded slightly, then sat down across from him.

“I know that Hero Du is dedicated to revitalizing Thunder Fortress. Now a great opportunity is before you. I wonder if you would consider cooperating with us?” Lu Chengchou said warmly.

“Mr. Lu has not yet explained his background. I don’t know if you are righteous or evil, how should I cooperate with you?” Du Wuheng said.

Lu Chengchou countered:

“Does it matter whether it’s righteous or evil? All I know is that Thunder Fortress is currently the strongest among the ten sects, and if you want to go further, there’s only the position of the Nine Heavens. And all you need to do is help me a little, and you have the chance to bring down Shu Mountain. Isn’t this what you’ve been hoping for?”

“Mr. Lu is joking. Shu Mountain and my Thunder Fortress are both part of the righteous Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, how could we harm each other?” Du Wuheng shook his head.

“You don’t need to lie. Before coming here, I had already investigated your character. Among the core disciples of Thunder Fortress, only you have the potential to achieve great things, that’s why I chose you for this discussion.” Lu Ji Chengchou leaned forward slightly, lowering his voice:

“When the Demon Beast Sect was exterminated by the Heavenly Pivot Hall years ago, all their inheritance fell into the hands of your Thunder Fortress. This has greatly contributed to the rapid development of Thunder Fortress over the past century. I know that among them is a treasure guide to control ancient beasts. You just need to give me the prayer chapter from it, and you don’t need to know anything else.”

“Whatever happens afterwards, whether it’s righteous or evil, it has nothing to do with you, and no one in the world will know that you leaked it. If Shu Mountain suspects your Thunder Fortress in the future, you can always blame it on the demonic path.

Du Wuheng didn’t speak, just frowned in thought. Lu Ji Chengchou continued:

“You are the disciple most likely to inherit Thunder Fortress in this generation. If the sect can make further progress under this generation of fortress master, then in the future you will be in charge of a Nine Heavens sect! Hero Du, at that time you will be one of the most powerful figures in the world.” After a pause, Du Wuheng said:

“How can I be sure that you will only use it against Shu Mountain once you get it?” Upon hearing this, a faint smile appeared at the corner of Lu Chengchou’s mouth.

A cicada’s cry startled half the mountain’s birds.”Here you go.” At the end of the first time, Chen Su would never have dreamed that the second time would come so quickly.

Within the same day, she had actually refined two top-grade Golden Elixirs, and they were both for the same person.

“Thank you, senior sister.” Chu Liang took the freshly made top-grade Lesser Yang Golden Elixir and thanked her repeatedly.

“If you really want to thank me, make sure you succeed in forming your elixir,” Chen Su couldn’t help but say, “Don’t break my heart.”

“I will definitely give it my all this time,” Chu Liang smiled. Seeing Chen Su so heartbroken, he felt a bit embarrassed, but he couldn’t explain in detail. It was risky to reveal that he had one more elixir than others. Unless necessary, it was better to keep such a secret. After returning to Silver Sword Peak, he closed his door again. He formed the first one in the morning and the second one in the afternoon. As the saying goes, familiarity comes with practice. Chu Liang’s control over his true qi and other abilities were already ahead of his peers. With the aid of the Ascension Grass, the second formation was also incredibly smooth. This time, it took much less time. After enduring some pain, another round of red-gold wheel appeared above his Qi Sea, just like the sun above the sea! With two Golden Elixirs existing at the same time, he could feel a clear difference. The true qi they brought was completely different. The Lesser Yin Golden Elixir carried a cold and sharp aura, its operation was swift and fierce, and the true qi was as sharp as a blade; the Lesser Yang Golden Elixir was hot and surging, and the circulation of the Heavenly Cycle was like a blazing sun. The Lesser Yin true qi came from the puppet, while the Lesser Yang true qi was born from his own Dantian Qi Sea. The two eventually converged at one point, initially there was a violent collision, as incompatible as water and fire. Later, Chu Liang thought about it and tried to incorporate both streams of true qi into the Heavenly Cycle, operating them together in the state of Yin-Yang fish, until they slowly merged into one, then they finally calmed down. However, he noticed that there was a loss in the process of the fusion of the two true qi, the effect of one plus one was less than two, but definitely much greater than one. Chu Liang judged that this was because he had not found a good way to combine the two. The Lesser Yin true qi and the Lesser Yang true qi should have a complementary fusion method. This method has been known since ancient times and is usually referred to as…

“Dual cultivation.” Chu Liang pondered, he could go to the Hall of Law Enforcement to get a dual cultivation technique to try, maybe he could achieve the first in the cultivation world.

“Male self-dual cultivation”, marking a historic moment. The two Golden Elixirs coexisted in the body and operated together, on top of the already existing perfect Heavenly Cycle puppet, the true qi generated by the three was like a surging river, eventually all converging into Chu Liang’s Qi Sea.

Usually, a cultivator takes five to seven days to fill the Qi Sea when breaking through from the third realm to the fourth realm for the first time.

But in less than a day, Chu Liang’s Qi Sea was already close to saturation. And for most of the time, the second top-grade Golden Elixir had not yet formed.

This speed was terrifying. In other words, if Chu Liang and others consumed the same amount of true qi in battle, his recovery speed would be ten or even more times faster than others!

I can freely use powerful divine powers that consume a lot of true qi to smash you, of course, you can choose to fight me, but after a few rounds, you will face the dilemma of true qi exhaustion.

And I, am inexhaustible! Even without considering this, just the pure strength of the divine power, he was far superior to his peers.

In a real peer-to-peer confrontation, he was like a cheater. My elixir is not only stronger than yours, but also more!

What can you compare with me? The two elixirs are like the sun and the moon. After forming, Chu Liang ran the Heavenly Cycle for a while to get a feel for it, then he couldn’t wait to go to the back mountain of Silver Sword Peak, wielding his Dustless Sword.

First, he stirred up his true qi and waved his hand casually, and with a hiss, a half-moon-shaped white sword qi was instantly swung out, almost cutting off half of the mountain!

This simple and unadorned casual sword had more power than the previous Fu Dao Sword Technique! The sense of powerful strength made Chu Liang’s eyes shine, and he immediately tried to display his strongest sword.

Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, electricity… With a flick of his finger, the Dustless Sword instantly drew eight sword qi runes above his head and fiercely flew forward!

After advancing to the fourth realm of Golden Elixir, he could display eight runes with one sword!

Boom – a chaotic-colored sword qi dragon landed with a bang! The sky was shaking, the momentum was like a waterfall, like thunder! The half mountain seemed to have been swept by a real dragon!

Before Chu Liang had time to sheathe his sword, he heard a surprised exclamation from behind:

“What a strong sword qi.” Without turning his head, he immediately recognized the person’s voice and smiled slightly:

“Senior Sister An?”

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