Vol.1 – Chapter 55 – Buy koi fish

If calculated seriously, the combat power of this demon race god envoy is not as good as the Tiger King back then, just a little bit more cunning – compared to Yun Zhaoxian.

Even if Chu Liang didn’t come, Yun Zhaoxian could still win with a little more time.

With a swing of his halberd, he directly shattered the tree spirit’s body, and the branches and leaves that had expanded in the sky quickly withered, leaving only a mess on the ground.

Chu Liang looked around, spread out his divine sense, and began to search for any remains of spiritual items.

The demon race is not good at alchemy and artifacts, and usually doesn’t leave behind many valuable things. After a careful search, he only found two things that might be useful.

The first one was the bronze mask worn by the god envoy. When Chu Liang’s divine sense swept over it, he discovered a faint spiritual flow on the item, which might have some special effect, so he picked it up.

The second item was a palm-sized green leaf. Although there were fallen leaves all over the ground, this green leaf was extremely different, with spiritual energy and shining luster.

“This god envoy is a tree spirit, and this green leaf may be his life-saving treasure.” Chu Liang examined it carefully and concluded, “It can’t be used directly now, but it’s a good material for refining, and I can take it back to the mountain to ask someone to refine it into a magic weapon.”

The Sword Transmission Hall has a special refining service. As long as the Shu Mountain disciples provide materials and a certain amount of sword coins, they can ask them to help refine the artifact.

“Hehe, Brother Chu, thanks for your help again this time.”

Yun Zhaoxian, who was shirtless, walked over with his halberd in hand. They had agreed earlier that if they had any gains, they would all belong to Chu Liang, so he had no objections to Chu Liang picking up the fallen items.

He was clearly satisfied after killing the enemy who had been troubling him for so long.

“Even if I didn’t come, he is not Brother Yun’s opponent.” Chu Liang said.

“Of course, but if Brother Chu used all his strength, he could easily kill him with one sword. You deliberately left the opportunity to kill him to me…”

At this point, Yun Zhaoxian was quite moved.

In his opinion, if Chu Liang had used the Ten Thousand Sword Art from that day again, even if this god envoy had defended with all his might, he might not have been able to withstand it. But Chu Liang only used a small Hundred Swords Art.

Was it because he didn’t have the ability?

Of course not!

It must be that Chu Liang knew that I had been tracking this villain for many days and didn’t want to steal my thunder, so he deliberately left the opportunity to kill this demon to me.

Chu Liang is really…

so touching.

“Hehe.” Chu Liang could only respond with a smile.

Deliberately giving someone else the credit?

Isn’t that foolish?After finishing up here, Chu Liang turned around and went back to the second floor terrace where the evil witches were located. These witches had a lot of small items on them, but they were all a bit strange. For example, there was a row of flying knives that had to be cut before they could be thrown out… there was also a skull that drank blood, which almost bit Chu Liang when he picked it up… and there was a small grass man with the birth dates written on it… and a nail dipped in some strange blood…

Many of them were already bound and needed the witches’ blood to nurture them. As the witches died, their spirituality disappeared. Some still had residual spirituality, but it was strange and inexplicable.

It seemed that they wouldn’t be of much use, so they would be handed over when they returned to the mountain.

The most valuable thing was a brocade box that Chu Liang found on the old man’s body, which contained a treasure of heaven and earth.

The Minghai Golden Lotus?

This treasure that the demon had been thinking about for a long time had actually fallen into his hands. This was a good thing.

Without any surprises, Chu Liang’s biggest gain this time was this Minghai Golden Lotus.

Chu Liang took a few more turns reluctantly to make sure there was nothing left behind before standing up and taking a deep breath, saying, “Let’s report to the officials.”

According to the rules of the road, after a fight and dividing the spoils, it was also time to call the officials to clean up the mess.

The Shu Mountain Sect and the Heavenly Strength Gate were still standing strong. Chu Liang and Yun Zhaoxian found the official government office near the mountain and were immediately warmly received.

The two explained that the demon god was the culprit of the previous tragedy, and after some investigation, it was confirmed that they were right. The culprit had been killed by the two of them, and the case was finally solved.

Originally, the city had been closed to catch the culprit, and the government had been under immense pressure. Now that the matter was settled, everyone was naturally happy.

Not only did they publicize and commend this matter, but they also rewarded Chu Liang and Yun Zhaoxian with a reward of five hundred taels of silver each.

This amount of money wasn’t enough for the money gu to eat, and cultivators naturally wouldn’t care too much about it, but the impact of this matter was significant, and it was a small boost to their reputation.

Yun Zhaoxian even wanted to give his reward to Chu Liang, but Chu Liang immediately refused and told him to use the money to buy more clothes.

After leaving the city, the two had to go their separate ways.

Yun Zhaoxian was still reluctant, “Brother Chu, the world is big, and we don’t know when we will meet again.”

“Brother Yun, don’t worry, we will meet again if we have fate.” Chu Liang also clasped his hands in farewell.

“Yes, at the latest next year, when the city holds the big competition, you will definitely represent Shu Mountain and we will see each other then.” Yun Zhaoxian smiled.

“Yes.” Chu Liang nodded.

At the same time, he secretly thought, I hope you can see me then.Every twelve years in the capital of the Yu Dynasty, there would be a grand competition among the immortal sects where the most outstanding young disciples of each sect would participate. Ranking in the competition held great significance to the various sects. However, in order to represent Shu Mountain in the competition, one must first excel in this year’s Shu Mountain Peak Conference. This was uncertain.

After bidding farewell to the genius, Chu Liang naturally set foot on the road back to Shu Mountain. As he watched his flying sword approach Shu Mountain, he landed it outside a small town called Yunhua Town. It was the first town at the foot of Shu Mountain, and disciples of Shu Mountain often came here to buy goods. Although the town was not large, it was quite prosperous.

He walked around the flower, bird, and fish market in a corner of the town. Standing in front of a bird stall, he asked, “Uncle, where should I go to buy a feng shui koi fish?”

A few days ago, he had the idea of buying a koi fish when rewards were given out. Now that he had the money, he was here to put it into action. However, after walking around, he didn’t see any koi fish with particularly good quality.

The bird stall owner kindly pointed him in the direction of Shopkeeper Chen’s fish store at the corner of the street, saying that he had the best quality koi fish from the Jin Hua River. “Thank you,” Chu Liang replied.

He turned and walked to the corner of the street, where he found a small and inconspicuous storefront. After entering, he saw that the store was empty and there didn’t seem to be many people around. “Is the shopkeeper here?” Chu Liang asked.

“Ah…” At this moment, moans could be heard from the inner room. “Is there a customer here? Please come in and talk.”

“Hmm?” Chu Liang was a little confused and walked into the inner room to take a look. He saw a middle-aged man in a sweatshirt lying on a bed, half of his face was swollen and his leg was also swollen, he seemed to be in a lot of pain. “I’m sorry, my body hasn’t been well lately,” Shopkeeper Chen apologized. “These are all local villagers. Go and see what you want to buy, and take it out yourself. Show it to me and I’ll tell you the price.”

“Shopkeeper,” Chu Liang said, “I want to buy a feng shui koi fish, but I didn’t see any outside…”

“Ah…” Shopkeeper Chen groaned again, seemingly touched on a sore spot. “But I dare not sell koi fish anymore.”

“But… everyone outside says that the koi fish here has the best quality,” Chu Liang said.”In the past, all the koi in my store were caught by me from the Jin Hua River, so they were naturally of excellent quality.” Shopkeeper Chen said sadly, “But in the past two days, a swarm of poisonous bees has appeared near the Jin Hua River. You see my current appearance, it’s all because of the stings from those poisonous bees. It’s been five or six days, and I’ve seen a doctor, but no medicine can cure it. It’s so painful.”

“Who would dare to catch fish with those poisonous bees around?”

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