Author’s words – Author’s words

Ah ah ah…

It feels like time flies by so quickly, it’s time for the release again.

Let’s get to the point. Tonight at twelve o’clock and five minutes, I will release three chapters. The reason for not releasing exactly at twelve is because the VIP system just started and it might cause some issues. It will be a few minutes late.

Tomorrow morning, I will release two more chapters, which is the usual update time.

In total, there will be five chapters.

I know it’s not a lot, but it’s already a lot for me. When this book was first published, I stayed up all night and spent the whole day to release just five chapters.

Fortunately, I have some saved drafts now. After finishing these drafts, I won’t have any left, and my body can’t handle staying up late anymore.

For new readers who don’t know, I hope someone can help explain my story from last year. I fell from upstairs and stayed in bed for two months, then I was diagnosed with various illnesses and stayed in bed for over half a year. It wasn’t until this year that I started feeling a bit better, and then the pandemic happened and I was quarantined for two more months.

After the book is published, the updates will be two chapters per day as a minimum. If I write three chapters, I will release three chapters.

I can’t promise too much because my current situation is that sometimes I can write two chapters a day, and sometimes I can write three chapters. If I promise a minimum of three chapters, I might not be able to keep my word.

If I write more, I will release more, and if I write less, I will release less. This way, it won’t affect the plot for the sake of updates.

At least until today, my update situation has been good. For a whole month and a half, I haven’t taken a single day off… I hope to see tears of excitement in the comments.

I will add one more chapter as a bonus.

This is the current plan for updates, but it may change in the future.

Alright, now that the important matters are settled, I can talk nonsense.

Actually, I quite like to chat and share my recent writing status, life situation, and mood. I’ve restrained myself in this book.

Maybe it’s because I’ve always treated readers as friends, and I think it’s fun to share something.

Whether you’re a male or female reader, we’re all good friends.

From the previous book to this one, I feel the most comfortable with the relaxed and pleasant atmosphere that has formed. From the style of the book to the style of the comments, everything makes me happy.

I really like this feeling.

Maybe it’s because I personally dislike hostility.

In my stories, I completely reject hostility. I never use anger-inducing methods to pursue that kind of satisfaction. Although it’s simple, it feels a bit low. As a reader, I don’t like reading such books either. It’s just weird…

So, I immediately delete comments with hostility, and I permanently ban trolls. I really dislike those kinds of people. It’s like everyone has built a clean house, and they insist on defecating everywhere.

I’m really helpless, I can only take away their right to urinate.

Actually, I’m very picky when it comes to reading books. Most of the time, I only read one chapter and then move on, but I will never leave a comment to insult the author. Because I know that if I don’t like a book, it’s simply because “I don’t like it,” not because the author did something wrong.

If the author has achievements, it means they have an audience. They just need to please the readers who love their work, it has nothing to do with me.

But many people inexplicably feel the need to leave something behind to prove their low quality and stupidity, which is strange.

I care a lot about reader comments. I read every single one, and it takes me a long time every morning to read them all. If it’s a normal discussion about the plot, even if someone says something is not good, I will explain it seriously, I will read it, and I will think about how to avoid it in the future…

But for those who are extremely aggressive, I really don’t understand why they get so angry over a novel?

It’s really like they’re crazy.

I think it might be related to the online literature environment in the past. Those novels that used to provoke readers’ hostility and then satisfy them were quite popular. If someone with a less intelligent mind only grew up reading online novels, they might become a pitiful person full of hostility.

So even though I write online novels, I advise everyone not to only read online novels, but to explore a wider range of literature, so that the world becomes bigger.

In my life, I rarely get angry, except for matters of principle, most of the time I just smile.

The protagonist of the previous book was a sudden inspiration, a comic exaggeration. Such a pure character wouldn’t exist in reality.

But the personality of the protagonist in this book actually feels a bit like me. When I think about how he should handle a problem, I often put myself in his shoes, which I didn’t do in the previous book.

I have a lot of expectations for this story.

Actually, the initial readership and performance of this book weren’t particularly good, but when I talked to the editor, I said that I have confidence. As I develop the world and gradually introduce the characters, I feel that it will become more and more interesting, and it will become more exciting as it progresses.

The subsequent trend is also quite good. In general, on Sanjiang, a few hundred readers might increase their following for a book, but this book has gained two thousand followers in a week, which means that there are indeed people who like it.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that I’m amazing, it’s all thanks to the support of my dear readers.

Two years ago, I was an outsider who didn’t know anything and casually wrote a beginning to publish a book. Until now, I have experienced many ups and downs… I’ve really experienced a lot, but what hasn’t changed is that I still want to write interesting stories.

Before starting a book, I first think about the world, then the characters, and finally the plot.

At the beginning, what I wanted was a feeling, like what was mentioned in the synopsis… “A colorful world, joyful cultivation.”

I wanted to create that kind of world with a certain style, and then I started adding details, thinking about what the protagonist should be like, what the cheat should be like, and what the overall plot outline should be like…The part that’s being introduced now is just a corner, I hope I can depict the interesting world I imagine in my heart. I’m eager, but it also needs to be done slowly and steadily.

If there is a group of readers who also like it and can accompany me on this journey, gradually exploring this world, it would truly be a blissful thing.

Now it’s on the shelves, the time to verify the first results has arrived.

No matter how confident one speaks, the impact of the initial subscription results is still significant.

If the initial subscription goes well, the mindset will relax, and writing will definitely be more invested and passionate. If the initial subscription doesn’t go well, it’s inevitable to start diverting energy to think about many other things.

So, it’s still the same sentence, at twelve o’clock tonight, it’s on the shelves asking for support.

If you’re a brother, come and click on me!

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