Chapter 65 – Revenge is best served cold



A bullet hit Xiao Qingdi’s left knee.


Xiao Qingdi screamed in pain.

As the younger brother of the Champion Marquis, he knew he shouldn’t scream, he should act more like a man. But the knee is a crucial part of the body, and the pain of a bullet piercing through bone was unbearable. He couldn’t control himself.

The entire room was shocked.

The guests felt a chill run down their spines at that moment.

No one expected Lin Jingzhi to actually fire a gun.

After a brief moment of shock, the room erupted in curses:

“This crazy woman, she actually dared to shoot Young Master Xiao.”

“If you want to die, don’t drag us down with you. If something happens to Young Master Xiao, the Champion Marquis won’t spare anyone here.”

“Damn it, we’ve been screwed over by this woman today.”

“Luckily, it was just one shot…” One guy had just breathed a sigh of relief when another gunshot rang out: “Bang!”

Then, “Bang bang,” two more shots.

Lin Jingzhi fired a total of four shots, all hitting Xiao Qingdi’s left knee.


The immense pain made Xiao Qingdi scream again.

Lin Jingzhi, as if nothing had happened, looked at Xiao Qingdi with a smile and said, “Kid, be more low-key in the future. Don’t go around saying you’ll kill this person or that person. Be careful, or you’ll end up losing your own life.”

Xiao Qingdi roared, “Lin Jingzhi, you bitch, I’ll kill you.”

“Looks like you didn’t listen to what I just said. I told you to be low-key, but you’re still so arrogant?” Lin Jingzhi said, “Let me teach you another lesson: never offend a woman, because women hold grudges.”


Another gunshot rang out.

Lin Jingzhi fired four more shots, this time hitting Xiao Qingdi’s right knee.

Instantly, blood soaked through his pants.

Xiao Qingdi couldn’t hold on any longer and passed out.

“It’s over, Young Master Xiao’s legs are probably done for.”

“I think Lin Jingzhi has really gone mad.”

“This bastard has gotten us all into deep trouble.”

The guests cursed loudly, now with only one thought in their minds: to get out of there as quickly as possible.

But they didn’t dare move. Lin Jingzhi still had a gun in her hand, and who knew who would be next.

Everyone’s foreheads were dripping with cold sweat.

Ye Qiu was also shocked. He thought he was ruthless, but compared to Lin Jingzhi, he was nothing.

Lin Jingzhi smiled sweetly and said, “Women hold grudges, and beautiful women hold even more grudges. Unfortunately, I’m the latter.”

“If I remember correctly, some of you cursed at me earlier, didn’t you?”

Lin Jingzhi pointed her gun at the guests.

Immediately, the group of guests jumped in fright, their worst fear coming true.

“President Lin, what… what do you want to do?” a middle-aged man stammered.

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill indiscriminately. I know who my enemies are.” Lin Jingzhi turned the gun towards a heavily made-up woman and coldly asked, “What did you say about me earlier?”

The woman had never seen such a scene before. When Lin Jingzhi pointed the gun at her head, she felt her whole body go weak, almost losing her soul in fear.

“I… I… President Lin, I’m sorry, I was wrong, I was wrong…”

Before the woman could finish her sentence, she collapsed to her knees, trembling all over.

“What did you say about me earlier?” Lin Jingzhi asked again.

“I… I… I don’t dare say.”

“Don’t be afraid, I’m just curious. Go ahead and say it.” Lin Jingzhi smiled kindly.

“I said President Lin only knows how to seduce men, and she deserved to be hit.”

“That’s quite a compliment. You’re indirectly saying I’m beautiful, because even if an ugly woman tried to seduce men, they wouldn’t be interested, right?”

“Yes, yes.” The woman nodded vigorously.

“Don’t kneel, I won’t eat you. Get up!” Lin Jingzhi beckoned the woman over and said, “Come here, I have something to tell you.”

The woman quickly walked over to Lin Jingzhi, bending over and asking, “President Lin, what do you want to tell me?”

“It’s nothing much, just a piece of advice: never offend a woman, especially a beautiful one.”


Lin Jingzhi suddenly slapped the woman hard across the face, then said, “A woman who can seduce men has skills. If a woman can’t even keep her own man, that’s pathetic.”

“Since I came to Jiangzhou, you’ve all treated me like a slut, but have you ever thought that if I didn’t come to Jiangzhou, your man would stay with you forever?”

“Stop dreaming.”

“Which man in the world doesn’t cheat? To keep a man, you need to use both your body and your brain.”

Lin Jingzhi pointed to her head.

Then, she pointed the gun at another woman’s head and asked seductively, “What did you say about me earlier?”

“I… I didn’t curse you.”

“If you didn’t curse me, would I be pointing a gun at you?” Lin Jingzhi shouted, “Be honest, bullets don’t have eyes.”

“I’ll tell, I’ll tell.” The woman’s face turned pale as she said, “When I saw you getting hit earlier, I said it was satisfying and that I would drink a few more glasses tonight.”

“Is that all?”

“That’s all, I swear I didn’t curse you.”

“I believe you.” Lin Jingzhi smiled and said, “But a few glasses aren’t enough, drink a whole bottle.”

The woman looked puzzled, not understanding Lin Jingzhi’s meaning.

Lin Jingzhi pointed to the table beside the woman.

The woman turned her head and saw several bottles of wine on the banquet table. She immediately understood, and without hesitation, grabbed a bottle of red wine and started to drink.

“Wait!” Lin Jingzhi stopped her and said, “What’s the point of drinking red wine? White liquor is stronger.”

The woman’s face turned ashen.

“You dressed up so beautifully to come to a place like this, aren’t you here to catch a rich man? There’s a saying: a woman who doesn’t get drunk, how can a man sleep with her?” Lin Jingzhi glared at her, “Drink up!”

The woman, terrified, grabbed a bottle of white liquor and started chugging. After just one sip, she choked and coughed violently.

“Don’t stop, keep going.” Lin Jingzhi said with a smile, “After this bottle, there are three more.”

Instantly, the woman felt like dying.

The guests didn’t dare make a sound, all scared stiff by Lin Jingzhi’s ruthlessness.

After the woman finished the four bottles of white liquor, Lin Jingzhi’s gaze fell on Chen Tianzheng. She said, “Besides holding grudges, I have another bad habit: I never wait to take revenge.”


A gunshot rang out.

A blood hole appeared in the middle of Chen Tianzheng’s forehead.

[Author’s Note]

Only one chapter tonight, not feeling well. Will try to update earlier tomorrow. Please understand.


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