Chapter 61 – Die!

“Xiao Qingdi, I’m begging you, please don’t kill Ye Qiu, don’t do it…”

Bai Bing pleaded through tears.

She had brought Ye Qiu to the banquet hoping to show Xiao Qingdi that she had a boyfriend now, to get him to stop pursuing her. She never anticipated that it would lead to such a catastrophe, nor that Ye Qiu’s life would be at stake.

Lin Jingzhi sat in her wheelchair, lips pursed, eyes fixed on Xiao Qingdi with intensity.


Both Dragon King and Zhao Yun were extremely anxious.

“What should we do?” Zhao Yun asked.

“Leave it to fate!”

Dragon King sighed. Xiao Qingdi’s martial prowess was too formidable, despairingly so. Even if he and Zhao Yun intervened, they couldn’t withstand a single blow from Xiao Qingdi.

The outcome seemed inevitable.

Dragon King then added, “Regardless, Little Ye has saved my life. I owe him a debt of gratitude that must be repaid.”

“What do you mean?”

“If Little Ye dies, then I will kill Xiao Qingdi to avenge him.”

Zhao Yun was shocked.

Having served by Dragon King’s side for many years, he knew him to be a man of deep loyalty and honor. But he never imagined Dragon King would make such a decision.

“Dragon King, please reconsider this matter!” Zhao Yun cautioned.

Dragon King replied, “Before long, Ninety-Thousand-Year-Old will march south, and we will face a catastrophe. I am a man already close to death, with little time left. Rather than waiting to be annihilated, I’d prefer to avenge Little Ye before I die, repaying his kindness. That way, I can die without regrets.”

“Dragon King, there’s no need for this. We’ve already stepped in to help Ye Qiu; that should be enough to repay the favor.”

“A drop of water should be returned with a gushing spring, let alone a life-saving grace. Just now, we merely stepped forward and spoke a few words; how can that be considered repaying the debt?” Dragon King said solemnly, “Zhao Yun, there’s something I need to entrust to you.”

“Please tell me.”

“After I kill Xiao Qingdi, I need you to take my grandson, Little Tiger, and leave Jiangzhou immediately. I’ve bought a villa in Australia, a very secluded place where no one will find you.”

“Also, in the safe in my study, there’s a bank card with some money in it, enough for you and Little Tiger to live on for a lifetime.”

“You are the person I trust the most. I’m at ease leaving Little Tiger in your care. I won’t be able to see him grow up, but I hope you can stay by his side, raise him well, and see that he turns out successful.”

“And remember, unless Xiao Jiu is dead, never return to the country.”

Tears welling in his eyes, Zhao Yun nodded and asked, “When do you plan to act?”


Zhao Yun was startled; Dragon King intended to kill Xiao Qingdi right after Ye Qiu’s death, to avenge him.

“I’ll gather our brothers immediately,” Zhao Yun said.

“No need, I’ve already sent them a message.” Dragon King checked his phone and added, “There’s not enough time for them to arrive quickly; otherwise, we might have had a chance to save Little Ye.”

As they conversed in hushed tones, Xiao Qingdi had already approached Ye Qiu.


Xiao Qingdi stomped on Ye Qiu, cursing, “A piece of trash dares to be arrogant in front of me? You truly have a death wish.”

“Consider it an honor to die by my hand. Not everyone is as lucky as you to warrant my personal attention.”

“Unfortunately for you, you’ve thoroughly enraged me today.”

“Not only will I kill you, but I won’t spare those who helped you either.”

“I’ll kill Dragon King and that kid.”

“As for Lin Jingzhi… I’m somewhat reluctant to kill her. Such a beautiful woman, so seductive, she must be quite the sight in bed. It’s a pity you won’t get to see that. Once I’m bored with her, I’ll send her to work in a brothel. I’m sure many will be interested in her body, hahaha…”

Xiao Qingdi laughed maniacally.

Ye Qiu’s eyes were bloodshot, fists clenched, struggling to rise from the ground.

But after taking two punches from Xiao Qingdi, it felt like his internal organs had shifted. Despite exerting all his strength, he couldn’t get up.

“Right, if I remember correctly, you said you and your mother depend on each other, right?” Xiao Qingdi sneered, “After I kill you, I’ll capture your mother. Don’t worry, I won’t kill her. I’ll send her and that slut Lin Jingzhi to the brothel together.”


Ye Qiu roared in rage, desperately trying to rise, but Xiao Qingdi’s foot pinned him down, rendering him immobile. In frustration, he pounded the floor with his fists.

Before long, Ye Qiu’s hands were a bloody mess.

Many in the crowd turned away, unable to bear the sight.

Lin Jingzhi bit her lip, silent.

Bai Bing’s face was streaked with tears, crying out incessantly, “Don’t kill him, don’t kill him…”

But no one paid her any heed.

“I’ve lost interest in toying with you, trash. This final punch will send you to the afterlife.”

Xiao Qingdi finally lifted his foot, grabbed Ye Qiu by the hair, hoisted him up, and then viciously punched him in the chest.


Ye Qiu’s body was sent flying.

Outside the banquet hall was the hotel lobby. Ye Qiu’s body flew over ten meters, crashing into the lobby floor, creating a large crater.

He lay motionless.

Was he dead?

The entire place fell into a hushed silence.

“Ye Qiu…”

Lin Jingzhi’s eyes reddened, her grip on the armrest turning her knuckles white.

As for Bai Bing, she was completely stunned. After a while, she wept and said, “Ye Qiu, I’m sorry, it’s all my fault…”

Dragon King and Zhao Yun also looked on in sorrow.

Although their acquaintance with Ye Qiu was brief and not deep, the sight of him dying before their eyes was still heart-wrenching.

“Brother, may you find peace!”

“Little Ye, we’ll meet again in the netherworld!”

“Trash!” Xiao Qingdi cursed, turned around, his gaze lingering on Lin Jingzhi for a moment before fixing on Dragon King.

Dragon King knew Xiao Qingdi was coming for him next, and quickly instructed Zhao Yun, “Leave this place immediately, remember what I told you earlier, take Little Tiger abroad. Never return to the country unless Xiao Jiu is dead.”

Sure enough.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Qingdi declared, “I have a principle in life: if no one offends me, I won’t offend them. But if someone does, I eradicate them root and stem.”

“I hadn’t planned on dealing with you, but since you chose to meddle and oppose me on behalf of that kid, you leave me no choice. By killing you, I not only vent my anger but also earn a favor from Ninety-Thousand-Year-Old. Two birds with one stone, hahaha…”

Laughing heartily, Xiao Qingdi advanced towards Dragon King.

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