Chapter 49 – Because the banquet has rules: neither you nor dogs are allowed to enter!

The Four Young Masters of Jiangzhou!

Just hearing the title, one knows they’re not to be trifled with.

Ye Qiu chuckled softly, “I’ve only heard of the Four Heavenly Kings, never about any Four Young Masters of Jiangzhou.”

“Shush, keep it down,” Bai Bing glared at Ye Qiu, cautioning him, “Don’t talk like that in the future. If they hear you, you’re going to be in trouble.”

“Director Bai, why don’t you fill me in?”

Bai Bing explained, “The blonde youth leading the way is Feng Youling, ranked second among the Four Young Masters of Jiangzhou. His family is in the hotel business, and this Crystal Palace is one of their properties.”

“The short-haired young man behind him, looking quite composed, is Zhou Hao, twenty-nine years old. Being the eldest, he’s considered the ‘Boss’ among the Four Young Masters. His family mainly deals in real estate, with assets over ten billion.”

“As for the young man in the red suit, that’s Li Qiancheng, the youngest of the Four Young Masters. He’s quite the character.”

“Character?” Ye Qiu was curious.

“Put simply, he’s someone who doesn’t conform to traditional gender roles.”

Hearing Bai Bing’s explanation, Ye Qiu took a closer look and indeed, Li Qiancheng walked with a swaying waist, his demeanor very much like a woman’s.


Ye Qiu felt a wave of nausea.

“Li Qiancheng’s personality has a lot to do with his family background. He lost his father at a young age and was raised by his mother. Have you heard of the Beauty Group?” Bai Bing suddenly asked.

“I’ve heard of it, one of the largest cosmetic companies in the country.”

“That company was founded by Li Qiancheng’s mother,” Bai Bing said. “Most of the employees at the Beauty Group are female. You could say Li Qiancheng grew up surrounded by women, and naturally, he picked up some feminine habits.”

“But don’t underestimate him.”

Bai Bing continued, “Li Qiancheng started his own business two years ago, venturing into the media industry. Now, his company is valued at nearly a billion.”

Ye Qiu clicked his tongue in amazement, thinking to himself that appearances can be deceiving; who would have thought that such a flamboyant man could run such a successful business.

“Director Bai, there should be four people in the Four Young Masters of Jiangzhou, right? Where’s the fourth?” Ye Qiu asked.

“The last one is Wang Xuan, ranked third among the Four Young Masters,” Bai Bing said. “His family is in finance, also with assets of ten billion. However, Wang Xuan didn’t join the family business; instead, he teaches at Jiangzhou University.”

“Oh?” Ye Qiu was surprised. A super-rich second-generation teaching at a university was quite unbelievable.

Bai Bing went on, “I’m quite familiar with Wang Xuan. He’s upright and erudite, different from the other three prodigal sons.”

Ye Qiu became curious about Bai Bing’s identity and why she knew so much about the Four Young Masters of Jiangzhou.

Bai Bing warned Ye Qiu, “These three guys are no good. Be careful later on and try not to offend them to avoid trouble.”

“Got it,” Ye Qiu responded softly.

“And in front of them, we’re a couple, so don’t call me Director Bai.”

“Then what should I call you?”

“Sister Bai, or Sister Bing.”

“Alright, Sister Bing.”

As they were talking, Feng Youling and his group approached.

“Hahaha, Miss Bai, long time no see. You’re getting more beautiful,” Feng Youling laughed heartily, appearing very enthusiastic.

A faint smile appeared on Bai Bing’s face as she replied, “Indeed, it’s been a while. I’ve heard that the Crystal Palace is doing better and better. I suppose it’s all thanks to Young Master Feng’s unique vision and wisdom.”

“Miss Bai is not only beautiful but also speaks beautifully. No wonder Young Master Xiao is so smitten with you.”

At the mention of Xiao Qingdi, a hint of discomfort crossed Bai Bing’s face.

“By the way, why do I only see three of you? Where’s Wang Xuan?” Bai Bing quickly changed the subject.

“Miss Bai, you might not know, but Young Master Wang is heartbroken and secretly in pain,” Li Qiancheng said with a giggle, his fingers curled like an orchid.

“What happened to him?” Bai Bing asked urgently.

Feng Youling laughed, “Young Master Wang has been jilted.”

“I see. I hope he recovers from the heartbreak soon.”

At that moment, Feng Youling’s gaze fell on Ye Qiu, and he asked with curiosity, “Miss Bai, who is this gentleman? Aren’t you going to introduce us?”

Before Bai Bing could speak, Ye Qiu introduced himself, “I’m Ye Qiu, just a nobody.”

“Wow, you’re quite the joker. Everyone attending tonight’s banquet is a notable figure in Jiangzhou. Come on, which family’s young master are you?” Li Qiancheng winked at Ye Qiu.

Instantly, Ye Qiu felt his skin crawl.

This effeminate man was utterly repulsive.

Ye Qiu smiled faintly and said, “I’m not any family’s young master; I’m just a humble doctor at Jiangzhou Hospital.”

“You’re a doctor?” Li Qiancheng was taken aback. Although he had guessed that Ye Qiu wasn’t anyone significant, he was still surprised when Ye Qiu revealed his identity. A look of disdain appeared on his face as he said, “I thought you were some big family’s young master. Turns out you’re just a lowly doctor, how disappointing!”

Bai Bing’s expression turned cold as she said unhappily, “What do you mean by that, Mr. Li? Do you look down on doctors?”

Seeing Bai Bing getting angry, Li Qiancheng replied, “Miss Bai, it’s not that I look down on doctors, but bringing him to tonight’s event seems a bit inappropriate, don’t you think?”

“Miss Bai, may I ask what your relationship is with Mr. Ye?” Zhou Hao, who had been silent, suddenly spoke up.

Bai Bing, with her arm linked with Ye Qiu’s, smiled at the three men and said, “Let me formally introduce him: Ye Qiu, my boyfriend.”


The three men’s expressions changed drastically.

They all knew that tonight’s banquet was centered around Xiao Qingdi, who would be publicly proposing to Bai Bing.

Moreover, to make the proposal a sensation in Jiangzhou, Feng Youling and the others had made meticulous preparations and even invited prominent figures from Jiangzhou to attend. They never expected Bai Bing to bring a man to the banquet and introduce him as her boyfriend.

What to do now?

The three exchanged a glance, understanding that they could offend anyone but absolutely not Xiao Qingdi.

Not only because Xiao Qingdi was the younger brother of the Champion Marquis, Xiao Jiu, whom they couldn’t afford to offend, but also because they wanted to use Xiao Qingdi’s influence to elevate their families to top-tier status.

Realizing this, Feng Youling made a quick decision and gestured invitingly, saying, “Miss Bai, please come in!”

“Thank you.”

Bai Bing, arm in arm with Ye Qiu, headed towards the hotel. But just then—

Feng Youling suddenly stepped forward, blocking Ye Qiu’s path, and said, “Miss Bai can go in, but you cannot.”

“Why not?”

“Because the banquet has rules: neither you nor dogs are allowed to enter!”

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