Chapter 48 – Jiangzhou Four Young Masters

Ye Qiu was taken aback, not expecting the security guard to deny him entry. “Why can’t I go in?” he asked.

“Sir, the banquet has a rule that only those with an invitation and a matching name can enter. Unfortunately, your name isn’t on this invitation,” the security guard explained with a smile.

Ye Qiu frowned slightly.

“Forget it, let’s not attend the banquet. Let’s go back,” Bai Bing said, somewhat angrily, turning to leave.

“Hold on,” Ye Qiu called out to Bai Bing, then said to the security guard, “Please return the invitation to me.”

The guard handed the invitation back to Ye Qiu.

Ye Qiu pulled out a pen from his pocket, swiftly added his name to the invitation, and handed it back to the guard with a smile, “Now my name is on it. Can I go in now?”

The guard was completely baffled, having never encountered such a situation before!

“Sir, your case is quite special. I don’t have the authority to decide. Could you please wait here for a moment while I go and ask for instructions?”


On the fifth floor of the hotel was a luxurious presidential suite, where three young men sat drinking and chatting.

A short-haired youth asked the blond sitting on the sofa, “Youling, I heard Xiao Qingdi is quite arrogant and difficult to get along with. Is that true?”

Another youth, wearing earrings, eye shadow, and a red suit, also said, “Brother Youling, I also heard Xiao Qingdi is extremely domineering, doing whatever he wants because his brother is Champion Marquis Xiao Jiu. What if he bullies me? I’m really scared.”

“Li Qiancheng, can you not disgust me? I advise you, when Young Master Xiao arrives, try to speak less. He can’t stand people like you,” the blond retorted.

The youth in the red suit looked aggrieved and said plaintively, “Brother Youling, don’t be so harsh. I didn’t choose to be this way, but you know I grew up lacking a father’s love and overwhelmed by a mother’s. Can you blame me?”

“Li Qiancheng, your androgynous act is truly revolting. I suggest you go all the way and get a sex change abroad.”

“Brother Youling, you’re making fun of me again. If you keep this up, I won’t pay you any attention.”

“Good, then I won’t have to feel disgusted.”

“Whimper… Haoge, look, Brother Youling is bullying me,” Li Qiancheng complained to the short-haired youth.

The short-haired youth chuckled, “Youling is just joking, don’t take it seriously. By the way, Youling, when is Xiao Qingdi arriving?”

Feng Youling glanced at his watch and said, “He should be here soon.”

“Xiao Qingdi is about to arrive, why hasn’t Wang Xuan come?” the short-haired youth frowned.

Feng Youling laughed, “Haoge, you don’t know, but Young Master Xuan is probably at home crying his eyes out.”


“Because the woman he likes has caught Young Master Xiao’s eye.”

“Are you talking about Bai Bing?”

Feng Youling nodded, “Young Master Xuan has been secretly in love with Bai Bing for a long time and has never found the right moment to confess.”

“I’ve met Bai Bing once, she’s indeed beautiful. Honestly, even I was tempted, but since she’s the woman Xiao Qingdi is interested in, she’s out of our league. I hope Wang Xuan realizes this and doesn’t make a mistake.”

Feng Youling said with a smile, “Young Master Xuan just can’t see it. For people like us, a mere gesture brings women flocking to us. Why lose a forest over one tree, especially a tree we can never touch.”

“Yeah, Xiao Qingdi’s woman is off-limits to everyone,” the short-haired youth said, then asked, “By the way, Youling, is Xiao Qingdi easy to get along with?”

“Well, from what I know of him, Young Master Xiao is actually quite amiable to his own people,” Feng Youling said. “Last time I was in the Capital, Young Master Xiao even took me to a club. Haoge, you have no idea, the women there are top-notch, not just beautiful and well-shaped, but also with excellent service. I’m still longing to go back. I’ll take you there when I have the chance.”

Li Qiancheng chimed in with a coquettish tone, “Brother Youling, I want to go too. Will you take me along?”

“Get lost, you freak,” Feng Youling glared at Li Qiancheng fiercely.

“Brother Youling, you’re scolding me, you actually told me to get lost. I’ll, I’ll roll for you!” Li Qiancheng said and actually rolled on the floor a couple of times, causing Feng Youling and the short-haired youth to burst into laughter.

Then, Feng Youling said, “It’s getting late, let’s go downstairs to welcome Young Master Xiao. We don’t want him to think we’re neglecting him by not being there when he arrives.”

“Youling is right. We must treat Xiao Qingdi well this time. If he’s got our backs in the future, our families could become top-tier elites,” the short-haired youth said ambitiously.

“Let’s go!”

Feng Youling stood up from the sofa, but just then, there was a “knock knock” at the door.

Feng Youling paused and called out loudly, “Come in!”

The door opened, and a security guard walked in, saying respectfully, “Young Master Feng, there’s a situation I’m uncertain about and need to consult you.”

“What’s the matter?”

“It’s like this, there’s a guest for the dinner whose name wasn’t on the invitation, but he added it himself. I’m not sure if I should let him in?” After speaking, the guard handed the invitation to Feng Youling.

Feng Youling opened it and raised an eyebrow, “Is this Ye Qiu with Bai Bing?”


“How old is he? What’s his relationship with Bai Bing?” Feng Youling asked urgently.

The guard replied, “He looks to be in his early twenties, and he’s very close to Miss Bai, like her boyfriend.”

“I’ve investigated, Bai Bing hasn’t had a boyfriend since returning to the country. Where did this Ye fellow pop up from?” Feng Youling’s expression turned sour as he asked the short-haired youth and Li Qiancheng, “Have you heard of this person?”

“Never heard of him.”

“He’s probably not anyone important.”

Feng Youling said, “Young Master Xiao will propose to Bai Bing later. Regardless of who Ye Qiu is, to avoid complications, we can’t let him in.”

“I’ll go tell him right away,” said the guard.

“I’ll do it myself, I’m going to greet Young Master Xiao anyway.” Feng Youling left with the short-haired youth and Li Qiancheng, heading straight for the hotel entrance.

At the hotel entrance.

Bai Bing was growing impatient, frowning, “Why hasn’t that security guard come back?”

“Just wait a bit longer, he should be… there he is,” Ye Qiu said.

Bai Bing quickly looked up, first noticing Feng Youling leading the way, followed by Li Qiancheng and the short-haired youth, with the security guard trailing behind.

“Director Bai, who are they?” Ye Qiu also noticed the group and asked curiously.

Bai Bing had a bad feeling and said gravely, “They are the Four Young Masters of Jiangzhou!”

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